Surrealness! I just answered the door to a canvasser from our local MP. An attractive, young, blonde canvasser with good shoes.
punkalou, in fact, whom I haven't seen for almost two years. Cue much squeaking of "ohmygod!" and bemused giggling. L, maybe we should meet up sometime and drink wiiiiiine?
I had an excellent weekend. On Friday evening
shreena and
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Comments 23
Wiiine is indeed a good idea, but can't make plans at the moment because tend to be working until stupidly late. It's likely to be less manic next week though, as we will have finished yet another mailout...
people you've probably forgotten, or even of whom you may never have really been aware, think about you quite often, a bit like in the cheery forwards which well-meaning people send but which so often just make it worse. i can't speak for the others; but you have my sympathy and best wishes, if not my acquaintance. lost, alone, and that other one. take care you.
Still, the sentiments and the thrill of mystery are very much appreciated. (Your IP address suggests you're in Oxford, but I can't think why you'd suppose I'm not aware of you, if that's the case... intriguing!)
fair enough. I don't speak computer very well.
I am hoping to be at Cambridge next year. Clare have accepted me for the one-year MPhil in Classics, but whether I can do it depends on the generosity of the AHRB. If I can't afford the course, I'll probably defer and work in Cambridge, so I'll still be around.
I have some guesses as to your identity, but I am too shy to reveal them. Which, I suppose, leaves us at a bit of an impasse.
If you're any of the people I think you are, you should start writing again. If you're the one I hope you are, then you really should write again because as it is I occasionally find myself getting such a craving for you (like Dionysus for Euripides!) that I have to go and read your old entries, and that's kind of lame. So yes. Write more!
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