Revelations and Recollections Chapter 3

Oct 03, 2010 23:24

Previous part of this fic can be found here
Next part can be found here

Owen was sick of the sight of Tralek eggs. He had attempted to cut them, smash them , freeze them, apply heat to them and dissolve them in acid.. Nothing would touch them. He had even applied a bit of the mixture Gwen had concocted to see if that had any effect. Which it did spectacularly. It sent the eggs into a frenzy, ending in a white foamy fizz that evaporated into nothing.

Owen was still also concerned about Jessica's other injuries. Obviously making sure she did not have her head devoured was priority number one. But , she had obtained some , well horrific injuries. It was a miracle she was as alert as she was he reflected as he dropped another egg into a labelled test tube. He tried another chemical and waited for it to have some sort of effect. The scans had showed her as definitely human, absolutely no mistaking it. Apart from those things which he had assumed were lice. He mused on that and made a mental note to take a blood sample. Maybe they had kept her alert enough for continued host survival , or had some sort of physiological impact on her.

Another egg another test tube, another chemical. An alien chemical this time. He labelled it and examined the tubes for any changes.

"Rinse, lather, repeat." Owen murmured to himself.

Just like the other fifty tubes had proved, absolutely no effect on the egg. The egg floated in a kind of air bubble , the chemicals not touching it at all. Which, Owen supposed was a result in itself. He noted that down.

"So just why did that mixture impact you?" Owen asked aloud.

"Nobody really knows. They evolved. As people come up with answers, they changed and the whole process had to start over again, " Jack informed Owen. Owen turned around and saw Jack at the door.

"So how did you know that would work?" Owen ask

"The markings on them. Same basic recipe but for this particular breed you add Weevil blood. They cannot tolerate it. Weevils are the only creature that they cannot use as a host. " Jack said. Owen seemed like he was about to ask another question. "Come the Twenty sixth century Tralek will be as common as rats in certain areas. Or head lice, people will be buying that treatment with their food shopping." Jack said., we are all finished down there, Ianto mentioned something about injuries?"

"Yes, there is some I could have a look at." Owen said.

Owen paused only to wash his hands and don gloves.

"Could the eggs have affected her?" Ianto asked Owen as he joined Ianto in autopsy.

"We will run some more tests but beyond the obvious she comes up clear for any
effects." Owen said. He was professional as he looked on. Jessica was still asleep, the sedative he had given her doing its job.

"At least physically, mentally we will have to wait and see. ." He said. "From what Tosh has found she should be fine though."

"Thanks Owen, " Ianto managed , his voice cracked.

Bloody hell, Owen thought. Something’s up there. Leave it to Harkness though. Owen thought to himself.

"Right anyway if I am stuck here I may as well get her patched up. That's a potentially nasty wound on her leg for starters. " Owen said.

The scanner had shown that on her left leg was a gauze pad duck taped in place. He suspected that somehow she managed to do that herself, Improvising. It was a stopgap measure for a wound that the scanner had revealed was nothing that could not wait, the wound was healing as Owen had suspected it would. Still Owen felt like he should have a closer look, if only for professional reasons. He hoped that it might reveal some answers about how the Traleks ‘had affected her. He knew that he could ask Jack about it but he wanted to find out for himself. He hated having to have Jack give him answers to medical issues.

Owen removed the tape without too much ceremony. As the scanner had revealed it was a small wound, no bigger than Owens thumb. It was lucky in a sense that it was only a flesh wound but the gauze had stuck and it had become infected. The wound was hot to the touch and was oozing out pus.

"That looks nasty." Ianto said.

"It could be," Owen confirmed, "especially as it has not been treated properly."

