Prompts (Fandoms 'Firefly' - 'Life on Mars')

Mar 04, 2009 08:41

These prompts are available for claiming for lgbtfest. To claim a prompt, follow the instructions in the prompt claiming post.

Prompts can be claimed twice, although we strongly encourage you to choose a prompt that hasn't already been claimed. Please don't request a prompt that has already been claimed twice.

Fandoms are listed in alphabetical order. Books are listed by title or series name. RPF fandom prompts are listed under RPF (specific RPF fandom). Crossovers are listed under "C."

Prompts (Fandoms 'Firefly' - 'Life on Mars')

  1. Firefly, any characters and/or OC(s), The myths and realities of being an LGBT Companion.
  2. Firefly, Inara, Being a companion means choosing who you sleep with. Why doesn't Mal understand that?
  3. Firefly, Inara Serra, Inara Serra, and her refusal to see popular concepts of sexuality, gender constructs and homosexuality in the way that everybody else around her seems to.
  4. Firefly, Inara Serra, Some people would have a problem with the fact that Inara doesn't just have sex with women for credits, but she is sure that Book will understand.
  5. Firefly, Jayne Cobb(/OMC), Jayne's crewmates have always assumed he'd sleep with anything bipedal, but when they learn he's had a male lover on Persephone for years, he's not sure how to explain that his bisexuality isn't just about lust or opportunism.
  6. Firefly, Jayne/Simon, Jayne tries to convince himself that as long as keeps sleeping with women on the side, he isn't really sly.
  7. Firefly, Kaylee, when Simon finally tells Kaylee that he's sly, she starts to wonder about her own fascination with Inara.
  8. Firefly, Kaylee Fry, After growing up on an isolated planet, Kaylee finds it hard to decide what labels apply to her.
  9. Firefly, Kaylee Frye, Kaylee keeps quiet about her romantic run-ins with girls, not cos she's not proud, but cos she wants to have at least one secret on this boat.
  10. Firefly, Kaylee Frye, Seeing Inara with a female client in 'War Stories' forces the mechanic to consider her own sexual identiy.
  11. Firefly, Kaylee Frye and Inara Serra (Kaylee/Inara wonderful, but not necessary), After seeing Inara with a woman client, Kaylee starts to think about her own sexuality. Who better to talk to about it than a friend and Companion?
  12. Firefly, Kaylee/Simon, Kaylee loves Simon, but she misses women. Simon has always thought that fidelity and love equate to sex with only one person.
  13. Firefly, Mal, Crossdressing during the war makes Mal realize some things.
  14. Firefly, Mal/Simon, Simon discovers that being sly might be accepted on the Rim, but wearing women's clothes isn't.
  15. Firefly, Malcolm Reynolds, Young Mal first discovers the promise of freedom that the sky offers. (Mal is FtM).claimed by the_summoning_d
  16. Firefly, Malcolm Reynolds/Inara Serra, Mal doesn't think he can be 'everything' to Inara, and fears that loving her will take her away from the gender-accepting omnisexuality she lives in. Kaylee thinks that lovin' someone don't have nothin' to do with how they're plumbed, but Mal doesn't believe it's that simple.
  17. Firefly, Malcolm Reynolds/Inara Serra, there's something he has - or rather, doesn't have - that he can't let anyone know about. He used to be a she, and he can't let any woman get close enough to him to know about that.
  18. Firefly, River, River works just as well as a boy's names as it does a girl's, and reminding everyone to say "he" instead of "she" is less of a bother each day. The only thing River can't understand is why Simon is so upset at having a brother now instead of a sister. claimed by allaroughdraft
  19. Firefly, River Tam, She may be a genius but River doesn't really understand relationships. And being raised in a prudish Core household doesn't help. Kaylee and Inara try to explain same-sex attraction to her (Possibly after she walks in at an inconvenient moment)
  20. Firefly, River/any female character or OC, River laments on her fascination with another female in her na?ve way via internal monologue. She looks at a hetero relationship in her comparison of how another female makes her feel. This could be very humorous.
  21. Firefly, Shepherd Book, Some days it seems like everyone on Serenity is sleeping with or has designs on everyone else, and half of them want his spiritual advice on the subject.
  22. Firefly, Simon (could be Simon/Mal or Simon/Jayne), A female member of the crew is pregnant, and Simon realizes that he is envious of her. He isn't sure what that means.
  23. Firefly, Simon Tam, The realisation that the old concepts of gender and sexuality don't count for much out in the Black forces Simon to reconsider a few things.
  24. Firefly, Simon/Jayne, He's pretty much stuck on a ship with six other people and, yeah, he they're his family and he loves them, but sometimes he wishes he didn't have to pretend just so he wasn't so lonely.
  25. Firefly/Serenity, Inara, Companions aren't supposed to want more, so Inara usually chooses clients she can feel detached from. When she indulges herself with a female client, she has to address the issue of whether she can really detach herself from her own sexuality.
  26. Firefly/Serenity, Mal/Simon, Certain sexualities are a bit more open minded in the core then they are out on the rim. When Mal finds Simon in his bunk doing something not of the norm, how does he react to it? (can be fantasizing about Mal, maybe wearing one of Inara's dresses, etc...)
  27. Five Gods Universe (Lois Bujold), Umegat, any story about Umegat's homosexuality.
  28. Freaks and Geeks, any characters, confused about sexually but ultimately coming out - reactions of other characters w/ possibly romance claimed by violetion
  29. Friday Night Lights, Jason/Herc, everybody knows there are no queers in rugby claimed by executrix
  30. Friday Night Lights, Tim Riggins, realizing you're gay in conservative small-town Texas.
  31. Friday Night Lights, Tim Riggins/Jason Street, Ten years later, two lovers living (large) in Texas... despite everything.
  32. Fringe, Olivia Dunham, at this point, just staying alive and protecting people seems like it's more important than anything she might be realizing about herself.
