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Comments 6

ruines August 15 2009, 18:18:04 UTC
hey charlotte; i know this is kind of awkward but i'm the owner of dustier.tumblr and i'd prefer if you not use the images i post there for your graphics cos i myself use my tumblr as my own resource collection. i can't stop you, of course, but i hope that you'll understand where i'm coming from. thanks hun!


lfcgermany August 17 2009, 03:19:17 UTC
im so sorry for that. really sorry!
i hope i didn't bring you any trouble and thanks for telling me this!


ruines August 17 2009, 03:20:16 UTC
Oh, no hun! I didn't mention anything about this anywhere so it's okay. Thanks for understanding! ♥


lana_dark August 18 2009, 10:42:41 UTC
Thnx for adding to the friend list.My journal is new so I haven't written something interesting yet.Some post're going to appear soon ^__^ Love your graphics but why do you use bmp format? Or it's my stupid computer has done something wrong?


lfcgermany August 20 2009, 06:32:44 UTC
i save my icons as .png format. and idk why when i try to save them from ie, they will become .bmp format, fortunately they'll return .png format if using firefox/safari but it still sucks =/
*sorry for the grammar mistakes*


lana_dark August 18 2009, 10:45:04 UTC
and I also like making icons.I'm trying to improve this.And as you I want to improve my english *__*


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