Stargate Fanfic: Let 'em Sleep

Apr 05, 2009 23:03

Title: Let ‘em Sleep
Author: LexKitten
Summary: Daniel awakes one morning, to observe Jack and Sam while they sleep. Completely pointless fluff.
Set: Three/Fourish? Early, but non-specific.
Spoilers: Omg! Jack and Sam like each other! Sorry if I spoiled you.(i.e none)
Words: ~850
Disclaimer: Made for love, not for profit.
Rating: PG! Don’t get your hopes ( Read more... )

stargate, romance, fluff, sam, terrible, fanfic, horrible, awful, pointless fluff, sam/jack, daniel, ficlet, fanfiction, jack

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Comments 33

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lexlemon April 5 2009, 13:49:36 UTC
Boy, you're quick! And yes, my proof reading skills are teh suck.

Thanks so much for reading <3 <3


mel_darcy April 5 2009, 14:03:15 UTC
lexlemon April 5 2009, 23:20:23 UTC
I'm pretty sure Jack and Sam are just cute *all* the time, no matter what they do >.> =P

Thanks so much for reading! Glad you liked it.


dk2022 April 5 2009, 14:34:31 UTC
That was sweet without destroying my teeth. :) Great fic!


lexlemon April 5 2009, 23:20:56 UTC
Tee hee, thanks so much for reading! Also, your icon is love <3


photoshopaddict April 5 2009, 14:45:20 UTC
Awww, so sweat :)
*hovers away on her pink fluff cloud*


lexlemon April 5 2009, 23:21:23 UTC
Thanks for reading <3


not_a_zatarc April 5 2009, 15:05:08 UTC
Aw, sweet squishy goodness! :D :D :D Nicely done.


lexlemon April 5 2009, 23:22:06 UTC
Thanks so much! <3 Glad you liked it.


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