  33. Fringe, Olivia Dunham, the latest Pattern incident brings up things from Olivia's past that she doesn't want to talk about (any or any combination of lgbt)
  34. Fringe, Peter Bishop, being gay is just one of the many things he's not telling his father.
  35. Fringe, Peter Bishop/Olivia Dunham/(John Scott), Peter is bi, and dealing with the fact he's sleeping with Olivia more for the John in her head, than for her. claimed by crazylittleelf
  36. Fringe, Walter Bishop/William Bell, the world changes as they hide together in their lab
  37. From Eroica With Love, Eroica and his men, In canon the openly gay art thief Eroica leads a highly skilled break-in crew of criminals who are all also gay men. How did he go about setting something like that up, and why? How did they all meet? What is it like to be a part of that?
  38. Futurama, Bender/Fry, Bender doesn't want anyone to know they're robosexuals, which confuses Fry. Fry is more worried about the fact that they're both guys, which confuses Bender.
  39. Garth Marenghi's Darkplace, any characters, A lost episode of Darkplace dealing with what Garth referred to as "The Gay Issue." The fact that it is co-written by Dean Learner is, of course, completely coincidental. claimed by smilesawakeyou
  40. Gattaca, any characters, In a future that strives to erase so many of humanity's variations, what is life like for LGBT people?
  41. Generation Kill, Brad Colbert/Ray Person, In addition to the usual problems gays in the military have, what happens when Ray is outed to his family back home and Brad's constant joking about them being stereotypical southern "hicks" rings true for how they react, i.e., badly? claimed by shoshannagold
  42. Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, as if the situation in Iraq wasn't already fucked up enough an unlawful relationship certainly didn't help matters any
  43. Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, Barack Obama plans to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell, but that's only the first step for Brad and Nate to come out. How do an aspiring writer/politician and a Marine Corps GySgt navigate the uncharted waters of being gay in the public's eye?
  44. Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, Brad trying to figure out how open he can be about his sexuality during his time working with the British Royal Marines
  45. Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, Bravo 2 looks like one big happy family, but the platoon has issues when Brad's boyfriend, Nate, takes over as their commanding officer. claimed by mydocuments
  46. Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, dealing with one's sexuality in an environment where homophobic insults are part of everyday conversation claimed by mydocuments
  47. Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, leaving the corps didn't mean he no longer had to worry about the UCMJ. He might be a grad student at Harvard, but retiring definitely wasn't on Brad's immediate horizon. claimed by bluflamingo
  48. Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, Nate had assumed that the atmosphere at Harvard would be a lot more accepting of his and Brad's relationship, but when Brad comes for a visit he realizes that he might have assumed too much
  49. Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, negotiating through the LGBT community was made a lot more difficult when your boyfriend's job necessitated silence about your relationship claimed by ruggerdavey
  50. Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, not only do they have to worry about the threat of DADT, Nate is an officer, and Brad is enlisted. How do they establish their relationship, post-Iraq, when they're breaking the rules of the UCMJ at every turn? claimed by shoshannagold
  51. Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, one or the other (or both) coming out to parents after the return from Iraq
  52. Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, Reconnaissance Marines are trained to observe. That's their job. What are the implications of trying to hide your relationship among people by whom nothing goes unnoticed?
  53. Generation Kill, Brad/Nate, there were times when Brad contemplated voting Democrat just to get rid of Don't Ask Don't Tell
  54. Generation Kill, Nate Fick/Brad Colbert, Don't Ask, Don't Tell isn't just a formality for most of their friends.
  55. Gilmore Girls, Rory Gilmore, She knew that her mom would love her no matter what but that didn't mean coming out wouldn't disappoint her
  56. Gilmore Girls, Rory/Paris, Rory and Paris have fought for years to make same-sex marriage legal in Connecticut. Now it is, and Star's Hollow is already busy planning the wedding. Trouble is, the prospective brides aren't sure they want to go through with it.
  57. Gilmore Girls, Rory/Paris, Rory's not sure if her mother and grandparents are more upset about her being gay, or about the specific woman she's chosen to spend her life with.
  58. Gilmore Girls, Rory/Paris, What happens when being in an open relationship with another woman interferes with Paris's career ambitions.
  59. Girlfriends, Mari/Akko, telling anyone that they're a couple
  60. Goldeneye, Alec Trevallyan/James Bond, James has such a reputation with the ladies, does Alec have a chance with him?
  61. Good Omens, Adam Young, Pepper hates wearing women's clothing, but Adam *loves* to. Is he just into drag, or is he actually transgendered? He's strongly questioning. He *tries* not to mess with the fabric of reality too much, but...would it really be bad to fix a mistake?
  62. Good Omens, Aziraphale, Humans often think that Aziraphale is gayer than a thing that is very gay, and it turns out they're right. For him, the surprise isn't that he's attracted to men, it's that he has a sexuality in the first place. claimed by sticktothestory
  63. Good Omens, Aziraphale and Crowley or Aziraphale/Crowley, They're having another one of their hilariously incoherent drunken theological debates. This one is about lust, love, sin, eros and agape, and "deviant" sexuality. They're both trying to hide that this is not academic or hypothetical for either of them.
  64. Good Omens, Crowley, Aziraphale, In an effort to understand humans better, Crowley experiments sexually. Aziraphale wants to know why the male human Crowley picked as a lover looks so much like Aziraphale.
  65. Good Omens, Crowley/Aziraphale, Aziraphale made an effort for Crowley and is no longer sexless. Now he faces a trial where he has to justify his actions before his peers.
  66. Good Omens, Greasy Johnson, In Which Greasy Johnson confesses that the reason he always tormented the Them is that he had a crush on Adam. Adam decides that, now that Greasy's gay and all, the Them need to support him in his troubles. Hilarity ensues (for everyone but Greasy.)
  67. Good Omens, Pepper, She really is one of the boys. If only anyone believed her.
  68. Good Omens, Pepper, You'd think that coming out to a woman who happily called her daughter 'Pippin Galadriel Moonchild' would be rather easy.
  69. Good Omens, Pepper and the Them, They've always seen her as one of the lads. How can Pepper make the Them understand that being a lesbian doesn't make her any less of a woman? claimed by glinda_penguin
  70. Gossip Girl, any characters, experiences dressing as the opposite gender.
  71. Gossip Girl, any characters, someone is outed by Gossip Girl.
  72. Gossip Girl, Blair Waldorf, Serena van der Woodsen, Chuck Bass, Nate Archibald, one of these characters comes out (on purpose or not). Complications ensue. The Non-judging Breakfast Club springs into action.
