Prompts: Brothers & Sisters through Dawn + Crossovers

Mar 26, 2010 06:22

These prompts are available for claiming for lgbtfest. You can claim a prompt at the prompt claiming post.

Prompts can be claimed twice, although we strongly encourage you to choose a prompt that hasn't already been claimed. Please don't request a prompt that has already been claimed twice.

Fandoms are listed in alphabetical order. Books are listed by title or series name. RPF fandom prompts are listed under RPF (specific RPF fandom). Crossovers are listed under "C."

Brothers & Sisters through Dawn

595. Brothers & Sisters, Jason McCallister, Jason helps a member of his congregation deal with their sexual orientation/gender identity.
596. Brothers & Sisters, Jason McCallister, the repercussions of Jason's missionary work on his identity when he comes back to California.
597. Brothers & Sisters, Kevin Walker, Five times feels discriminated by his own family. dipenates
598. Brothers & Sisters, Saul Holden, While a closeted gay man, Saul lives through many key events that change the face of LGBT life in the USA; how do the changes in society help him to change his attitudes towards himself and/or LGBT people in general?
599. Brothers & Sisters, Saul Holden, Saul meets a much younger gay man through a gay dating site; how do their attitudes differ, and do they manage to resolve the differences?
600. Brothers & Sisters, Saul Holden/Henry Mittner, Henry takes Saul to a gay pride event.
601. Brothers & Sisters, Saul Holden/Henry Mittner, Henry has been out for years and is used to mostly casual sex and keeping his head down; Saul wants a committed relationship, and maybe even marriage.
602. Brothers & Sisters, Scotty Wandell, he wants to tell his mother Kevin and he are trying surrogacy, but he's afraid of her reaction. When he finally talks to Bertha, he's met with unexpected enthusiasm on her part. claimed by marea67
603. Brothers & Sisters, Scotty Wandell, Scotty takes his mother's side in his parents' divorce even though she's never been supportive of him being gay.
604. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, any characters, A teenager is having trouble convincing the Watchers and/or Buffy and/or any or all of the Scoobies that she is a Potential--because her body is physically male.
605. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Any Characters, One of the Potentials is transgender. They have to deal with the idea of being the first male Slayer, as well as the reactions of the rest of the group.
606. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Any characters, Slayerhood is more to do with soul than body - the Scythe awakens a pre-op MTF claimed by duh_i_read
607. Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Any characters, Sunnydale High students begin to perceive the library as a safe place for lgbt kids. [Bonus points if it's Wishverse]
608. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, any characters, Being a Slayer, like being a girl, has very little to do with what parts you were born with. (A.k.a. magic recognizes trans women, dammit!)
609. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy and any other characters, Buffy's starting to get a little tired of having to explain every time she sleeps with or dates someone new that she's not 'actually' straight or gay 'deep down'.
610. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy Summers, Buffy practices by coming out to vampires and demons on her nightly patrol before she faces her family and friends. claimed by callistianstar
611. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy Summers/Spike, even after sleeping with Satsu (season 8), Buffy thought she was still straight, but when she finds out Spike is alive again but has been permanently transformed into a woman, she finds herself wanting female!Spike a hell of a lot more than she's ever wanted any man.
612. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy/Satsu, Buffy had always considered herself straight but her attraction to Satsu has shaken up her beliefs. Is it just that she's drawn to Satsu's love for her, or is it something more?
613. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dawn, turns out the main reason Dawn can't be a Potential is that she hasn't ever really thought of herself as a she, but he's just afraid this will mean everybody will figure it out.
614. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dawn Summers, As if she didn't have enough identity issues already: Rooming with the potential slayers makes Dawn realize she's bisexual.
615. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Faith, She finally understands why all those guys meant nothing to her. claimed by silver_x_cross
616. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Giles/Ethan, Any situation in which the two have gotten back together and have to (or accidentally) come out to the Scoobies.
617. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Giles/Ethan, Two British sorcerers find themselves at the Stonewall Inn on a certain night in 1969. (This could be time travel or au)
618. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Kendra, No-one had told Kendra that it was okay to like girls. claimed by cmk418
619. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Kennedy and Satsu, S8 or at least post-Chosen, being a lesbian in the all-female Slayer army isn't exactly like the experience of being a gay man in a mostly-male profession, but there are some similarities
620. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, OFC, one of the new slayers is MtF and worried she won't be accepted (or her slayer powers/status will be doubted) if she reveals to Buffy and the scoobies she was assigned male at birth, but her trans identity is important to her, what's a new slayer to do
621. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Rupert Giles, He was a disappointment to his father in many ways, but none more so than the day he brought home his first boyfriend.
622. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Rupert Giles, Gay or Bi Giles doesn't quite get some of the Scoobies and/or Potentials using the term 'queer' to describe LGBT people; he's only ever heard it used as an insult by those who hated and wanted to hurt him and his friends.
623. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Rupert Giles, Giles is outed while he's still the librarian at Sunnydale High.
624. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Rupert Giles, Giles thought he'd left that part of himself behind when he went back to the Council, but obviously not. Now he can't just put it up to teenage rebellion, he actually has to deal with it
625. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Rupert Giles, Going from being openly bi in England to being very much closeted in a US high school.
626. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Rupert Giles, Giles has never been out at work, and he really doesn't think his bisexuality is something his Slayer needs to know about, so dating Jenny Calendar presents an interesting moral quandary. It would be so easy not to tell her.
627. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Rupert Giles, Giles had a hard enough time trying to explain to Buffy and the Scoobies about Ethan Rayne being his friend. He doesn't know how to tell them that 'friend' was a euphemism...or that his present loathing of the man doesn't eliminate other feelings at all.
628. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Rupert Giles(/Xander Harris), Dealing with homophobia in the weirdest places, without laughing (even though he really, really wants to). claimed by lily_pearl
629. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spike, Everybody knows that vampires are bisexual, but nobody knows that as a human William was gay.
630. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Tara Maclay, She has always been painfully shy. But Tara remembers well the day she decided that she would never be closeted again. claimed by life_fire
631. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Tara Maclay, The ability of Tara and her mother to do magic wasn't the only reason that Tara's father and many of her other relatives thought of her as part demon. Her lesbianism and her mother being lesbian/bisexual/trans/genderqueer/gender fluid--pick whichever you like--had a lot to do with it.
632. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Tara/Willow, Dawn got flak at school for having a gay couple as her guardians between seasons 5 and 6. Tara and Willow deal.
633. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Willow, Willow is questioning her sexuality and needs someone to talk to - Joyce Summers has some surprising advice.
634. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Willow, Willow talks about identifying as gay and how she feels about her previous relationships with boys.
635. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Willow and Giles, there are lots of new slayers and lots of them are L, B, T, and/or G; Willow and Giles are role models and teachers, how to Willow's and Giles' differing experiences as queer individuals affect their perspectives on and approaches to mentoring their queer charges? What advice do Willow and Giles share with each other
636. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Willow Rosenberg, during and after her relationship with Tara Willow is very definite that she is 'gay now'. Why does she identify as gay rather than bisexual, discounting her previous relationships with men and ruling out future ones?
637. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Willow Rosenburg, Willow's first same-sex relationship was with Tara, but her first crush on a woman was Jenny Calendar. Unfortunately, Jenny is straight and her teacher, so well, that wasn't going to go anywhere and Willow finds herself using Oz as a substitute. But then she dies and Willow struggles to know how to grieve for someone she adored so much, without letting anyone else know.
638. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Willow/Tara, Willow & Tara petition Giles and Anya to set aside a shelf at the magic shop to feature local queer authors & artists.
639. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xander, that summer he spent washing dishes at the 'Ladies Night' club and was a male stripper? It was a gay bar, and he learned a little more about himself than he thought he would.
640. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xander Harris, An accident leads to him being outed at work; he deals with the fallout of his crew knowing about his sexuality.
641. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xander Harris/Jesse McNally, Xander knows that he's always been crazy about girls, so it takes him a while to realize that one reason he hates vampires so much is that one of them killed and turned his male best friend before he admitted to himself that he might have liked them to be more than friends
642. Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Xander Harris and any other character; Someone finally helps Xander understand that he's bisexual and it's OK.
643. Bully, Derby/Bif, Derby and Bif live in an upperclass world where they're both expected to get married and produce heirs to their respective family's fortunes-- but they're a couple and they're torn between keeping family tradition and facing the consequences for not doing it-- or being honest about who they are.
644. Bully, Gord Vendome, Gord always knew he was different and decides to come out to his fraternity-- how do they respond and how does he feel about it?
645. Bully, Jimmy Hopkins, Jimmy deals with being the one openly bisexual student at Bullworth Academy-- and prejudice and disbelief from both friends and enemies and people everywhere on the Kinsey scale.
646. Burn Notice, any character, you can't have a solid sexual orientation as a spy.
647. Burn Notice, Carla/Fiona, Carla wasn't just after Michael for his skills, she was a little more interested in Fiona's
648. Burn Notice, ensemble, Michael deals with Sam's worry and Madeline and Nate's reactions when his trigger-happy ex, Phineaus Glennane, shows up in Miami. (AU with always-male!Fiona.)
649. Burn Notice, Fiona Glenanne, She knew coming out as bisexual to her Catholic family would be hard. She just didn't expect it to be as explosive as it was.
650. Burn Notice, Fiona Glennane, She enjoys the Miami eye candy every bit as much as Sam does.
651. Burn Notice, Michael and Nate Westen, Years ago, Michael had good reasons to tell Nate to hide his feelings. Now that reason's gone but he's still telling Nate to hide. Nate wants to know why
652. Burn Notice, Michael Weston, The fact that Michael was born in a female body doesn't usually cause him any trouble, but when it does, it really causes trouble.
653. Burn Notice, Michael/Fi/Sam, They've been together for almost five years now, and are raising a little boy as a parental unit. Everyone who's close to the three of them knows and accepts their choice, but Sam hadn't informed any of his many 'buddies' about it. When one comes to Miami to visit Sam's confronted with a choice: admit publically that he's bisexual or lie to his friends about the family he's made with Michael and Fi.
654. Burn Notice, Michael/Sam, Michael's been through many a sticky situation, none of them as tricky as telling his mother he's gay and in love with his best friend
655. Burn Notice, Michael/Sam/Fi and Madeline, Being out of contact with his family during his career as a spy meant that he never got a chance to come out as bisexual, but now that he's settled in Miami his mother is starting to realize he's not exactly heterosexual
656. Burn Notice, Nate Westen, Michael's not the only Westen who's had a lot of experience pretending to be someone he's not. (Nate is FTM.)
657. Burn Notice, Nate Westen/Sam Axe, They're both comfortable with their sexuality and the age diference. It's telling Madeline and Michael that worries them.
658. Burn Notice, Sam and Fiona, During a long stake-out Sam tells his coming out story to Fi.
659. Burn Notice, Sam Axe, The Clan Weston's newest clients are a gay couple (with a problem unrelated to being gay, just the usual drugs/mobs/Russians sort of thing), and Sam reconsiders whether to tell his friends that his ladyfriend 'Ms. Reynolds' is actually 'Mr. Reynolds'.
660. Burn Notice, Sam Axe, no one's bothered to question that every so often, Sam's staying with Mr. Porter instead of Ms. Reynolds, Sam's actually not okay with the assumption.
661. Burn Notice, Sam/Michael, it's not a question of 'don't ask, don't tell', it's a question of life and death. Claimed by rise_your_dead
662. But I'm A Cheerleader, Clayton/Dolph, Sure Dolph got his man, but where do they go from here
663. But I'm A Cheerleader, Dolph, Sneaking around behind your friends' backs was hard when you're popular and on the wrestling team of a school that was blatantly homophobic.
664. But I'm A Cheerleader, Graham/Megan, Learning to live as a couple now that they're families have disowned/ignored/are debating about them (bonus for actually exploring their relationships with their parents post movie).
