Redemption redux

Feb 28, 2017 14:27

I’m safely back from redemption_con; the journeys were totally straightforward and the trains were on time there and back ( Read more... )

gaming, me, conventions, food

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Comments 2

starbrow February 28 2017, 18:12:42 UTC
It was really great to have a nice chat with you on Sunday morning!

I'd be interested to hear what you thought of Fandom Issues #3. I attended the first two, but by Sunday my brain was pretty much switched off fandom-serious mode, so I opted for Thief of Bagdad instead, which was a lot of fun (Disney stole so much of it for Aladdin!).

I'm definitely keen to make sure there's more of a slash/adult fanfiction track in 2019. I really missed having the 'slash track' this year.


lexin March 1 2017, 11:50:52 UTC
I can't remember what was discussed in the Fandom Issues 3 panel, I've slept since then! Useless, I know. It was about bullying and things like that, and Tlanti explained how she'd been badly bullied in fandom in the past. I never have, but I've been bullied at work and I know how miserable it makes you.

The whole slash/femslash etc stream seemed to be run by poor Snowgrouse, which was a bit hard on her as I thought it expected too much. And the panel information came out too late.


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