  73. Gossip Girl, Blair Waldorf or Jenny Humphrey, can she be LGBT and still be the Constance queen bee?
  74. Gossip Girl, Blair Waldorf/Nate Archibald/Chuck Bass, future!fic - coming out or living as poly in Manhattan society.
  75. Gossip Girl, Chuck Bass, he's Chuck Bass. Do traditional labels apply?
  76. Gossip Girl, Chuck Bass/Nate Archibald, after four years away at college, Nate isn't willing to be Chuck's dirty little secret anymore.
  77. Gossip Girl, Chuck/Dan, Chuck loved Blair and Dan loved Serena; neither of them lied. Explaining the concept of bisexuality is tricky when you've just become Gossip Girl's newest gay sensation.
  78. Gossip Girl, Nate Archibald/Chuck Bass or Nate Archibald/Dan Humphrey, away from the pressures of the Upper West Side at USC, Nate experiments with what it really means for him to be gay or bisexual.
  79. Grease, Danny/Kenickie, they've always been friends, but there was one night, long ago, when something more (up to the author) happened. After ten years of marriage with its ups and downs, they're on a trip alone together and memories of that night resurface. It's the end of the sixties/beginning of the seventies, where these things are no longer completely behind closed doors, and the guys have talk, leading to another encounter. They have to figure out if it's even possible for it to be more than this one encounter, and if they do, how they're going to handle it.
  80. Grease, Danny/Kenickie, they've drifted into a relationship, but what happens when they have to decide whether to marry their girls or not? One wants to keep things as they are, the other wants to be together openly.
  81. Grease, Sandy and Rizzo (Sandy/Rizzo or not as the author likes), realising that being in love with a man is more about what their families expected than what they wanted, and that they enjoy their time together more than their time with their boyfriends. This leads to an experimental kiss that has one or both realising their sexuality. Whether or not they both realise they want a woman, they are completely supportive of each other's choices.
  82. Grease, Sandy/Rizzo, "to cry in front of you, that's the worst thing I could do," was about Sandy. Rizzo has feelings for her that are only exacerbated by Sandy's transformation into a bad girl. Except Rizzo doesn't want it to be about being a bad girl, or about Sandy experimenting, so when a kiss happens in front of the guys (Danny and Kenickie), and Sandy seems eager to do more kissing while the boys are enjoying what they see, Rizzo has to figure out if it's showing off for the boys or more. And if she is willing to go along with showing off for the boys if it means getting to be with Sandy."
  83. Green Arrow, Connor Hawke, Connor's known he was gay for a while now, but he's never wanted to come out because being Oliver Queen's gay son would be a *joke*.
  84. Grey's Anatomy, Bex Singleton (from 2.13," "Begin the Begin")", Five ways Bex interprets hir gender identity.
  85. Grey's Anatomy, Derek Shepherd/Mark Sloan, They've been friends for years. There was Addison. There is Meredith. But when Mark tells Derek that he came to Seattle to get him back (as seen in canon, it doesn't presume a previous relationship), it changes things completely, in ways neither of them expected. What's it like to come out at Seattle Grace? Extra bonus points if the Callie/Erica storyline is worked in here.
  86. Guardians Of Time, any character, not *all* soulmates have to be the opposite gender after all... Despite those who think that they must.
  87. Guardians Of Time, Charlotte(/Lathenia), How does one deal with being a lesbian in the dark ages? repression. How does one deal with being a lesbian upon coming back to life in modern times? A whole different story...
  88. Gundam Wing, Quatre Winner, Being the only male child in the family had an effect on Quatre. He was not, as his father once feared, gay...but he did not feel male, and he knew his father would like that even less. His father, however, is gone now, and with the war over, Quatre can finally do something about it.
  89. Gundam Wing, Relena, When the issue of gay rights takes center stage, Relena ponders whether she should come out.
  90. Gundam Wing, Relena/Dorothy, Relena causes a stir when she shows up to a ball, with Dorothy on her arm, and can they weather the aftermath?
  91. Gundam Wing, Relena/Dorothy, Relena wonders whether she has always liked girls, or if the whole thing started with Dorothy, either way, all she knows is she doesn't want to go back.
  92. Gundam Wing, Treize Khushrenada/Zechs Merquise, Sleeping with your commanding officer is never considered to be in good taste. When your commanding officer is the same gender as you things just get messy
  93. Hairspray, Amber/A dynamite, She's finally decided to rebel against her mother, although it appears that she might have decided to rebel against everybody else too... (Bonus points for Tracy and Penny being supportive!)
  94. Hairspray, any, the next great civil rights fight is for gay rights
  95. Hairspray, Corny, Corny has to figure out a way to fend off Maybelle's advances. It's not that he's not grateful, and he's flattered, really, but he's got his own interests in equality and civil rights.
  96. Hairspray, IQ/Corny, They're grateful and all that they found each other, but stealing kissing in hidden corners offstage is frustrating. IQ wants to know when it's their turn to march.
  97. Hairspray (the musical), Motormouth Maybelle, civil rights leaders have to set an example for the community
  98. Hamlet, Horatio, Horatio should have been born an antique Roman, or perhaps a Greek.
  99. Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, It's been interesting watching the world change for queer people over such a long life.
  100. Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, One of the benefits of the closet is that no one questions his close mentoring relationships with his students. Is that a trade-off he's willing to make?
  101. Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore and Luna Lovegood, "Miss Lovegood, people of our proclivities have long been subject to the kind of abhorrent behavior you describe." In her third year, Luna comes out of the closet.
  102. Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore/male character, Being gay doesn't mean he was celibate and lonely. Explore one or more of Dumbledore's relationships after Grindelwald.
  103. Harry Potter, any character, A transgender student comes to Hogwarts. claimed by loneraven
  104. Harry Potter, any character, an unorthodox couple win the annual cocksucking contest claimed by nemo_r
  105. Harry Potter, any character, homophobic or transphobic bullying at Hogwarts
  106. Harry Potter, any character, how does a relationship change when one of the partners comes out as FtM (lesbian relationship turns het?, het relationship turn gay?, something else entirely?)
