VM Coloring Tutorial

May 16, 2007 19:33


Involves adjustment layers, no selective coloring. I'm using PS7, might be translatable but I'm not sure. Let me know!

Take your image (mine provided by vm-caps) and crop it to 100x100. Duplicate your base and set it to screen. (You may need to do this multiple times depending on the image.)


**IMPORTANT NOTE: These next two steps (steps 2 & 3) I learned from 
brasaremean in her original tut found here at

Make a curves adjustment layer. To do this go to Image>Adjustments>Curves. Another way (easier way) is to click on the black and white circle in your navigator and go up to "curves". ( Need a visual?)

Input: 106 Output: 150
Input: 115 Output: 137
Input: 114 Output: 130
Input: 82 Output: 142

Set this layer to soft light.


Another curves layer. A much more painful one. ;) We're only using RGB on this one.

To make each of these, just click anywhere on the line and type the numbers in their corresponding boxes. You'll be clicking 6 different times making six different points.

Point One: Input: 8 Output: 0
Point Two: Input: 33 Output: 79
Point Three: Input: 63 Output: 142
Point Four: Input: 91 Output: 186
Point Five: Input: 167 Output: 245
Point Six: Input: 225 Output: 253

Set this layer to multiply.


Duplicate your base layer and drag it to the top. Set this layer to screen. For this particular cap I set it to screen at 50%, but it completely depends on the coloring of your cap.


Go to Image>Adjustments>Variations. Keep it under "midtones", and slide the carrot to under the "e" in "fine".

Click on "More Blue" 5 times, "More Cyan" five times, "More Yellow" once, "More Blue" once, "More Cyan" once. So it's like this: blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, cyan, cyan, cyan, cyan, cyan, yellow, blue, cyan.


And that's it! That last step really really depends on your original cap. It's different for every cap. I usually use a lot of blue and cyan, some yellow, rarely any red, even more rarely magenta, and never green. It's a lot of clicking, but it's easy! :)



Other icons made using this method:



Try it and let me know what you think! I'd really love to see what you come up with!! And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

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icons: veronica mars, icons: tutorial, icons

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