Shortbus (2006) is an American comedy drama revolving around a salon in New York City and its patrons. The main characters are Sofia, a sex therapist who's never had an orgasm, and James, who's secretly planning his suicide and therefore convinces his boyfriend Jamie that they should open up their relationship (so that Jamie won't be alone after James's death). There's also a variety of other characters, including Severin the dominatrix, Sofia's husband Rob, and Caleb, a stalker neighbour who's obsessively shipping Jamie/James and can't stand the thought of other people 'invading' their relationship.
Though the film has lots of sexually explicit scenes, I don't think it's pornographic: the characters are longing for emotional honesty and real connections with others, using sex as a means to obtain this, which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. It's a quite uplifting, very human, story that manages to balance serious issues (depression, suicide, etc.) with humour and warmth.
The film's Wikipedia page (NB: the plot section contains spoilers)
The film's page at IMDb