  107. Harry Potter, any character, institutional homophobia and/or transphobia amongst the Aurors claimed by toujours_nigel
  108. Harry Potter, any character, life post-Voldemort has been easier for LGBT people, and why.
  109. Harry Potter, any character, Muggles and Muggle-born wizards and witches are far better at understanding what it means to be queer than those from magical families.
  110. Harry Potter, any character, Pride week claimed by angelikitten
  111. Harry Potter, Any character, Someone casts a spell to turn all the queer students (and faculty?) blue. (Also riffing off of the "Am I Blue?" book.)
  112. Harry Potter, any character, the aftermath of a homophobic assault in Diagon Alley
  113. Harry Potter, any character/s," reflection on how gender and sexuality interacts with House-based bullying ("Everyone knows Slytherin boys are a bunch of queers!", "Big butch Hufflepuff girls!", etc).
  114. Harry Potter, Any characters, A pureblood witch or wizard is shocked to find that homosexual relationships are frowned upon in muggle society claimed by toujours_nigel
  115. Harry Potter, any characters, In _Goblet of Fire_, a previously closeted character asks a same-sex classmate to the Ball. claimed by lily_pearl
  116. Harry Potter, any characters, Life is too short when there's a war on. A canon character begins living as another gender while still at Hogwarts, and has to deal with people's reactions.
  117. Harry Potter, any characters, Sex-reassignment magic has been classified as Dark for centuries. That doesn't mean it isn't still practiced in secret. claimed by iambickilometer
  118. Harry Potter, any characters, The Hogs Head pub may not be scenic, but it's always been discreet. claimed by phelixstar
  119. Harry Potter, any characters," When the Aurors' newest recruit decides to challenge MLE's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, s/he encounters opposition - and support - from the most unlikely sources.claimed by melayneseahawk
  120. Harry Potter, any characters, With magic, sex-reassignment-surgery-by-potion is quick, relatively painless, and produces ideal results; what is the response when a trans member of the magic community embarks on a mission to share the potion with Muggle transfolk?
  121. Harry Potter, any female character (ideally of Harry's generation), female character comes out as trans* after finishing school, how will his friends and family react?
  122. Harry Potter, any Weasley, Character fears his brothers' reactions when they find out that he's gay or bi.
  123. Harry Potter, Blaise Zabini, Blaise is FtM, how does he cope at Hogwarts
  124. Harry Potter, Blaise Zabini, People have a hard time figuring out Blaise's gender - and that's just fine with Blaise. claimed by loopily
  125. Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory, Cedric never died. He grew up, fought bravely in the war, and eventually married a nice girl ... just like his parents expected. But at thirty, he's depressed and drinking too much because he's hiding a large part of himself. Someone from his past (Harry or Zach preferred, but not required; can even be a female friend) helps him face the door of lies keeping him in the closet.
  126. Harry Potter, Cedric/Draco, Both are purebloods dealing with a society that is not overly embracing of their orientation. Each have their own way of dealing with "coming out". They can be a couple or friends."
  127. Harry Potter, Charlie Weasley, what is it like to be the only gay member of an aggressively heterosexual family?
  128. Harry Potter, Draco, He wasn't good enough for daddy in any way - he couldn't please the Dark Lord, he couldn't beat Hermione's grades, and he couldn't make himself want to kiss Pansy no matter how hard he tried. (Can disregard the epilogue or not.)
  129. Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Draco's gender and/or sexuality are not what everyone has assumed they are (i.e. male and straight), and he has to find ways to cope at school, with his family, and/or in wizarding society at large. claimed by celandineb
  130. Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Who he chooses as a partner is not the biggest issue. The biggest issue is coming out as gay being a Pureblood aristocrat raised in a strictly traditional society. Can Harry help him face who he is and withstand his family's lack of understanding?
  131. Harry Potter, Draco/Blaise, Being a Pureblood means constant pressure to marry and produce more Purebloods. No matter what your actual inclination might be.
  132. Harry Potter, Dumbledore, Dumbledore advises (or tries to advise) teenage Hogwarts residents dealing with sexuality issues.
  133. Harry Potter, Dumbledore/Grindelwald, Two young men, best friends, who are attracted to each other, but can't figure out why or if it's right or not.
  134. Harry Potter, Filius Flitwick, Most students are surprised to learn that Professor Flitwick is married. They'd be even more surprised if they ever met his spouse.
  135. Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron seemed to judge her for dating boys, so Ginny is a bit worried about telling her brother that she'd have actually liked to date a few girls as well.
  136. Harry Potter, Godric Gryffindor, The Muggleborn issue wasn't the only point of contention between Godric and Salazar.
  137. Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Harry is actually bisexual, but suppressed his attraction to males because he found it easier to ogle breasts with his heterosexual, male friends.
  138. Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Harry married Ginny because he couldn't have Ron.
  139. Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger, The trio become involved in a stable, content polyamorous relationship after Hogwarts. What happens to that stability when Hermione becomes pregnant (whether by accident or planned pregnancy)? claimed by lily_pearl
  140. Harry Potter, Harry/Ginny, After their marriage, either Harry or Ginny comes out as bisexual.
  141. Harry Potter, Helena Ravenclaw, Running away is easier than trying to explain to her mother why she refuses to marry.
  142. Harry Potter, Hermione," Hermione has finally accepted her true nature when it comes to who she "fancies". Acceptance", however, does not equal understanding. This logical misfit needs the help of Harry, who understands more than she thinks, to work through her feelings.
  143. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, A spell transforms Hermione into a Herman. Her husband and children are shocked that, despite the legal, social and personal fallout, she doesn't want to change back.
  144. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Hermione investigates the history of LGBT rights in the wizarding world (and possibly finds some familiar names involved).
  145. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Hermione is surprised by her parents' reaction when she comes out to them.
  146. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Hermione wants to start a LGBT student group... the powers that be object and block her at every turn, help comes from where she least expected (would like it if it were Snape, but not mandatory).
  147. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Severus Snape, Standard Marriage Law scenario but where one or both of them are not straight.
  148. Harry Potter, James Potter (II) or Albus Scorpius Potter or Lily Potter (II), "If my father weren't so bloody famous, no one would *care* who I snogged.""
