Happy Anniversary!

Jan 14, 2011 06:24

Ten years ago today, the first two gay couples were legally married in Canada. There were death threats, and the minister wore a bullet-proof vest, just in case, but everything went off without a hitch ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

kohaku_imaki55 January 14 2011, 16:53:31 UTC
Indeed, Congratulations to them both. In Canada is gay marriage legal in all provinces or did each province have to pass the law separately? Here in the states each state is deciding that issue individually and California where I live, surprisingly for such a leading state, it has not been passed yet. The radical right has been lying and preying on people's fears. It has been treated emotionally rather than reasonably. To me it is about equal protection under the law.


lianneb January 15 2011, 13:48:17 UTC
It started with the individual provinces, with their supreme courts deciding that banning gay marriage violated statements of equality. Finally, the federal government threw up their hands and said they would make it legal cross-country.

It came up at work today (long story), and my boss was 'it's only been a year or two, surely?' and was amazed when I showed that it really was the tenth anniversary.

Mind you, gays have been able to serve openly in the military for nearly twenty years now, so figure that into how long it will take in the states.

(And California did pass it. They just un-passed it really fast)


kohaku_imaki55 January 15 2011, 16:27:25 UTC
Yes I remember that, its going through the courts now and hopefully will be resolved soon. My mother who is accepting of gay rights, thinks the fact that there is a already a law allowing domestic partnerships is enough. What she doesn't understand is if the couple moves to an other state, they have to start all over, and what if it is a state that doesn't have a domestic partnership law. With marriage it is recognized even in states that don't have gay marriage.


vequinox January 14 2011, 20:09:32 UTC

Good on them! :D


lianneb January 15 2011, 14:10:33 UTC
I know, amazing isn't it!

And our military hasn't fallen apart in the nearly twenty years since they made it legal for gays to serve openly.

Wow. Gays with the same rights as straights, and Canada hasn't self-destructed yet. And the fact that we came out of the financial crisis better off than the US might say something...


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