665. But I'm A Cheerleader, Hilary, It was easier for her to become 'straight' because she could still sleep with woman. (Trans!Hilary)
666. But I'm A Cheerleader, Kimberly, The real reason she participated in Megan's intervention was because she was afraid to face her own sexuality/identity issues.
667. Cabaret, Brian's life as a gay man in pre/post WWII Britain.
668. Cal Leandros, Cal, Dealing with finding out he's not as straight as he always thought he was.
669. Cal Leandros, Georgia, She never looked into her own future so it was a surprise when she accidentally stumbled into the college's LGBT club's first meeting of the year.
670. California Diaries, Ducky McCrae et al, Vista has a GSA. Ducky's friends think he should attend.
671. California Diaries, Maggie Blume, The other members of Vanish think a bicurious lead singer crooning about girls is just what they need to change their image. Maggie doesn't want to be that girl at ALL, for oh so many reasons
672. Calvin and Hobbes, Uncle Max/OMC, Calvin finally gets to go visit Uncle Max. Cue him and his partner telling the story of how they first met and came out- to a six year old and his stuffed tiger. claimed by mjules
673. Camelot 3000, Sir Tristan, adjusting to his female body is so much easier with Isolde by his side, but he still longs for the body of his past lives
674. Caprica, Sam/Larry, Sam struggles with the fact that he's never going to have a biological child of his own
675. Captive Heart, Sagara Goshi. Megumi was the only friend there for her when she decided she was a woman, not a man.
676. Cardcaptor Sakura, Sonomi, Sonomi never tells Nadeshiko she is a lesbian, but Nadeshiko lets her know she knows through indirect means
677. Cardcaptor Sakura, Tomoyo, Tomoyo falls in love with a woman and eventually tells her best friend (and first love) Sakura.
678. CardCaptor Sakura, Tomoyo Daidouji, it isn't easy sometimes, but she knows it'll be all right
679. Castle, Alexis Castle, Alexis is glad her dad's so supportive about the whole lesbian thing, really she is. But if he could be supportive without being monumentally embarrassing at the same time, that would be great too.
680. Castle, Alexis Castle, Alexis decides to test-run coming out to one of the team before her dad. There's no way that'll be awkward...
681. Castle, Alexis Castle, Alexis tells his father and grandmother he's trans.
682. Castle, Alexis Castle, Alexis knows her Dad will love her no matter what, but she is very carefully not examining why she feels the need to come out to Kate Beckett first
683. Castle, Alexis Castle, she tells Kate she has a girlfriend before she tells her father, chaos ensues
684. Castle, Alexis Castle, Coming out to 'the cool Dad' should be easy . . . right? (Writer's choice as to what Alexis is coming out about.)
685. Castle, Javier Esposito(/Kevin Ryan), Esposito didn't look too hard at Castle's 'jealous' comment... until he finally meets Ryan's girlfriend and realizes maybe Castle knew something he didn't. claimed by shrift
686. Castle, Javier Esposito/Kevin Ryan, Ryan wants to tell the precinct they're together, Esposito wants to stay in the closet. (Bonus points for religious issues.),
687. Castle, Kate Beckett, She never felt the need to tell her coworkers about her sexuality until she met Castle. (She is L/B/T)
688. Castle, Kate Beckett/Javier Esposito/Kevin Ryan, Esposito and Ryan decide to come out to Castle so Kate can come out to him about her relationship with them.
689. Castle, Kate Beckett/Javier Esposito/Kevin Ryan, She may share bed with them, but she is still their boss.
690. Castle, Kate Beckett/Javier Esposito/Kevn Ryan, Ryan and Esposito are in a relationship and secure enough that they can discuss Esposito and Beckett's growing chemistry. But how do they persuade her to join them in bed?
691. Castle, Richard Castle, Castle tries outing himself via his books. (Castle is G/B/T)
692. Castle, Richard Castle, Castle and his mother talk a lot about his colorful past. Someone he was involved with long ago shows up as part of a case, and they don't fit the precinct's heteronormative view of Castle. What does Beckett (and everyone else) think, and how does Castle deal with their reactions
693. Casualty, Lenny, no-one’s ever asked him if he’s gay and he doesn’t know what he’d tell them if they did.
694. Casualty, Lenny/Yuki, Lenny hates seeing May string Yuki along but neither of them exactly understand subtlety, so the time for hints and advice has passed.
695. Casualty, Toby, he breaks up with Ben and then has to figure things out all over again.
696. Casualty, Toby/Nick Jordan, Adam tricks them into a date, but he’s the only one with all the information.
697. Chalion series, Any,The Bastard claims those who don't conform to the sexual norms of the other Gods, when someone suddenly becomes his saint, what truths do they have to face about themselves
698. Charlie Bartlett, Charlie Bartlett/Nathan Gardner, Nathan struggles with his sexual identity, and his attraction to a teenage boy.
699. Charmed, (young)Chris, In his teens, one of the family finds him trying to find a spell in the book to change his sexuality.
700. Charmed, Chris, Telling them he was Piper's son was hard enough, but trying to get up the courage to tell his family that he's bisexual has him so nervous that he'd rather face the Source. He knows that once he tells them, they'll be fine, but he just can't quite get the words out.
701. Charmed, Chris, Telling people he's gay is easy compared to telling them he's a witch.
702. Charmed, Chris & future!Chris, When Chris returns yet again from an alternate future, his family act weirdly supportive in ways he doesn't quite understand until his younger self finally admits that he told them about his bisexuality. (Man, that could get confusing)
703. Charmed, Chris & Wyatt, Growing up people always assumed that Wyatt was the gay one. Chris isn't sure why it bothered him so much.
704. Charmed, Chris/Cole, when a Whitelighter fucks a demon he is punished and forgiven but fucking a man is punishable by death
705. Charmed, Chris/Cole, Chris lost everything when he came out but Cole understands or maybe he just has nothing left to lose either
706. Charmed, Leo, When Leo's past came back to haunt him literally, he ends up having to come clean to his wife about his very male war-time lover.
