Challenge 1 results

Jun 12, 2006 08:17

The results are in. Unfortunately we have to say goodbye to the makers of those three icons:

by tofuttirice with -17 votes

by bandchicka0306 with -14 votes

by until_the_world with -10 votes.

People's Choice:

by spiffydaze with +7 votes

Mod's Choice:

by cool_rush
because i love the use of dotted texture and just every detail of this icon is great.

voting tally:

1 +1
2 -2
3 +3
4 +1
5 -1
6 -14
7 -10
8 -17
9 +1
12 -1 +1
14 -1
16 +3
17 -4 +1
19 -1
20 +7
21 -9
22 +2
23 +1
24 -3 +1
25 -2
26 -1

if you wish to know your comments, please leave a comment here with your icon number- i will post is for you sometime soon.

comment if you've snagged those.

challenge 1, round 1, results

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