A long time ago in LJ Land, when I was working out my thoughts
[1] on how there are three types of beauty
[2], I talked about an idea by my great buddy,
mallon04008, regarding value and what it is:J. [
mallon04008] is interested in law and economic-types of stuff and such, things low on my list of interests -- but he is very bright. (Outside our fields though, we share a
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Returning back to these discussions, I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not, but couldn't one say that everything has been assigned a value by God, in which case, that value is now intrinsically attached? Even before you replied with this question, I had started considering this. Yes, I think this is highly likely that this is the case. In fact, for the purposes of this argument, I am willing to concede it. My thought then is, given this is true, what are the practical implications of this? At first blush, the answer is nothing at all or perhaps not much. Humans have two major means of expressing value: time and money. Both of these have no meaning to God. That is to say, they have no value communication properties for God (I think you understand what I mean by this). So how can he communicate His valuations? How can we possibly know what God's value is for (let's use the favorite example) a painting? The simple answer we cannot. So in the ( ... )
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