Cloth ears r us

May 04, 2010 13:07

It's amazing what you overhear in the Ministry of Magic's canteen - or rather, what becomes mangled between someone saying it and my ear. I was minding my own business trying to cope with spaghetti bolognese when I overheard two blokes at the next table, one of whom was saying to the other, "He was in a band call the Gelatinous Poodles ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

highstone May 4 2010, 12:19:30 UTC
Not The Poodle used to sing "All the Young Prudes Google You Tube."


lexin May 4 2010, 12:23:51 UTC
So I need not have misheard "poodles". That's comforting.


highstone May 4 2010, 12:43:55 UTC
Now I come to think of it, there *was* a band called 'The Fabulous Poodles' - witness this Wikipedia entry:


erastes May 4 2010, 14:31:27 UTC
I was going to suggest the fabulous poodles. nod nod


lexin May 4 2010, 18:00:23 UTC
That's the most likely answer, though I can't say which of the members of the band they were talking about. My dinner had 99.9% of my attention - for some reason the spaghetti was in really short bits.


aunty_marion May 4 2010, 13:00:57 UTC
I once *twice* in a week (mis)heard news items on the radio referring to various activities of lobsters.

It made a lot more sense when I realised they were mobsters.


lexin May 4 2010, 18:00:44 UTC
Yes, I can see how that would be so.


lydia_petze May 5 2010, 00:10:53 UTC
Mott the Hoople, maybe?

And "Careful with that axe, Eugene" is a line from Red Dwarf.


lexin May 5 2010, 07:28:51 UTC
Yes, could easily be. My ears can be very clothy, sometimes.

I didn't know that about Red Dwarf, you learn something new every day. I wonder if they knew it was a song by Pink Floyd - I suppose they must have done.


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