My Firstest Ever Icon Post

Sep 04, 2009 23:27

I've finally got my act together to post some icons! And I got this really sweet icon table by
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stargate, vala, photoshop, sam, challence, experiments, icons, carter, o'neill, sj_everyday, scifi_icontest, sam/jack, jack

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Comments 48

mesmerising September 4 2009, 14:59:24 UTC
Yes, you spammed my friends page! But it was good spam, and these icons are all gorgeous! I love all the Sam/Jack icons, and I'm particularly fond of 3 for Jack and both 1 & 2 for Sam. (And I'm still on Season 8 of SG-1 so I haven't gotten up to Vala yet... XD)

Thanks for sharing--you really did Sam and Jack justice! :D ♥


lexlemon September 5 2009, 00:00:13 UTC
Sam & Jack are like my icon muses. I can't get enough of them. =) Oh, and you are gonna love Vala ^_^ I did.

Sankyuu for the feedback =)


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lexlemon September 5 2009, 00:02:38 UTC
Thank you! Glad you liked them =)


regularamanda September 4 2009, 23:49:24 UTC
EEK! I love the coloring on all of them! :D Especially the S/J, Sam and Vala ones!

*pokes* Now where's the next chapter of 'unplanned parenthood'? *pouts*


lexlemon September 5 2009, 00:05:07 UTC
Ah, busted >..< I've had some writers block on 'unplanned parenthood', but I had a great idea in the shower this morning, so hopefully I'll be posting soon!

Thanks for the icon feedback =) I'm still learning.


regularamanda September 5 2009, 00:13:04 UTC
I can totally understand writers block, hopefully it'll pass!! (*is impatient*)

Welcome! :) We're all still learning! ;) But your icons are so much better then anything I've done!


meoinya September 4 2009, 23:51:50 UTC
OMG! I love the Jack with his finger on his neck! It's like he's telling Sam 'put your mouth right here'. :)

They're all beautiful, of course, but the above one is my fav:)


lexlemon September 5 2009, 00:06:45 UTC
Ah ha ha! Omg it totally is ^_^ cute.


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lexlemon September 5 2009, 00:08:39 UTC
Thanks =) Glad you liked it.


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