  149. claimed by loony4lupin
  150. Harry Potter, Lily Potter (II), The Wizarding World has always been socially conservative, and--thanks to the small population and the many war deaths--is now both overtly and covertly stressing the importance of marriage and children. Lily, now grown-up, is perfectly willing to marry her girlfriend and eventually adopt a child or two, but that's not what her family or her fellow wizards had in mind.
  151. Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, Living a Lie
  152. Harry Potter, Luna Lovegood, Lots of words begin with the letter "L" and Luna's name is easily alliterated. claimed by sophinisba
  153. Harry Potter, Luna/Neville, It's seventh year and Neville and Luna get to know each other intimately; Luna doesn't quite get why Neville's baffled by what's under her skirts. Luna is MTF. claimed by rotaryphones
  154. Harry Potter, Lysander Lovegood-Scamander, There's a particular type of teasing that seems to come with a name like "Lysander." Eventually, you can't help asking yourself whether there's any truth to it.
  155. Harry Potter, Nymphadora Tonks, Tonks can change sex as easily as she can change her nose, which is invaluable to the Order's war effort. While she's working undercover as a man, she gets romantically involved with a male Muggle, forcing her to evaluate her own gender well as how the Muggle world's attitude toward gay rights compares to the Wizarding world's.
  156. Harry Potter, Parvati or Padma Patil or Dean Thomas or Blaise Zabini (or anyone else who might fit), They're already a minority as one of Hogwarts' few non-white students. Is it worth coming out as LGBT and adding yet another minority to the list?
  157. 746A. Harry Potter, Peter Pettigrew and Regulus Black, Voldemort doesn't like or encourage any deviations from the norm, and most of his inner circle follows his lead. That makes life difficult for two young Death Eaters who are both friends and lovers.
    746B. Harry Potter, Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Remus and Severus have to deal with Remus' lycanthropy and with Severus' AIDS - It's the 80's, the height of Thatcher's power and the AIDS epidemic.
  158. Harry Potter, Remus/Sirius, Remus joined a wizarding LGBT group but Sirius refuses on the grounds that he may be gay but not that gay.
  159. Harry Potter, Rita Skeeter, after Rita posthumously outs Dumbledore & Grindelwald then she finds herself outed
  160. Harry Potter, Rose, Rose Weasley always was a tomboy, but she'd really rather just be a boy.
  161. Harry Potter, Severus Snape," "Why is the flag a rainbow?""
  162. Harry Potter, Severus Snape," Marauder era: Snape loved Lily because she was the only one who never judged him for being queer. After the "Mudblood" incident", the Marauders now have new arsenal for their abuse.
  163. Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Staffroom (gay) politics
  164. Harry Potter, Severus Snape & Lucius Malfoy, Death Eater era - the constant close quarters and occasional torture by people he really doesn't trust make it hard for Snape to hide the secret of his female anatomy, especially when Lucius starts getting handsy.
  165. Harry Potter, Severus Snape/any male character(s), Keeping true to the memory of a long-dead woman means Snape has never had to confront his feelings for men.
  166. Harry Potter, Severus Snape/Harry Potter," "Dipping your quill in a teacher's ink""
  167. Harry Potter, Severus Snape/James Potter, Feelings like that are sick on more than one level
  168. Harry Potter, Sirius Black, being a Gryffindor isn't the only thing that makes Sirius different from the rest of his family.
  169. Harry Potter, Sirius Black, What Molly didn't know accusing Sirius of mistaking Harry for James implied.
  170. Harry Potter, Sirius/Remus, Sirius figures out that Remus is gay way before Remus allows himself to. But already feeling ostracized because he's a werewolf, Remus has a tough time letting himself admit it. Sirius helps.
  171. Harry Potter, Teddy Lupin, Teddy doesn't just like changing the colour of his hair - he has to deal with that, so does his godfather Harry Potter.
  172. Harry Potter, Tonks, presenting as one gender is easier but why? claimed by thecolourclear
  173. Heartbeat, Rob Walker, Rob is outed to his co-workers, but he still has to go to work the next day. How do the people of Aidensfield react to a gay/bi village bobby?
  174. Hebrew Bible, Ruth/Naomi, After they return to Bethlehem, how do the other Israelites perceive Ruth and her relationship with Naomi? How does Ruth feel about marrying Boaz after having committed herself to Naomi?
  175. Hedda Gabler, Hedda, Hedda's discomfort with the idea of being pregnant isn't about vanity - it's about her gender identity.
  176. Hellblazer, Chas Chandler/John Constantine, During a row Renee once accused Chas of being queer for John Constantine, and he's starting to realize she was right.
  177. Hellblazer, John Constantine, He's never been anything but completely comfortable with his sexuality, but the next bloke who calls him a pansy is losing his teeth.
  178. Hellblazer (comic), John Constantine, By the time we see John Constantine as an older teenager involved in the punk scene and dark magic, he's aware of his bisexuality and out to his friends. Mind you, this is in working class 70's Britain. How did an angry little boy from the worst parts of Liverpool end up as an openly bi punk, in what order did that happen, and how? There has to be a story there.
  179. Hercules the Legendary Journeys, Hercules, Set in the canon AUs episodes where he's immortal and alive in the present day, where "Kevin Sorbo" is a cover identity, and where Ares still shows up from time to time to be a dick. "Kevin" has a great deal of input into how his "character" is played and how the plots of the episodes go. It always annoys him, though, that he can't get them to come right out and *say* that Iolaus was his lover as well as his friend. Modern people are just so damned prudish.
  180. Hero, Thom, an older gay superhero comes out to him
  181. Heroes, Claire Bennett, Coming out to Daddy
  182. Heroes, Claire Bennett, Why lesbians make great cheerleaders
  183. Heroes, Claire Bennett/Elle, Keeping secrets, sharing secrets
  184. Heroes, Claude/Bennet, You go where the job takes you, even if that means if that means infiltrating a gay bar in the process of a bag-and-tag. It's not as hard to keep up the cover identity as Noah thought. It helps that his partner's ability to blend in has nothing to do with invisibility. claimed by allaroughdraft
  185. Heroes, Daphne/Matt/Mohinder," "So level with me, are you and Matt *together*, together? Because I'm cool with it if you are." The living situation is getting crowded, and Matt and and Mohinder finally have to decide what actually *is* going on between them. claimed by lakester
  186. Heroes, Matt and Mohinder, 'India isn't known for being very tolerant of alternative lifestyles', he wanted to explain, although that sounded a bit like he was being defensive about being defensive.
