Friends clean up

Dec 06, 2005 14:41

Weeded out some folks that I never hear from and/or never see posts from. Nothing but housekeeping, please don't take it personally... if I de-friended you and you do actually read me but just like to stay quiet, please let me know and I'll happily add you back in.

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Comments 49

soubrettic May 12 2006, 05:58:21 UTC
I was directed to you by grail76, who thought we might get along (and I loved the beginning of your bio, by the way). Would you consider adding me?


liatha May 12 2006, 09:26:48 UTC
done :) Welcome.


soubrettic May 12 2006, 12:11:32 UTC
Thank you! I've added you back, if that's OK.


liatha May 12 2006, 12:20:33 UTC
Of course :)


deidreschmeidre May 21 2006, 23:34:13 UTC
Hello there. Nice to meet you. i came across your little piece of live journal here when looking for others who are slaves and who have other interests in common with my own. i was hoping to be added if i may. my own lj is a little difficult to read as it is written in 3rd person, the way Master allows me to speak. (fair warning) i look forward to getting to know more about you. Thank you ~deidre~


liatha May 22 2006, 00:43:33 UTC
Done. Welcome to my world.

Please be aware that I no longer read or write in LJ terribly often (2-3 times a week rather than my previous every day). They blocked LJ at my work, which has seriously curtailed my posting time.

Also, be aware my journal is much more often about what is going on in my vanilla life than it is expositions on my thoughts and feelings regarding my lifestyle choices, my fantasies or the details of my bdsm life and relationships.

My thanks for the warning regarding the style in your LJ. Please don't be offended if I don't read you very often. I don't know you, and I don't mean to judge you... if your life works for you, then so be it and more power to you. But the online affectations of referring to oneself in the third person and of slaughtering the English language through improper usage of capitalization are things that tend to drive me absolutely batty.


deidreschmeidre May 22 2006, 00:51:18 UTC
Gee...there's nothing quite like driving someone batty and making a bad impression right from the start. I'm sorry, but that you for adding me. I'll make sure that when I post here I do so in a grammatically correct format. As a former English Major I do understand how crazy lack of attention to spelling, sentence structure and written presentation can make one.


deidreschmeidre May 22 2006, 00:52:42 UTC
ahem...ok...there I am bitching along with you and I make my own mistake. I meant to say "thank you for adding me"


Howdy jantis August 24 2006, 04:51:21 UTC
I finally remembered to post!


Re: Howdy liatha August 24 2006, 10:31:26 UTC

How on earth did you find THIS ancient post? You're already on my friends list... how odd.


_lucretia August 24 2006, 15:37:50 UTC
Hi, Liatha, it's me, Luc. I'm just posting to ask if you'd add me to your friends list. My livejournal account is currently pretty inactive, but I do have a blogger I update somewhat frequently if you'd ever want to head over that way.

Glad to hear things are going well for you. I miss reading your stories.


liatha August 24 2006, 16:00:06 UTC
I actually dont write much anymore. added you hon. Gimme a link to your blogger and I'll try to remember to head over. :)


_lucretia August 24 2006, 16:06:07 UTC
That's ok, I don't post much either. I struggle to post weekly even. But, it's nice to keep in touch. I added you as a friend too and you should be able to see this post where my new blog is. It doesn't allow private/friends post, so I don't publish the URL.


liatha August 24 2006, 16:14:15 UTC
LOL. No no, I meant I don't write stories much anymore. I try to post to LJ at least a few times a week. There were times in the past where I was posting multiple times a day.


ebullientjenn December 8 2006, 16:16:56 UTC
Greetings, on the recommendation of the lovely and talented make_your_move, I have friended you. She mentioned that you had WLS recently. I'm about 11 days out from surgery myself.

So, how are you doing with it? I'm still on liquids and sick of it, but considering I've lost 15 pounds since surgery, I'm not complaining.


liatha December 8 2006, 17:03:33 UTC
Welcome welcome!

Mym told me to expect you, and I actually had emailed her this morning to get your name so I could add you back, since I understand not wanting to exert yourself too much right after surgery.

I'm just about 5 months out from my surgery and have lost 96 pounds. I have so much to talk to you about, but I'm at work at the moment so I don't have much time to babble. I have added you to my WLS filter, so if you feel up to it you can click on the WLS tag over there and get access to... a chunk of my WLS posts. Some things didn't get tagged... and of course, any questions you have please feel free to ask.

The biggest thing to keep in mind is that everyone's experience with WLS is different, but as long as we are there to support each other through it it will all work out in the end. We've both been lucky to have Mym in our cheering section. I'm more than happy to share my own experiences with you.

More later, promise!


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