Stargate Fanfic: The State Secret Scrapbook

Jun 19, 2009 00:56

Title: 'The State Secret Scrapbook'

Author: LexKitten

Summary: Jack and Sam put together a scrap-book for General Hammond. Glitter, giggling and very embarrassing photos abound.

Set/Spoilers: Season 8. Spoilers till early S8.

Rating: PG, if that.

A/N: For the GW Sam and Jack ficathon. Prompt: “making memories together”
Thanks to Judyhild for the last ( Read more... )

pointless fluff, stargate, fluff, craft, sam/jack, fanfic

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Comments 23

draco_somnians June 18 2009, 15:50:05 UTC
So. Much. Glee!



lexlemon June 19 2009, 00:39:52 UTC
Hee! <3 sankyuu


(The comment has been removed)

lexlemon June 19 2009, 00:39:24 UTC
Hahahaha. So true. Teal'c now saves up all his evil impulses for teasing Jack =P


sharp2799 June 18 2009, 18:22:16 UTC


lexlemon June 19 2009, 00:40:14 UTC
lol. Thats what I was going for. =P


just_a_theory June 20 2009, 13:23:45 UTC
Oh, I wish something like that happened! LOL. Great.


lexlemon June 20 2009, 13:38:34 UTC
So do I >.< Why was there relatively few silly/fluffy/adorkable scenes in canon?

Also, lol it's like I'm chasing you through my fics. Always just a comment behind >.> =P


just_a_theory June 20 2009, 13:58:24 UTC

Yeah... try making vids... it's all the same scenes over and over again.


lexlemon June 20 2009, 14:25:26 UTC
LOL! Oh you're a vidder!? I'm a (very poor) BSG vid maker, and I totally agree >.< there are those "seminal scenes" which end up being recycled in every vid, because canon is so limited.


hedwiggins June 20 2009, 17:44:28 UTC
Oh, I'm so darned glad I wasn't drinking any coffee or anything else when I read this.

That line about Jack with his finger up his nose would have made me snort whatever liquid was supposed to be going down my throat and spray it all over my computer and my desk and my cat and anything else nearby. I think this is one of those images that I'm going to be laughing at at frequent unexpected moments!

Great stuff. (**snorts**) :)


lexlemon June 22 2009, 06:03:48 UTC
Haha! I'm glad people still laugh at nose-picking-jokes ^^; We're never too old, right? =P

Thanks so much for reading!


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