Poem - Las Vegas

Nov 25, 2008 23:41

The core images for this piece have been bumping around in my brain since the first time I drove to Las Vegas and was struck with the sheer astonishment of the city and its environs. Going there for the PWFC convention while also doing mini-nanowrimo gave me the impetus to capture a draft (one of my day's quota of words!) Today I revised and finished it ( Read more... )

mini-nanowrimo, poetry, travel, writing

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Comments 7

adabsolutely November 26 2008, 07:08:49 UTC
I love the poem! Wonderful imagery. Good luck with the story.



lferion November 26 2008, 21:43:20 UTC
Thank you -- I am glad you liked the piece. And I will take all the good wished I can get!


luscious_words November 26 2008, 13:48:19 UTC
Lovely poem. Hope your story goes well, hun. :)


lferion November 26 2008, 21:42:33 UTC
Thank you! I keep plugging away at it.

And eeping.


luscious_words November 27 2008, 01:22:52 UTC


breadandroses November 27 2008, 03:01:40 UTC
Wow. This is fantastic.


lferion December 5 2008, 00:22:58 UTC
Thank you!

And I haven't forgotten your story.


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