1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
2. Do this everyday for a week without fail.
3. Tag 8 of your friends to do the same.
--Not tagging, but encouraging the spreading of happy things--
1. Amusingly accurate --(
Which Torchwood character are you Meme: )
Comments 2
Hey, I did the Torchwood character meme and got the same thing as you, then couldn't get it to post correctly under a cut tag on my LJ (and how am I still so LJ-incompetent? I know you keep trying to explain it, but -- WTF???). Howver, my "almost" character was Toshio, whereas YOU are "almost" Cap'n Jack... and here I thought I was the talkative one???
Glad your day is going wo well!! Have fun at your party!
Also, I believe I'll be doing this meme. Is always a good thing to remind ourselves how many little happy things happens to us in a daily base :)
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