Forget the early bird - early monkey FTW!

Aug 15, 2011 21:45

Saturday morning I resisted the siren song of the snooze button and got up earlyish and rode downtown with Pirate instead - he was working Outside Lands all weekend, so riding in together was one of our few chances to see each other when we were both awake. He headed to BART and I peeled off to Farley's for coffee and a donut (mmm, Pepples). After ( Read more... )

the monkey, animals, squirrels, wildlife

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Comments 2

xtingu August 16 2011, 14:58:40 UTC
1) Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Cutie squirrels! Eeeeeeeee!
2) I didn't know about honey badger either. Thank you SO much, I was honestly laughing out loud.


gwenzilla August 16 2011, 17:37:43 UTC

i had a pigeon land on my knee once at pacific coast. not nearly as cute.


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