Ooops. It seems like my Adam Lambert obsession made me forget I had a list of Jared/Jensen fics to rec, so once again this has gotten a little longer than intended.You've all probably read these by now, but I'm reccing them anyway because the authors are fabulous :D
cunningly hidden under this cut )
Comments 5
Thanks for the time you put into this.
Thank you for the thank you :D
I re- read waxjism's (bexless's) Apples are not the only fruit. Guess what? Its FAN- BLOODY- TASTIC! It's like this rush of un- taste washes over me every so often and then suddenly it clears and taste comes again.
Super is taking sooooooo loonnnnnnnnng to download! damn I downloaded a fake, heading back in there!
YAY. Taste-revision FTW! That fic is the cutest thing ever! ADAM. ADAM AT A COUNTRY FAIR. ADAM LOVING APPLE PIE.
Urrgghh. That sucks. I seem to have the slowest download speed too. One hour still to go. I want it noooooooooooooooooow.
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