Chuck Jones: "Don't give me something realistic - give me something believable!"

Mar 26, 2011 19:16

I really haven't been in a moviegoing frame of mind for a while now. The last movie I saw was Inception, a year ago, and before that it had been two, two and a half years. I don't even remember what movie it was. All the movies I've seen advertised have been so clearly (IMO) coming from a place of financial calculations, not any kind of artistic ( Read more... )

oakland, movies, funny

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Comments 3

merle_ March 27 2011, 06:23:16 UTC
I'm also feeling my Luddite tendencies arise around the whole 3D thing


Stay for the end credits. Seriously. Do not leave before the credits.

I never (edit for clarity) leave early. Even if their names only vaguely flit across my mind, they are witnessed for some moment of time. (and on a cynical practical level, you don't have to deal with the crowds when getting out, but that is not why I do it)

It has been over five years since I have graced the inside of a theatre, even one as awesome as the Grand Lake. I'll.. think about it.


communicator March 27 2011, 08:00:22 UTC
My daughter is staying with me this weekend, we are going to the pics today, it's a toss-up between this and The Eagle of the Ninth at the moment. You are right, that's a really good way of creating it.


saw it in the main theater siriosa March 27 2011, 20:00:28 UTC
bought popcorn, too, because they need the money.
you are right in every particular. also: such a pleasure not to be insulted.


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