Title: No Doubt
lexie_bFeedback: If you feel so moved.
Characters: Setsuna Meioh/Sailor Pluto
Word Count: 255
Rating: PG
Genre: Introspective
Summary: If history had taught her nothing else, it was to face challenges head on, without flinching.
Disclaimer: Naoko Takeuchi owns the characters and scenarios of Sailor Moon. I am a humble fan and thus make no profit from this venture.
If history had taught her nothing else, it was to face challenges head on, without flinching. To stare fear in the eyes and to take a step forward. A moment of weakness - a twitch in your jaw, an unconscious step backwards… these were things that lost battles, that lost wars. You could not question yourself, question your motives when faced with the enemy. If you had made it that far, any doubts had to have been buried a long time.
The Guardian Senshi hadn’t truly learnt this art yet. They were still unsure - even if they didn’t understand what they stood against, they should never show it. Alliances were more easily pieced back together than flesh and bone; than freedom and light. The girls still looked at the enemy with hope in their eyes, not the flat, even look of a soldier.
It did not take Neptune and Uranus long to learn. A few icy words, a hypothetical tragedy, and they are the steely soldiers she remembers. She knows it is hard, to look the darkness in the eye, to know that you win or you die, and that there is no compromise, and she hopes they can forgive her for the harsh lessons. They are soldiers first and foremost, and she cannot let them forget that; cannot lose them again to a careless mistake.
They are loyal and true, skulking in the shadows and meeting threats with cold smiles and colder eyes, and Serenity will see her throne. Pluto has no doubt in that.