  187. Heroes, Noah Bennet/Sandra Bennet, Noah is bi, a fact he's had his friend the Haitian wipe from his wife's mind at least once. As part of Noah and Sandra's agreement to remove secrets from their marriage, he decides to come out to her. How does this affect their marriage. Does he admit to having wiped her memories to protect himself, rather than the -- in his mind -- more justifiable actions he took to protect Sandra and their children?
  188. Heroes, Peter Petrelli, Coming out to his family. claimed by misachan
  189. High School Musical, Chad Danforth/Ryan Evans, Being gay and Black.
  190. High School Musical, Chad/Ryan, Chad didn't realize Ryan was gay - he just thought that was the way musical kids were.
  191. High School Musical, Kelsi and Ryan, East High Gay-Straight Alliance claimed by ressick_recs
  192. High School Musical, Kelsi Nielsen, Kelsi is tired of writing musicals about the heterosexual romances she doesn't want to have in real life.
  193. High School Musical, Ryan, Being gay in New York is worlds apart from being Gay in Albuquerque.
  194. High School Musical, Ryan and Kelsi, one of the best parts of Julliard is New York City's gay nightlife
  195. High School Musical, Ryan Evans, He has other things going on in his life - he doesn't want to just be the go-to gay relationship-coach slash style guru.
  196. High School Musical, Ryan Evans, It's hard to "come out" as queer when everyone already assumes you are.
  197. Highlander, any character, how [Character] gets involved in the gay rights or gay liberation movement at [some point in history].
  198. Highlander, Any Immortal character, Cultural ideas of gender and sexuality change over the centuries. But for this Immortal, some things about sexuality or gender identity have remained intractably constant.
  199. Highlander, Any Immortal character, On being a transgender Immortal.
  200. Highlander, Duncan & Methos with extra love for Methos/Duncan, Duncan has issues with his bisexuality, Methos comforts him with his many years of experience.
  201. Highlander, Joe Dawson, by their first few lifetimes, most Immortals have are faced with the fact that sexuality is fluid, and so is the concept of sin. And Watchers have to deal with that - but they don't have centuries to get used to it. claimed by lferion
  202. Highlander, Joe Dawson, coming to terms with his sexuality wasn't actually as easy as he makes it sound.
  203. Highlander, Methos, 68 wives and *how many* husbands?
  204. Highlander, Methos, changing world, changing labels, changing expectations.
  205. Highlander, Methos, Methos has been a wife, more than once.
  206. Highlander, Methos, Methos married 46 times. He never *said* that every person he married was a woman.
  207. His Dark Materials, Balthamos/Baruch, They never wanted to be rebels. But when the Authority's institutions declared war on everything they were to themselves and each other, what choice did they have?
  208. His Dark Materials (book), any character, what would an underground queer culture look like in a society controlled by the Magestirium?
  209. His Dark Materials (books), any character, we know that people with Deamon's that are the same sex as are rare. But not as rare as you would think. Something like, 1 in 10?
  210. Hogan's Heroes, Colonel Klink/Hogan (one-sided), It's hard enough staying out of trouble when you're just an incompetant Kommandant in Nazi Germany. All that on top of trying desperately to hide the fact that you're attracted to other men (including a certain American lady's man) makes for a very stressed colonel. claimed by wishfulaces
  211. Hoot, Roy/Mullet Fingers, Beatrice, how does the characters' activist bent manifest itself when the boys start dating?
  212. Hot Fuzz, any characters, Something else the NWA didn't want in Sandford was queer people.
  213. Hot Fuzz, Danny Butterman, Danny's getting tired of how in his favorite movies, gay people are always the bad guys.
  214. Hot Fuzz, Nicholas Angel, He'd assumed that there was no LGBT community in Sanford, and so remained in his neat and tidy closet. He should have known that nothing in that town is quite what it appears to be...
  215. Hot Fuzz, Nicholas Angel, Nicholas leads anti-homophobia training sessions for his fellow police officers, but he's still in the closet about his own bisexuality.
  216. Hot Fuzz, Nicholas Angel/Danny Butterman, Danny always vehemently denies being gay, whenever the subject comes up (and thanks to the Andies, it often does). What Nicholas fails to understand is that this doesn't mean he's not attracted to men.
  217. Hot Fuzz, Nicholas Angel/Danny Butterman, Nicholas's girlfriend wants him back, and keeps asking what's keeping him in Sanford. But it's hard for Nicholas to explain something he doesn't fully understand himself, yet.
  218. Hot Fuzz, Nicholas Angel/Danny Butterman, Officially the police service welcomes LGBT officers, but in practice, things aren't so simple.
  219. House, House, a colleague rightly suspects that not all the hookers House hires are female
  220. House, House, House is surly, bad-tempered, has more vices than anyone ever...and will never tell anyone that Greg wasn't always short for Gregory; it was her favored nickname for Georgia. claimed by cueballex
  221. House, House, House is uncharacteristically nice to a transgender patient, leading others to wonder why.
  222. House, House, The problem is everyone assumes the only reason he's doing it *is* to be contrary, "The queer who cried wolf".
  223. House, House, There were other reasons for the bad blood between him and his father; namely, men should *be* men, not *be with* men. claimed by messageredacted
  224. House, Kutner/Chase, Chase is tired of being in the closet and thinks Kutner's fear of House is a pretty stupid reason for them not to be together.
  225. House, Kutner/Taub, Fed up enduring endless smug and nasty comments from Taub about Thirteen's sexuality, Kutner confronts Taub and is surprised by the revelations in his explanation and the reactions they elicit.
  226. House, Thirteen, she comes out to someone close to her and it doesn't end well.
  227. House, Thirteen, Show Thirteen participating in the LGBT community even after she's started dating Foreman.claimed by bofoddity
  228. House, Thirteen, Thirteen wants to go to Pride & wants Foreman to accompany her
  229. House, Thirteen, Thirteen wonders why people think that her liking sex has anything to do with her bisexuality. claimed by obfuscate3
  230. House, Thirteen/Cuddy, "I wish I could be who you are, Remy."
  231. House, Thirteen/Taub, Fed up with enduring endless smug and nasty comments from Taub about her sexuality, Thirteen confronts him and is surprised by the revelations in his explanation.
