
Jul 28, 2015 12:49

I used my iPad as phone, today. My first use of Skype. What a weird thing that is ( Read more... )

tests, computer, testing, gaming, technology, computers, me

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Comments 4

heliophile_oxon July 28 2015, 12:11:19 UTC
You're going to Wales?!?!

also too, you are clearly approximately infinitely more tehcnically capable than I am :-\


lexin July 28 2015, 12:25:10 UTC
Yes, I go to Wales every year ( ... )


heliophile_oxon July 28 2015, 13:34:41 UTC
Sounds brilliant :-) Will you just go to Bangor, or anywhere else as well?

As for the tech, build-from-parts definitely puts you in the hero category as far as I'm concerned!


lexin July 28 2015, 14:41:42 UTC
Sometimes if we have extra days we spend a day out at a castle somewhere, or a place of local interest ( ... )


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