707. Charmed, Paige Matthews, Wyatt wasn't the first Halliwell male to be born in generations after all.
708. Charmed, Phoebe Halliwell, When a spell goes wrong turning Phoebe into a man; how can she tell her family that she doesn't want to turn back?
709. Chasing Amy, Bank Edwards, Look, whatever the fuck Alyssa says, Banky is definitely not gay, you got that?
710. Cherry Ames book series (Helen Wells and Julie Tatham), Cherry/Gwen, living the bohemian life with the Spencer Girls in Greenwich Village helps Cherry realize she's not as straight as she thought she was.
711. Chess, Alexander Molokov, on being both gay and in the Russian KGB. 'Now, you know he's never been married.'
712. Chess, Alexander Molokov/Walter de Courcey, it's hard to say what's more dangerous about this relationship, being queer in their respective jobs, or the fact that they're sleeping with the enemy,
713. Chess, the Arbiter, he understands the drama surrounding the game, it's the drama surrounding the interpersonal/sexual relationships of the players that leaves him bewildered.
714. Chess (musical), one of the competitors, The press ridicules Freddie for having a woman as his second. If only they knew that one of the finalists for World Champion (Freddie, Anatoly, Vigand) was trans - either closeted MtF or passing FtM
715. Chrestomanci Chronicles, any Chrestomanci, what if one of their never-to-be lives was of the opposite gender? How would it affect them?
716. Chrestomanci Chronicles, any Chrestomanci. With each new life, everything is healed... including sexual reassignment surgery.
717. Chrestomanci Chronicles, Christopher Chant, What is it like being LGBT when it's your job to travel to many different worlds with many different views of LGBT people?
718. Chrestomanci Chronicles, Janet, heterosexuality is something else that Janet despises as 'female bondage.' Unfortunately, the denizens of the Castle don't really understand
719. Chronicles of Narnia, any king or queen, Marriage is a traditional method of political alliance, so how can a non-straight monarch avoid it or find some way to make it work?
720. Chronicles of Narnia, any of the Pevensies, How is it different growing up L, B, G, or T in Narnia than in England?
721. Chronicles of Narnia, Dr. Cornelius, While teaching Caspian history, Dr. Cornelius (himself LGBT) has to decide how to explain a past Narnian or Telmarine hero(ine) who was LGBT.
722. Chronicles of Narnia, Edmund Pevensie, Edmund realizes he is not straight and decides to be forthright and come out, affecting his identity as both sibling and king.
723. Chronicles of Narnia, Peter, Realizing he's gay and not knowing how to come out/talk about it with Aslan. Of course, Aslan rarely needs to be told what's going on, but waits patiently for Peter to find his way to accept himself all the same claimed by the_afterlight
724. Chronicles of Narnia, Peter Pevensie, Narnia had very free attitudes on sexuality, and High King Peter loved men. How does Peter cope with the difference once back in 1940's England?
725. Chronicles of Narnia, Peter Pevensie/OMC, Peter realized plenty about himself in Narnia that would be dangerous to act on in England. But a High King should never hide, especially when he has fallen in love with a boy equally brave and shameless. Susan objects to what she sees as recklessness, Lucy quietly supports her brother, and Edmund secretly fights off the growing agitation from their classmates.
726. Chronicles of Narnia, Peter/Caspian, Peter has kissed girls and Caspian has practically been drooling over Susan, but this one time, in Narnia..
727. Chronicles of Narnia, Susan Pevensie, The real reason Susan chose to stop believing in Narnia was the strict attitudes on sexuality there, which she couldn't live by. She tries to make her siblings understand.
728. Chronicles of Narnia - Susan can't explain why she feels like an outsider both in Narnia and in England.
729. Chuck, Chuck Bartowski, Chuck admits that Sarah wasn't the only one to ever have a relationship with Bryce.
730. Chuck, Chuck Bartowski/John Casey, Now that he’s a civilian John doesn’t have to deal with Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and has to decide whether or not he wants to come out as a bisexual man. claimed by cynaera
731. Chuck, Chuck Bartowski/John Casey/Sarah Walker), Hiding in plain sight
732. Circle of Magic (Tamora Pierce), Daja Kisubo, How does she interact with the Emelan court now that she knows she is nisamohi? How does it change things for her?
733. Circle of Magic (Tamora Pierce), Daja Kisubo, When they return home from Namorn, Daja goes looking for other people like her.
734. Circle of Magic (Tamora Pierce), Sandrilene fa Toren, It's one thing for Daja to love women. It's another thing entirely for Duke Vedris's niece. claimed by lullabymoon
735. Circle of Magic (Tamora Pierce), Trisana Chandler, She was a little taken aback when she learned that Daja didn't love men but women. She's only now realizing that maybe that's because for her, it isn't but, it's and
736. City of Heroes/Villains, Lord Recluse/Statesman, is there an underlying reason for their current animosity, or something current they're hiding? Any time period.
737. Claymore, Clare/Jean, after Jean's death, how does Clare cope with her feelings for Jean
738. Claymore, Helen/Deneve, the early stages of their relationship.
739. Coffee Prince, Choi Han Kyul, Han Kyul played off what happened in America as a joke, but falling in love with Eun Chan means he can't sidestep the issue of his sexual orientation any longer
740. Coffee Prince, Go Eun Chan, Eun Chan is comfortable being male or female.
741. comes with it.
742. Community, Abed, Abed makes a documentary trying to understand real life dating from the perspective of an asexual. This is how he comes out to the group.
743. Community, Abed Nadir/Troy Barnes, Abed's running out of famously queer-subtexty fictional characters for Troy & him to role-play as, and Troy still doesn't get it
744. Community, any character/pairing, Greendale LGBT fair. Hilarity ensues, someone comes out, and more hilarity ensues.
745. Community, Britta Perry, MtF!Britta is amused by all the jabs at her lack of femininity, considering how much crap she used to get in the other direction
746. Community, Britta Perry/Annie Edison, Jo Polniaczek indeed. Britta comes to peace with her bisexuality with the help of Annie.
747. Community, Britta/Annie, Britta claims to be an activist but it takes Annie's influence to get her to come out to the group.