  232. House M.D., any character, Someone has managed to keep closeted around House for years. How did they manage it?
  233. House M.D., Gregory House, House plays the pronoun game, not out of any desire to be closeted, but because he loves to toy with his team.
  234. House MD, Foreman/Chase, "Just because I have an accent and know how to match my clothes doesn't mean I'm homosexual."
  235. House MD, Greg House, He's never been one to abide by social norms
  236. House MD, House/Wilson, "That's why you push everyone away! Because you're afraid if they get close they'll figure it out!"
  237. House MD, Thirteen, She's tired of her people thinking she's obligated to explain her sexuality to them. claimed by thecolourclear
  238. How I Met Your Mother, James Stinson, After finally realizing his homosexuality, James decides to come out to his brother.
  239. How I Met Your Mother, Lily, Lily has trouble explaining to Marshall that just because she married him doesn't mean she's straight.
  240. How I Met Your Mother, Robin, being a Canadian pop star isn't Robin's only secret. Her friends don't need to know that a good portion of her exes were also girls.
  241. Hyperdrive, Eduardo York/Michael Henderson, They encounter an alien culture where homosexuality is the norm; being "normal" feels surprisingly . . . alien.
  242. I'm a Boy (song by the Who), Bill, The bullying's nothing new, and his mother's actually glad he's interested in boys. But Bill's not sure if it just means he's queer, or if it means his mother was on the right track after all, much as he hated it when he was younger.
  243. In The Heights, Nina, a GLBT experience at Stanford makes Nina question some of the things she's always believed about herself.
  244. In The Heights, Sonny/Graffiti Pete, how is the GLBT cause any different from the rest of Sonny's activism? Pete isn't sure.
  245. Inspector Lynley Mysteries, Barbara Havers, when they worked the case with the transgendered woman suspect Havers threw a fit and ranted at Lynley for a while. After all it hurts to see someone being able to have what you've always wanted.
  246. 835A. Iron Man, Christine Everheart, It's hard enough trying to be a serious female journalist when Vanity Fair only ever wants to give her the celebrity-gossip stories. If they knew she was lesbian/bi/trans, she'd never get a quasi-serious scoop again.
    835B. Iron Man, James Rhodes/Tony Stark, Tony has *no idea* what it's like being black and gay
  247. Iron Man, Pepper Potts, She's gotten used to herding girls out the door in the morning. It's mostly not a problem, but sometimes, she finds herself agreeing with Tony's taste - and maybe being a little jealous he got to them first.
  248. Iron Man, Tony Stark, The paparazzi follow him everywhere and he has an image to keep up, even if Pepper promises no one will find out that he didn't bring home a woman this time.
  249. Iron Man, Tony Stark, plenty of transwomen act ultra-macho before they come out to themselves...
  250. Iron Man (movie), Rhodes, Rhody thinks either would be bad enough, but sometimes trying to juggle BOTH living under Don't Ask Don't Tell AND being stupidly in love with Tony Stark is just a little much. claimed by nahco3
  251. Iron Man (movie), Tony Stark, "What do you mean Proposition 8 passed?!"
  252. Iron Man (movie), Tony Stark, Tony prefers to be with women in his own home. When it comes to men, he prefers to go to their home.
  253. Iron Man (movie), Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Pepper is a pre-everything Transman.
  254. Iron Man (movie), Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Pepper is a tall girl, regardless, she always liked high heels even when she was a little boy. claimed by redfiona99
  255. Iron Man (movie), Pepper Potts, Pepper tries to keep it secret when she starts dating a woman, because she's sure that Tony's reaction will be crude and offensive.
  256. Iron Man (movie), Tony/Rhodey, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell isn't a *suggestion*, Tony."
  257. Jackie Chan Adventures, Bai Tza, her sexuality has never been a issue to her, so why do her siblings feel the need to meddle?
  258. Jackie Chan Adventures, Jade, in yet another trip to the future a teenage Jade finds out that her adult self is bisexual, how does this affect her?
  259. James Bond, James Bond, The higher ups never specify that an agent should seduce someone to get information, but it's generally understood. Bond discovers that he doesn't mind having men as his marks. claimed by cj_major
  260. Jeeves and Wooster, Bertie Wooster, Bertie doesn't consider the consequences of anyone finding out about his affair with another man until he's already embroiled in complications. He has no choice but to trust Jeeves to save the day. claimed by rose71
  261. Jeeves and Wooster, Bertie Wooster, Bingo Little. Bingo finds it easy to transition from public school homosexuality to romances with women. Why is it so much harder for Bertie?
  262. Jeeves and Wooster, Bertram Wilberforce Wooster/Reginald Jeeves, A handsome new member of the Drones invites Bertie to spend the weekend at his country estate. Oblivious to his intentions (and the concept of Greek love in general), though smitten with the man, Bertie happily agrees. Will Jeeves break up this romantic entanglement too, or will he be content to see Bertie happy? claimed by thirstyrobot, claimed by madlovescience
  263. Jeeves and Wooster, Bertram Wilberforce Wooster/Reginald Jeeves, Bertie is desperate to keep the shameful secret of his sexual deviancy - sexual attraction to men - from Jeeves. Unbeknownst to him, Jeeves is trying to hide his own homosexuality from his master.
  264. Jesus Christ Superstar, Jesus/Judas, When they're having sex, Judas discovers that Jesus has female genitalia. What the hell is going on?
  265. Jonny Quest, Race Bannon/Benton Quest, Race starts out as a body guard, but he quickly realizes that he is falling for Dr. Quest. How does he reconcile this with his professional duties?
  266. Jurassic Park 3, Alan Grant/Billy Brennan, The generation gap between Alan and Billy comes into play in how they deal with making their relationship public.
  267. Justice League Unlimited, any character (but ideally a human from modern Earth), The Justice League contains members from many cultures, planets and times. How do the various members handle it when one of their number comes out as gay/bisexual/transgendered?
  268. Justice League Unlimited, Shining Knight/Vigilante, Vigilante needs to convince his partner that things have changed a lot since the time of King Arthur. Extra points for no Brokeback Mountain references.
