The Environment: Well, at the UN climate change conference in Montreal, the U.S. are coming off as assholes, refusing to even agree to agree to more talks, (specifically for nations not signed on to Kyoto), because they might lead to limits on emissions.
You know it's bad when Canada's calling you out. On the bright side, yesterday
26 Senators
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Comments 8
Thank you :(. I've been telling all my friends that she's not my first choice for '08 (my first choice won't run;p) but that I'd proudly vote for her... and then she inexplicably decided to go GOP lite.
She's slowly losing the Dean side of the party and that's the side that you need to win or at least divide to win a primary (Kerry did pick up a lot of Dean people when Dean flamed out). I don't want to dislike her, I feel like she's a great person, but... she's really concerning me. It's so hard to find someone electable, especially when the Democrats are too noisy and rowdy to just blatantly lie about a candidate's position like the GOP does. ;p
It sucks, doesn't it. I hate that Democrats feel they have to run so hard to the center, because it ends up making them look unprincipled. And frankly, "We like family values too!", isn't going to win them "values voters". (And isn't that an offensive media-created term - I'm a "values voter" too, my values are just different than theirs.) Plus? Hillary's the presumptive candidate the Right wants. They give lip service to her being the nominee, because they know they can rile the base against her. Why should we let them choose? Can you imagine what we could do if we chose their nominee?
It's so hard to find someone electable, especially when the Democrats are too noisy and rowdy to just blatantly lie about a candidate's position like the GOP does.Yeah. But I tend to agree with Michael Moore - it's about candidates who can move people, reach people, and include people. On paper, John Kerry was a perfect "safe" candidate. But he had little charisma and ran a mediocre "safe" ( ... )
Frankly, it should all be done in one shot. One day.
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