748. Community, Shirley/Britta, It's bad enough Shirley is sleeping with a woman (the bible certainly frowns on it), but does she have to be an Atheist too? Shirley deals with her own intolerance
749. Community, Troy Barnes/Abed Nadir, Troy and Abed come out. How do they cope with their rigid cultural expectations?
750. Community, Troy/Abed, The bliss of new love: it's better than any 80s movie ever promised.
751. Corner Gas, Davis Quinton, Don't make him choose between having a love life and living in Dog River.
752. Corner Gas, Karen Pelly, everyone just assumes she must be gay since she's a female cop - and she is, but her job has nothing to do with it
753. Coronation Street, David Platt, he’d come out if he thought anyone would believe him.
754. Cotillion (Georgette Heyer), Freddy Standen, Freddy knows that he isn't interested in women, but he marries Kitty anyway. Why
755. Could potentially lead to them questioning the true nature of their current relationship, or simply be written as Jones acting as a mentor of sorts.
756. Count Cain, Cain, Victorian gentlemen's clubs, rentboys and the homosexual underground
757. Count Cain, Cain Hargreaves, how hard - or easy - is it for Cain to lie to his nearest and dearest about his sexuality?
758. Count Cain, Oscar/Cain, Victorian romantic friendships and the point at which they cross the line into (at least potential) illegality.
759. Count Cain, Riff, even before volume 6 of Godchild, there are things Cain doesn't know about Riff
760. Count Cain, Riff/Cain, Cain's gender identity is ambiguous.
761. Count Cain, Riff/Cain, the difficulty is not so much the secrecy as the class difference.
762. Criminal Minds, any, Kidverse AU--one of the kids is LGBT, it's not the one everyone thinks, and it's proving surprisingly harder to cope with for Hotch and Rossi than you'd suspect. Just because they're gay parents doesn't mean they can deal with being the parent of a LGBT child.
763. Criminal Minds, any character, Being LGBT in the FBI
764. Criminal Minds, Derek Morgan, Separating your sexuality from the aftermath of being abused is hard to do even when you're a behavioural specialist. Claimed by ever_obsessed
765. Criminal Minds, Emily Prentiss, It's not that she thinks the team won't accept her -- it's just that sexuality shouldn't be mixed up with work. How does she end up coming out to the team anyway? claimed by calleigh_j
766. Criminal Minds, Emily Prentiss, Emily doesn't talk about her sexuality, so even after people know she's queer, they assume she's not the pride parade type. She doesn't often correct this assumption.
767. Criminal Minds, Emily Prentiss, the team finds out that she's bisexual but they know better than to assume any ridiculous stereotypes are true, right? But she is poly and struggles with whether she should be honest about that, too.
768. Criminal Minds, Emily Prentiss, She's spent her entire life in the closet, and she's not sure what she'd do if anyone knew
769. Criminal Minds, Emily Prentiss, everyone was okay when they thought she was a lesbian. Now that they've figured out she likes men too, it's getting harder.
770. Criminal Minds, Emily/Jordan, they're both kind of happy when Jordan leaves the team - without having to worry about the rules about inter-team relationships, being together is so much easier claimed by youraugustine
771. Criminal Minds, Hotch & Rossi, just because Hotch and Rossi are both bisexual divorcees doesn't mean they're together. It doesn't mean they're not, either. It's complicated, mainly because one of them is also having doubts about being male as well.
772. Criminal Minds, JJ Jareau, how she told her chosen family she was bisexual
773. Criminal Minds, Penelope Garcia, the reason Penelope Garcia doesn't talk about college and her post-CalTech years too much is because she wasn't Penelope Garcia, she was Peter Garcia. 'I went underground for a while' is Penelope Garcia's code for hir search for self. claimed by sinuous_curve
774. Criminal Minds, Spencer Reid, Reid is genderqueer -- and it’s not like being in the FBI was easy anyway.
775. Criminal Minds, Spencer Reid, In order to catch their latest UNSUB, Reid has to out himself as an asexual claimed by slash4femme
776. Criminal Minds, Spencer Reid, Everyone assumes that Spencer is a straight virgin and he lets them believe it, but when one of his coworkers finds out that he's bisexual he has to deal with coming out.
777. Criminal Minds (Kid-Verse AU), Hotch/Rossi, What does it mean to them to be gay parents and how it's totally worth it, despite all the challenges.
778. Crossover, Doctor Who/Star Trek: DS9, any Time Lord and any Trill symbiont carrier discuss their regenerations; this inevitably leads talking about sexuality/past relationships among other things. claimed by hhertzof
779. Crossover, White Collar/Heroes, Elizabeth/Neal/Peter, Elizabeth/female Heroes character of your choice, It's one thing to be a part of a threesome with your husband and a gorgeous man, but Elizabeth's conversations with Diana are making her wonder about what it would be like to be with another woman, beyond that one kiss at a party that still makes her wet to think about. Then the woman who gave her that kiss (the female Heroes character) comes back into her life as a client, but she makes it clear that she's never forgotten the kiss either.
780. Crossover: (AU) Warehouse 13/The West Wing, Claudia Donovan/CJ Cregg, Claudia Donovan believes CJ when she says they are no artefacts in The White House, but that doesn't mean she will leave her be.
781. Crossover: any fandom/any fandom, any characters, Coming out to a stranger online is easier. claimed by maryling, claimed by azure_chaos
782. Crossover: BSG/Farscape, Kara Thrace/Aeryn Sun, is it true that broken people make better soldiers (vid-inspired prompt: vid link)
783. Crossover: Charmed/SGA, Chris/Evan Lorne, Chris's boyfriend, Evan, wants to meet his family. He doesn't know what the problem is since Chris assures him his family know he's bi.
784. Crossover: Count Cain/Godchild, Dr. Ceres Octavia AKA Justice, In the Viz translation of 'The Seal of the Red Ram', Jezebel calls Justice a sapphic witch.' What was it like for her to be a (possibly married, since she had a son) lesbian in the Victorian era? Did it affect her reasons for joining Delilah?