  269. Kino's Journey, Kino/Nimya, Nimya has long been comfortable with her queerness, but she never thought she'd fall for someone so butch.
  270. Kino's Journey (aka Kino no Tabi), Kino, Assuming a male gender identity wasn't just for protection: some aspects of Kino's experience.
  271. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Harry Lockhart/Gay Perry, Harry hasn't had the best experience when it comes to relationships with men, however, when Gay Perry takes him to West Hollywood Harry sees that things can be different.
  272. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Harry/Perry, Harmony was The One, as far as girls go, but now that she's gone Harry finds himself wondering if maybe that one kiss was as bad as he remembers, and sometimes he has dreams about being able to shoot bullets out of strange places.
  273. Knocked Up, Pete, There's no award for Best Bi Dad of Suburbia; but it's not like he'd place (let alone win) anyway.
  274. Kronk's New Groove, Kronk, Kronk is queer or trans. How does this affect his love life, business, Junior Chipmunk leadership, and/or friendships?
  275. Kushiel's Legacy, Alcuin no Delaunay, Someone explains to a young Alcuin that he will have to serve women as well as men. Alcuin wants to die.
  276. Law & Order, Serena Southerland/Jack McCoy/Arthur Branch, Convinced that Arthur did let Serena go because she's a lesbian, McCoy is set to testify on her behalf in her lawsuit against the DA's office for discrimination. Branch wants to know why. McCoy tells him in vivid detail, and it's not what Branch expects to hear.
  277. Law and Order: Special Victim Unit, Munch," "they beat him and harassed him not because he was gay but because they thought he was gay. So what does that say about our society? What does that say about me and how I've been lying all these years?" "
  278. Legend of Zelda, Ganondorf, Ganondorf left the Gerudos to do a bit of conquering and power-hunting. What if he also left because there was something an all-female society just couldn't give him?
  279. Legend of Zelda, Link/male!Zelda, Sheik is male. Sheik is also Zelda - the King of Hyrule wanted a daughter so much that he dressed the young prince as a princess. After finally being able to live as a man (and falling in love with the Hero of Time in the process), and following his father's death, Prince Zelda wants to rule Hyrule as its King, not its Queen - and with Link at his side, to boot. How does he convince Hyrule that this is who he is, not the sweet dainty little princess they expected?
  280. Legend of Zelda, Red Link, Four Swords manga-verse. The fact that Red prefers Zelda's dresses to his own tunic means Link has to examine a hitherto-unknown facet of his personality when the Four Sword is replaced.
  281. Legend of Zelda, Zelda/Midna, It's just not how good princesses behave. Fortunately, Zelda and Midna don't care about being good.
  282. Legion of Super-Heroes (version 4), Chameleon, Cham doesn't know why people have assigned a male gender to her. Playing her undercover role, she's not given much time to think on it, but doesn't see why it matters; it's not as if gender isn't fluid, after all. Then she has to 'come out' and realizes that solid-state beings are not as fluid when it comes to gender and sexuality.
  283. Les Miserables, Javert, Code Napoleon changed everything.
  284. Leverage, Alec/Eliot, Alec might be a criminal; but at heart, he still is the good little boy who wants to make his Nana proud - and falling in love with a man is not part of that. claimed by shrift
  285. Leverage, Eliot, When Eliot had left to liberate Croatia, Amy had still been going by Arthur, and Eliot had still loved him
  286. Leverage, Eliot (Eliot/OMC(s)), Pre-series: In Prison, everything Eliot thought he knew about his own sexuality got turned upside down.
  287. Leverage, Eliot Spencer/Alec Hardison/Parker/Sophie Devereaux/Nate Ford, How do thieves negotiate the idea of possession in a poly relationship?
  288. Leverage, Eliot/Hardison, Hardison likes to think he's AC/DC, and Eliot still has issues to work out
  289. Leverage, Elliot/Nathan, They have to do a job in San Francisco. The boys have to appear to be a couple as part of the job. Elliot is a good ol' southern boy who isn't supposed to have feelings for his boss, Nathan. Close circumstances make his feelings hard to hide.
  290. Leverage, ensemble, So maybe this profession attracted a certain type...Nathan is stunned, Sophie is a socialite, Parker makes a surprisingly good guy, Hardison has an online boyfriend, and Eliot feels pretty.
  291. Leverage, Parker, no one has ever told her there are words to describe what she feels when she looks at Maggie.
  292. Leverage, Parker, Parker has always been a tomboy. Now she wants Eliot to teach her how to be a man.
  293. Leverage, Sophie, Long before she met Nate the first time, Sophie was actually Steven.
  294. Lewis, James Hathaway, It's been six years since his last confession.
  295. Lewis, Robbie/James, The kids have always been on at him to meet somebody but he doesn't think James is going to be quite what they had in mind.
  296. Lies of Locke Lamora, Jean/Locke, Jean and Locke pretend at romance for the sake of a con, and have mixed feelings when they realize they're not pretending.
  297. Life, Charlie Crews and/or Ted Earley, he thought he was just prison gay, but now that he's back on the outside, he's not so sure.
  298. Life, Dani, How does she deal with the dual pressures of being a recovering addict and a lesbian cop?
  299. Life, Karen Davis/Dani Reese, It's fifty-fifty whether it's the girl thing or the dad's partner thing that will cause the most chaos in Dani's world.
  300. Life on Mars, Chris, Chris works out he is gay and is terrified of everybody's reaction. 1973 Manchester is not the best place to come out. Fortunately Sam, with his 2006 sensibility, can offer some advice on how.
  301. Life on Mars, Sam Tyler, Gay and out in 2006, he has to drastically adjust his outlook and some of his behaviours to adjust to the homophobia of 1973.
  302. Life on Mars, Sam Tyler, He was comfortable with his bisexuality back in 2006, but things are a bit different in 1973. (Bonus points for Annie helping him out.)
  303. Life on Mars, Sam Tyler, How does Sam handle the fact that he knows the AIDS epidemic is coming? (Not my prompt originally, but I really like it.)
  304. Life on Mars (UK or US), Chris Skelton, Chris is gay and closeted; Sam finds out. claimed by zauberer_sirin

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