BONES Vid: "Booth/Brennan - Where Do We Go From Here?"

Apr 25, 2010 10:28

Title: "BONES: Booth/Brennan - Where Do We Go From Here?”
Vidder: LittleLexLemon
Music: “Where Do We Go From Here” from Once More With Feeling (The Buffy Musical)
Clips: Bones (Season 3-5)
Spoilers: Up to 5x18
Characters/Pairings: Booth/Brennan
Genre: Angst/Drama

Summary: What do you do, once you’ve said it? What do you do when she says no? Booth and ( Read more... )

vids, drama, romance, where do we go from here, booth/brennan, bones, vid, vidding, buffy, booth, fanvid, angst, brennan

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Comments 8

aplacecalled April 25 2010, 11:02:42 UTC
Oh my, one of my favourite Buffy eps combined with one of my favourite Bones eps. Can it get better? Well, yes, 'cause the video is beautiful - a great combination of lyrics and clips. I'm not an expert, but it looks really schmick to me. Thanks for sharing.


lexlemon April 26 2010, 05:28:26 UTC
I loved "Once More With Feeling" too! I still often sing those songs. I'll take any chance I can get to combine Buffy with other fandoms! =)

Glad you liked it =) Thanks for the feedback!


roachstar April 25 2010, 11:24:55 UTC
Aww that was really great :D


lexlemon April 26 2010, 05:28:47 UTC
Thanks for watching! <3


lytab5 April 25 2010, 19:23:44 UTC
Oh, I love your vid! ♥
You chose the perfect scenes for this great Buffy song! Wow!


lexlemon April 26 2010, 05:47:26 UTC
It is *such* a great song, and I really enjoyed giving it a new meaning through Bones. ^__^ Glad you thought I mixed them well =) Thanks!


cleaninggirl April 25 2010, 22:46:39 UTC
OMG this is amazing it had me in tears I love the song one of my favourites from Once More With Feeling and . . .woah I'm just in awe of it the emotions that you captured just amazing so great I had to share the video on twitter so you might get a good few reviews on YT from people there ;-) great job hope you make more Bones videos


lexlemon April 26 2010, 06:36:40 UTC
Thanks so much for the feedback! I love that song too, and I felt it just worked so well with the 100th ep of Bones! So many tumultuous emotions in that ep! Thanks for sharing my vid on twitter! The more Bones fans the merrier!


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