785. Crossover: Count Cain/Godchild, Oscar Gabriel/Merryweather (Hargreaves) Gabriel and Oscar Gabriel/Cain Hargreaves, Post series, Oscar and Merryweather both comes to terms with the fact that Oscar loved Cain just as much, and in the same way, that he loves Merryweather.
786. Crossover: Criminal Minds/Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Spencer Reid/Robert Goren, It's inevitable that these brilliant detectives would eventually move on from swapping stories to opening up to each other about feeling isolated and worrying about inheriting Mom's schizophrenia, but there are some things they still haven't discussed. Of course, given their skill sets, they don't always need to explain to understand each other perfectly. (Goren's occasional crushes on serial killers and Reid's struggles with Dilaudid addiction, now, that they might have to discuss.)
787. Crossover: Discworld/Thursday Next, Fictional Thursday Next/Angua von Uberwald, Real Thursday is straight, but Fictional Thursday isn't. When she meets Angua while on assignment, how does she deal with the feelings she has kept hidden under her tough girl facade?
788. Crossover: Glee/Popular, Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray and Sam McPherson/Brooke McQueen, Lesbianism runs in the family, apparently. Quinn and Rachel go to California to visit Quinn's cousin Brooke as well as to learn about LGBTQIA+ history in San Fransisco.
789. Crossover: Good Omens/Neverwhere, Aziraphale & Crowley & Islington, Crowley and Aziraphale have lived among humans for thousands of years and always worn male bodies and presented as male and never thought much of it (even if they don't quite have it down perfectly). How does meeting an angel who steadfastly maintains angelic genderlessness change their perceptions and make them wonder about themselves? They can't write it off to Islington just being insane, can they?
790. Crossover: Good Omens/Supernatural, Castiel/Aziraphale or Castiel and Aziraphale, Castiel has questions. Aziraphale has answers.
791. Crossover: Hancock/DC Comics, Mary Embrey/Diana Prince, After the loss of Ray, Wonder Woman takes Mary to Themysciria, and Mary admits that while here connection to Hancock is pure physics, when she is away from him she has a variety of partners. Her long lifespan has given her a unique perspective on this sexuality thing that beleaguers so many mortals.
792. Crossover: Heroes/NCIS, Nathan Petrelli/Tony Di Nozzo, Nathan and Tony had a relationship when they were younger (boarding school, college, author's choice). Nathan broke it off, because he was expected to get married and raise a family. Later in their lives they meet again, and discover neither has ever forgotten - and they both want to try and fit each other into their lives
793. Crossover: Highlander/Pride and Prejudice, Duncan MacLeod/Colonel Fitzwilliam, They meet on a battlefield in France when MacLeod saves Fitzwilliam's life. Though he's tried to ignore it, Fitzwilliam has always been attracted to men--and MacLeod is very attractive. Fitzwilliam struggles to confess his desires and is surprised to find MacLeod so broad-minded.
794. Crossover: Historical RPF/Torchwood, Captain Jack Harkness/Kit Marlowe, Jack falls through the rift and meets another infamous rake-playwright and sometimes spy Christopher Marlowe. What happens when Walsingham finds a 51st century man in Elizabethan England? In Marlowe's bed?
795. Crossover: Jeeves and Wooster/RPF (The Naked Civil Servant), Bertie Wooster and Quentin Crisp, Two very different queer lives collide.
796. Crossover: Marvel Comics/DC Comics, Felicia Hardy/Selina Kyle, Being an over-sexualized icon of thievery and occasional do-gooding means that finding time to be yourself is as hard as finding someone to be yourself with.
797. Crossover: Merchant of Venice/Twelfth Night, Antonio(/Bassanio) and Antonio(/Sebastian), Commiseration over the blindness of best friends and/or the necessity of participating in an adulterous relationship.
798. Crossover: NCIS/CSI, Abby/Greg, Abby and Greg bond over being bi labrats, and in the closet as far as their teammates are concerned.
799. Crossover: NCIS/Stargate Atlantis, Tony DiNozzo/John Sheppard, DADT doesn't apply to Tony, and he's always been open about his sexuality. How does he deal with John's need to stay closeted?
800. Crossover: NCIS/Stargate SG1, Tony DiNozzo/Daniel Jackson, After years working with the military, it's refreshing to meet someone like Tony who doesn't care what others think. But how does Daniel go back to his team afterwards?
801. Crossover: NCIS/Torchwood, Abbie/Tosh, Torchwood is called in to help NCIS and in working with Tosh, Abby comes to develop a crush/come out to herself/deal with her co-workers' reactions
802. Crossover: Numb3rs/SGA/NCIS, Colby Granger/Evan Lorne & Tony DiNozzo/John Sheppard, Colby and Tony are both in relationships with men for whom DADT means their careers would be in jeopardy if anyone found out they're gay/bi, they need someone they can lean on when staying in the closet gets tough to handle.
803. Crossover: Numb3rs/SGA/NCIS, Colby Granger/Evan Lorne & Tony DiNozzo/John Sheppard, Both Evan and John are in relationships with federal agents, their partners don't need to stay in the closet, but have chosen to in order to protect their military-employed partners. Evan and John discuss how they feel about this.
804. Crossover: Queer as Folk UK/Queer as Folk US, Nathan Maloney/Hunter, At Ben's insistence, Hunter studies abroad for his junior year. He chooses London, where he meets Nathan, who mocks Hunter's insistence that he's bisexual, not gay.
805. Crossover: SG1/Transformers, Sam Carter/Jessica Morgan, Sam Carter and her girlfriend Jessica Morgan (movieverse version of her would suffice) go bike shopping for Jess's new ride. Only, well, said ride is alive, named Arcee, and identifies as female. Oops?
806. Crossover: Six Feet Under/The Shield, Keith Charles-Julien Low: two takes on being a gay, Christian, black cop in L.A.
807. Crossover: Star Trek Voyager/Stargate Atlantis; Evan Lorne/Tom Paris; Tom has always had an almost fanboyish love for the 20th/21st century, but when Voyager find themselves in the Pegasus galaxy in the early 21st century, he discovers that being bisexual isn't as acceptable as he's always been used to.
808. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Numb3rs, Colby/Lorne, When Colby asks Evan to retire and take their relationship to the next level, Evan must decide which is more important to him, his career or Colby.
809. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Numb3rs: Colby/Lorne, Colby wouldn't really consider himself to be in the closet, he is just being discrete to protect his partner. When one of his coworkers catches him and Evan, he has to explain why things must stay a secret.
810. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG1, John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell, Staying exclusive is easy when you hardly see one another, but when John finds himself in liberal California rather than life-threatening Pegasus will everything be as simple as it was?
811. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1, John Sheppard, The problem with having Cameron Mitchell for an ex is that he feels qualified to offer dating advice. claimed by bluflamingo
812. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1, John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell, John and Cam come out to their respective teams to mixed reactions.
813. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1, John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell, when you come home
814. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1, John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell, John identifies as gay, Cam identifies as straight. This causes problems in their sex life.
815. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1, John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell, What happens when one of you sees certain things as 'romantic' and the other sees them as heteronormative?
816. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1, John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell, standing by your man when one of you is the victim of homophobia-motivated sexual violence.
817. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1, John Sheppard/Jack O'Neill, It's not easy sleeping with someone this far in the closet
818. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1, John Sheppard/Jack O'Neill, Being gay meant certain things for Jack's generation--at least, that's the way Jack perceives it. This causes problems in their relationship.
819. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1, John Sheppard/Jack O'Neill, One of them is threatened with being outed.
820. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1, John/Cameron, This thing they have where they hookup when they're both single and horny, it doesn't mean they're gay. Afer all, it's never involved fucking or kissing, so they're both still straight. Right?
821. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1, Ronon Dex/Teal’c, After the tumultuous first meeting, the two find common ground in an unexpected place: sexual orientation is a non-issue for both of them.
822. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Supernatural, Sam Winchester/Evan Lorne, Hiding in plain sight wasn't easy, but when DADT is repealed, life gets much more complicated
823. Crossover: Stargate Atlantis/Torchwood, Captain Jack Harkness/John Sheppard or Rodney McKay (or both!), Captain Jack shows up and long buried feelings come to the surface. How can anyone hide their true self from Captain Jack?
824. Crossover: Stargate SG1/Stargate Atlantis, Cameron Mitchell/John Sheppard, DADT has long since been repealed, the Stargate program has become public, and John and Cam find themselves on the cover of The Advocate
825. Crossover: Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis, any characters, Different characters have different perspectives on being queer in the military.
826. Crossover: Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis, Cam/John, Cam is hiding his relationship with John from his parents because he's never come out as bisexual to them and he's afraid of how they'd take it.
827. Crossover: Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis, Cam/John, Atlantis being parked in the middle of San Fransisco bay rather than on Lantea isn't *all* bad.
828. Crossover: Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis, John/Cam, when DADT is repealed, Cam requests a transfer to Pegasus because he is tired of being in the longest distance relationship in human history.
829. Crossover: Stargate/Torchwood, Jack Harkness, Jack has had many children, both as a mother and a father (though he won't get pregnant again, that was a nightmare the last time). He comforts his son (John, Cam or Lorne) when he gets kicked out of the military because he is gay. claimed by neth_dugan
830. Crossover: Stargate: Atlantis/Stargate: SG-1, any character, How does the SGC/Atlantis react when DADT is repealed?
831. Crossover: Stargate: Atlantis/Stargate: SG-1, John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell, Cam coming to grips with the fact that he's not really straight any more.
832. Crossover: Stargate: Atlantis/Stargate: SG-1, John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell, One or both of them coming out to their family.
833. Crossover: The Addams Family/The Munsters, Marilyn Munster, Morticia Addams/Lily Munster, Marilyn is the odd one in her family because of her looks (the poor dear), but she’s never minded Uncle Herman scaring away all of her potential boyfriends. She’s afraid she’s really odd because she likes women better, until she discovers what Aunt Lily’s up to with her best friend Morticia Addams
834. Crossover: The Baby-Sitter's Club/RENT, Jessi Ramsey/Mallory Pike/various, It's now the mid-90s, and Jessi and Mal have moved to the city. Jessi is a dancer for the New York City Ballet and Mal is a student at NYU. When one of them meets the infamous Maureen Johnson, many questions are asked about the nature of their relationship... (and if you can manage to place Mal in one of Collins's philosophy classes, SO MANY BONUS POINTS)
835. Crossover: The IT Crowd/Nathan Barley, Richmond, Getting out of his brother's shadow when they were younger meant being normal and sensible and straight, but it never felt like who he really was. It was easy in the end to embrace his darkness, so why can't Richmond embrace his queerness? If anyone's embraced queerness it's his brother, so he goes to Jones for advice. Any pairings you fancy
836. Crossover: The Mighty Boosh/Robots in Disguise (RPF), Dee Plume/Sue Denim, When their relationships with their men go sour, Dee and Sue have always had each other to rely on. But Sue starts realizing maybe she'd like more than a shared bath and a drunken fumble-- even if it might mean trouble for their band.
837. Crossover: The Mighty Boosh/Torchwood, Sunflash/Jack Harkness, comparing notes on sexuality across time and galaxies.
838. Crossover: Torchwood/Doctor Who, Jack's a freewheeling, 51st century guy who's now stuck in the 19th. When homosexuality was still illegal.
839. Crossover: Torchwood/Stargate: SG-1, any characters, Torchwood 3 (AKA we're all bi except for Owen) meets the SGC (AKA DADT rules) during a professional meet-and-greet/info exchange, and while the SGC people make certain assumptions of straightness all around, they are damn shocked to find that it's quite the opposite. T3 doesn't see a problem, and officially neither does the SGC, but certain people are having trouble focusing on saving the world now that they know.
840. Crossover: Wizards of Waverly Place/iCarly, Alexandra 'Alex' Margarita Russo/Samantha 'Sam' Puckett, After meeting on a bi-curious chat room Sam and Alex come to terms over embracing their identity as 'chapstick' lesbians.
