Bicyclists: Beware of the car with license plate 4PEY360

Jan 31, 2011 10:15

This charmer pulled the standard (and utterly pointless) "I'm going to honk while I'm behind you, then I'm going to speed up and zoom around you in the left lane, then I'll zoom back into the right lane just ahead of you and THAT'LL SHOW YOU YOU STUPID BICYCLIST!" maneuver as I was riding in to work this morning ( Read more... )

sometimes people suck, bicyclist beware, oakland, bike culture, cagers

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Comments 6

mcfnord January 31 2011, 19:17:53 UTC
something about those tires say "who can i menace????"


lexica510 January 31 2011, 19:48:22 UTC
I was sooooo hoping he'd hit a pothole and blow a hole in one of his tires. Windows at City Hall would've broken from the volume of my "BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!" if he had.


tcmneedler January 31 2011, 20:14:10 UTC
That must be a California thing. People don't do that here in the Twin Cities that I've seen, and we have some pretty terrible bicyclists who you'd think would piss someone off into acting like a freako.


lexica510 January 31 2011, 20:17:35 UTC
Actually, I think they do, it just doesn't get reported much.

Of course, the incidents I'm writing about wouldn't be reported if I weren't writing about them. Bike-related injuries and collisions are woefully underreported.


gaping_asshole February 1 2011, 00:12:11 UTC
Oh come on, you're just jealous of his amazing ride.

"Not your father's Oldsmobile" indeed. (Yes I know it's a Buick, same fucking thing).


lexica510 February 1 2011, 00:20:29 UTC
I figure he's at least as likely to blow a flat on these jankety-ass potholed Oakland streets as I am (okay, make that "at least as likely as Pirate is", since for the past 12+ months Pirate seems (knock on wood) to have been attracting all of Team LexiMonkey's collective flat-tire-karma), only it'd be a heck of a lot harder for him to fix than it would be for us...


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