Space-Commander Travis to Roj Blake, troublemakerlferionJanuary 29 2011, 22:45:59 UTC
To: Roj Blake, troublemaker ‘Liberator’- Whereabouts unknown, but that won’t stop you getting this; between the thief, the telepath, the pirate and the sociopath, there are no comm-bands untapped.
You will be pleased to know that Her Eminence has seen fit to send me to ‘learn moderation’ on Ursa Prime. Or was it ‘cleaning house’? Certainly it is cleaner without your sad and ineffective resistance cell.
Lovely place, very peaceful now. Wish you were here.
‘Liberator’- Whereabouts unknown, but that won’t stop you getting this; between the thief, the telepath, the pirate and the sociopath, there are no comm-bands untapped.
You will be pleased to know that Her Eminence has seen fit to send me to ‘learn moderation’ on Ursa Prime. Or was it ‘cleaning house’? Certainly it is cleaner without your sad and ineffective resistance cell.
Lovely place, very peaceful now. Wish you were here.
And you will be, quite soon, I am assured.
-Space Commander Travis
Gridmark 46-x Allotment !S2
Ursa Prime, Quadrant 3
Federation Space Sector 7
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