841. Crossover: X-Men Movieverse/The West Wing, any characters, A GLBT mutant politician shakes things up.
842. Crusoe, Robinson Crusoe/Friday, Living on the island together for years with no other companionship, Crusoe at first thinks that his physical attraction to Friday is merely convenience, but learns otherwise very quickly.
843. Cryptonomicon, Alan Turing/Rudy von Hacklheber, What happily ever after might have looked like for them.
844. CSI, Nick & Warrick, After Nick comes out, Warrick feels betrayed that his best friend never told him. Nick takes his reaction as homophobic, and they talk about it.
845. CSI, Nick/Greg, Nick has a discussion with his dad about just because he is gay doesn't mean he can't be masculine, and that that doesn't mean that Greg can't be as well. There is no woman in the relationship.
846. CSI, Any characters, Just because we're both gay/bi doesn't mean we want one another.
847. CSI, Catherine Willows, Catherine's never been afraid of admitting that she finds women attractive sometimes, but a new CSI/labtech/police officer makes her examine her sexuality more closely.
848. CSI, Greg Sanders, Greg is accidentally outed as bisexual. He deals with the sudden scrutiny into his sex life and the misconceptions over the lifestyle, while the team try to get used to this new side of someone they see every day. claimed by miss_zedem
849. CSI, Greg Sanders, Greg can't remember when he stopped caring what people thought about his sexuality.
850. CSI, Lady Heather/Sara Sidle/Gil Grissom, the two loves of Grissom's life aren't the rivals others think they are.
851. CSI, Nick Stokes, Coming out was the easy part, it's putting up with people treating him like he's some kind of gay encyclopaedia that's hard.
852. CSI, Nick Stokes, Post-Grave Danger. When his final confessions turn out to be not that final, Nick has to deal with the fallout of outing himself to the lab.
853. CSI, Nick Stokes/Greg Sanders, Coming out isn't easy when everyone thinks they already know about your sex life.
854. CSI, Nick Stokes/Greg Sanders, Nick tries a little too hard to convince people he's straight.
855. CSI, Nick/Greg. The decide to raise their new kid religiously and struggle to find a church/synagogue/whatever to go to.
856. CSI, Sara Sidle, Not telling people you're bisexual is not the same as being in the closet.
857. CSI, Sara Sidle, Sara's not closeted because she prefers not to talk about her sex-life at work. Being out as bi doesn't mean she has to give out details.
858. CSI, Sofia Curtis, butch identifying Sofia was sure she looked as awkward as she felt in that dress and promised herself she would stop compromising to keep a low profile.
859. CSI, Sofia Curtis, butch identifying Sofia doesn't give a damn if some people think it's odd that she occasionally likes to wear make-up and a dress.
860. CSI Vegas, Greg Sanders, He is surprised to find out that he even needs to come out as bisexual and it forces him to look at how other people view his sexuality when it’s something he’s just always accepted.
861. CSI Vegas, Greg Sanders & Nick Stokes, When Greg comes out, he finds support from an unexpected place.
862. Dalziel and Pascoe novels, Edgar Wield, Something exploring how at the start of his career compartmentalising his life had seemed the only option and that had influenced his ambitions but over the years some things had changed.
863. Dalziel and Pascoe novels, Edgar Wield/Edwin Digweed, When they first talked about going for a civil partnership, it didn't feel that important, but once married, something felt different.
864. Dalziel and Pascoe novels, Peter Pascoe, Peter never thought he was bisexual enough that it mattered, and he loves Ellie. But since Wield came out, Peter is starting to feel like he's denying part of himself by not being open even with his wife
865. Damages, Ray Fiske, Gregory Malina didn't just shake up the Frobisher case, but Ray's entire view on his sexuality as well.
866. Dan for Mayor, Dan, He's not trying to make history as Wessex's first modern-day gay leader. These kinds of things just happen to him. (Bonus for some Alexander Wood-style (link) history in Wessex.)
867. Danger: UXB, Sergeant James, Post-war, James is arrested for cottaging, and has to deal with a visit from Brian Ash, who can't believe that such a brave, masculine man is queer.
868. Daria, Jane Lane, There was more to her sexual identity crisis in Is It Fall Yet? than met the eye, and maybe it's time she actually admitted she told Allison 'I like guys' because she wasn't interested in Allison in particular.
869. Daria, Joey, Jeffy or Jamie, One of the three Js begins to wonder if he's chasing after Quinn because he wants to be *with* her... or because he wants to *be* her.
870. Dark Angel, any characters, a soldier's life in Manticore isn't the only thing they rebelled against
871. Dark Angel, Any X-5, They live in an environment where a 'flaw' like homosexuality means a trip to the labs.
872. Dark Angel, Logan/Max, Another reason his family doesn't like him much is that he's bi.
873. Dark Angel, Max/Cindy, Max hates going into heat. No matter what her mind feels for Cindy, her body has to have someone male.
874. Dark Angel, Normal, Finding out his girlfriend used to be a guy hadn't really bothered him that much. When she leaves him because she's a lesbian, he's forced to wonder *why* it didn't bother him.
875. Dark Angel, Original Cindy, OC ends up facing her own transphobia when she inadvertently falls for someone who is transitioning
876. Dark Blue, Dean Bendis, Dean's macho act is just that -- an act. Dean is MTF.
877. Dark Blue, Jaimie Allen(/Dean Bendis), What she'd failed to mention was that Jaimie Anderson had been legally male. How does being trans impact (or not) her relationship with Dean, her job, etc?
878. Dark Ivory, Ivory Fontaine, She originally blames it on the vampirism, but Ivory begins to realize she's always been bisexual.
879. David Blaize, Frank Maddox/David Blaize, After leaving Cambridge, Frank and David's friendship only deepens and they realise that growing up has not changed their feelings for one another.
880. Dawn, Dawn/Darrien, Even if you're born into the wrong body, The Goddess still knows who you are. (Darrien is FtM)

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