Important Announcement

Feb 21, 2007 20:08

I really didn't want to do this, but...

Effective immediately, liberalrage is going to be on haitus for at least a couple weeks. I will still update if anything dramatic happens, like an impeachment or whatever, but basically this blog will be inactive.

What's going on? Basically, RL is kicking my ass. I'm taking on more hours at work and taking a class for the first time in 3 years, plus I have a regular LJ & I run a music community, and something has to give. My hope is that after I get myself more acclimated to school I won't be so stressed out & will be better able to maintain all three blogs. If that makes any sense.

Again, I'm sorry about this. liberalrage is like my baby and I hate to abandon it, but school is more important right now. Thanks for understanding!


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