A must-read Op-Ed...

Jul 01, 2007 17:55

... from our new environmentalist overlord Al Gore: Moving Beyond Kyoto.

Just in the last few months, new studies have shown that the north polar ice cap - which helps the planet cool itself - is melting nearly three times faster than the most pessimistic computer models predicted. Unless we take action, summer ice could be completely gone in as ( Read more... )

democrats:al gore, open thread, environment, global warming

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Comments 6

asaresquares July 1 2007, 22:59:52 UTC
I love Al.


thisficklemob July 2 2007, 00:37:48 UTC
Me too, which is funny, because I didn't in 2000. I didn't dislike him, I was just, meh. (And also, dude, fight back!)

Now I'm torn between hoping he runs, because he'd be a good president, and hoping he doesn't because he'd lose some credibility (and lots of freedom to advocate and truth-tell) if he got back into politics. Plus, I'm not sure he's just being charmingly self-deprecating when he says he's not so good some aspects of politics.


asaresquares July 2 2007, 03:04:45 UTC
I liked him, but I'm under no delusions that I was one of the few.

I'm a Hil gal myself (it's lonely over here; blame the Obama fans), and if he ran, I'd be completely torn, since I adore him. But, I still feel that he's more of the President we'd want if we were a country facing just environmental issues, with maybe a few other problems thrown in. Given the current mess we're in, I'm not so sure. Honestly, it's gonna take a helluva candidate to save us. Oy. =(


thisficklemob July 2 2007, 03:39:35 UTC
Hey, Edwards is my current favorite, and he only sometimes gets mentioned as a contender.

And I think Gore could be pretty solid in other realms, too. The environment is his passion, but I don't discount his general capability, and I'm pretty confident he'd restore habeas corpus and such. I dunno how he'd get us out of Iraq, and that's the sort of thing I'd start asking if he ran.

For now, I just think wistfully of the presidency that would have been, had W's Dad's appointees not picked him instead.


thistlerose July 2 2007, 02:52:55 UTC
I love him. I met him back in '99, and he was so cool.

I hope he doesn't run again, though. I think he's doing more good now than he could as president, since he doesn't have Congress to trip him up. He can say whatever he pleases - and be a strong influence on the next president, I hope.


thisficklemob July 2 2007, 03:35:01 UTC
Yeah, that's the argument I lean towards. Still, that only works if the next president is open to it, which means, Democrat, and I'm not that confident in their environmental intentions - they talk a good talk, but if they're too much part of the Money Party, they won't do much.


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