*beep* the Lexica you have dialed is not in service at this time, or, Yankee Urges Thwarted

Mar 15, 2008 10:17

I'm currently immobilized by a sciatica attack (an aftereffect of spending two weeks on crutches following my foot injury) and have spent the past week on the sofa. Since I got home from work on Friday the 7th, the only times I've left the apartment (or stood up for longer than five minutes, really) has been for acupuncture or other healthcare ( Read more... )

foot injury, meditation, acupuncture, mind, food, chinese food, medicine, mindfulness, the monkey, trip planner, oakland, family, banh mi, yin chiao, yankee, berkeley, colds, pain, restaurants, herbs

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Comments 12

merle_ March 15 2008, 19:04:53 UTC
*blink* You can ask for the veggies on the side? I never even thought of asking. That's the worst part of reheating them: separating veggies, meat, and bread. Cool!


lexica510 March 16 2008, 01:11:53 UTC
I confess, I didn't think of it either - spiritualmonkey came home with a bag o' sandwiches one day that had a handy little zipper baggie of veggies tucked inside.

It's nice to be able to avoid the sogginess problem.


dryadgrl March 15 2008, 20:24:05 UTC
two things:
1, downstairs neighbor has car and is often home mornings and some weekends. Bonus: is willing to drive other people places sometimes, esp for things like groceries and doctors.

2.banh mi? What's that?


lexica510 March 16 2008, 01:27:28 UTC
Thank you - I'll keep that in mind. For the most part, I'm doing (surprisingly) okay. I think the bus isn't much worse than anything else that requires sitting up, which seems to increase the discomfort lots.

Banh mi are Vietnamese deli sandwiches. They start with a light, crusty roll, which is split and (usually? always? I'm not sure) heated in a toaster oven to make it that much crisper. Then they add the filling of your choice, which ranges from standards like grilled chicken, beef, or pork (or seasoned tofu for the vegetarians) to things that can be more... um... challenging for those of us who grew up eating the standard American diet, like "bacon" (more like fatty pork belly) or head cheese. The vegetable garnishes - sliced cucumber, shredded daikon and carrot, cilantro, and jalapeños (optional) - finish it off.

Really tasty, and cheap too - they usually don't cost more than $2.50, and several of the Vietnamese delis in downtown Oakland have permanent buy-5-get-1-free deals going.


dryadgrl March 16 2008, 04:06:37 UTC
When having back problems I found that cars were so much easier. But they can be harder to getin and out of, but easier ride.

And I went and looked at the link and realized that I've had that. There's one of International that I like. Yum!


dafydd March 15 2008, 21:04:40 UTC

I thought "acupoke" was spiritualmonkey's job!



lexica510 March 16 2008, 01:29:00 UTC
No, silly, it's Lexipoke that he's in charge of.

We don't pick the monkey for tasks requiring accuracy. ;-)


dryadgrl March 16 2008, 04:07:57 UTC
Funny how ( or rather that) people know each other.


mactavish March 16 2008, 04:10:54 UTC
Long Life has been one of my favorite restaurants for twenty years. :D

I spent a big part of my life with sciatica (it wasn't more than a couple of years, but it felt big) and couldn't even manage the sofa, I lay flat on the floor with my knees up quite a lot. I became a Jeopardy addict back then, and once I started PT, reached the point that I could hold a crunch through an entire episode of Jeopardy. I hope yours works itself out sooner


lexica510 March 17 2008, 18:50:55 UTC
We don't have a TV, but this has given me a chance to catch up on some podcasts.


dottie_dear March 17 2008, 06:24:05 UTC
Do you ever try alternating heat and ice? Heat often feels great, but can aggravate inflammatory conditions. Alternating, beginning and ending with cold, can do wonders. Among other things, it constricts and dilates vessels and helps pump excess fluid out of tissue. 5-7 minutes of cold, 10-15 of heat, 5-7 of cold. Repeat as much as you like, as long as you begin and end with cold ( ... )


lexica510 March 17 2008, 19:33:25 UTC
Unsolicited but welcome - thanks. I think I'll give the alternating heat & ice thing a try. And my hip flexors had better get ready for some loving attention. :-)


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