Owen sighed as barked out orders for this tool and that device. Even Jack respected his medical authority as his team scattered to find them. He irrigated the wound with saline and then Ianto efficiently passed him the gauze and forceps before he had to ask. He cleaned the pus out and rinsed the wound out again. He did the same for several others until he was certain he got it all clean. He used a device to remove all the remaining bacteria and infection that a human should not carry. The Rift had provided that once again and then used the laser saw to close the wounds up. He aimed another device to fix her broken wrist. Owen had discovered that it worked perfectly well for small bones but was not helpful on fractured ribs. They would have to heal in their own time. Lastly, Owen took some blood samples too run the tests.

"Right, nothing more I can do for her yet, let me know if anything changes." Owen said with a yawn. "I am going to go start on these tests, " he added.

He saw Gwen approaching, shock his head at her in warning which she naturally ignored. As he walked passed Toshikos station, he noticed her staring blankly at her computer.

"Oi Tosh, give us a hand with this would you ?" he called out.

"Huh, oh, oh yes sure." She replied. She got up , picked up her PDA and followed him.

"Gwen is about to put her foot in it again, " he noted once they were out of ear shot.

"She does tend to do that, " Toshiko observed.

They both watched from the safety of the work area. Ianto walked stiffly away from Gwen , Jacks face showing he was not impressed.

"How long till the lock down opens?" Owen asked plaintively.

Toshiko looked at her watch. "Five hours," she sighed.
It was going to be a long night.

Jack thought the same as he watched Ianto walk away. He could
tell the young man was upset and Gwen really was not helping.

"He needs to open up about it." Gwen said , starting to defend herself.

"He will, in his own time. In his own way," Jack answered as he turned
to look at the sleeping Jessica. She was now covered in a blanket to
give her some dignity.

"But it’s not healthy, keeping it all in like that," Gwen protested.

"Gwen, drop it, " Jack said as he turned to find Ianto, "just leave it,
I know you want to help but this is not helping. If you want to do
something useful see if you can find her some clean clothes. "

Gwen could do that, she nodded as she hurried towards the one storage
area still accessible. Jack turned on his heel as he headed in the
direction Ianto had taken. He found him preparing six mugs of coffee.

"Hey, " Jack said, announcing his arrival, "You okay?"

"Yes sir."

"Want to talk about it?"

"About what sir?"

"Whatever has got you so upset."

Ianto shook his head.

"It might help, " Jack said cautiously.

Ianto gave him a withering look.

"Too soon?" Jack asked.

"Yes sir, " Ianto replied.

"Okay, if you do then you know where to find me, " Jack said.

"Thank you sir. Jessica will be asking to look at Sophie’s note."" Ianto said swiftly changing the subject.

"I suspected as much, " Jack considered this, "Under supervision she can . They are to remain here. If Alex thought she was on to something ..." Jack trailed off.

"Thank you. "

"Who is she to you Ianto?" Jack asked suddenly.

" A friend, she, she rescued me from the Daleks. I was about to be exterminated when she threw something at them. They exploded and she dragged me to safety. We hid in an autopsy drawer, " Ianto said as he continued making the coffee.

Jack watched him making it, as if almost on auto pilot. Jack marvelled as he made it exactly the way everyone drank it, adding sugar and milk and flavouring according to taste. He stilled on the sixth cup and put the coffee away. He paused as if trying to recall something, made his decision and poured a cup of milk out instead. He added milkshake powder and stirred it. He noticed Jack watching.

"Jessica," Ianto said simply.

"She won't be awake for a while yet, " Jack said.

"I wouldn't be so certain of that, " Ianto replied.

As if on cue, a scream rang out throughout the Hub. It had all five members of Torchwood three running. Ianto was the first to reach her.

"Switch it off, switch it off." Jessica was yelling. A look of terror on her face. Ianto cradled her.

"Its not real." Ianto said trying to sooth her.

"They're coming to get me," Jessica replied. She kicked her legs out as if trying to fight something off. "Make them stop. "

"Make what stop?" Ianto asked.

"The monsters. The blades. The lights. Make them go away," Jessica begged.

Owen the nearest to the emergency lights flicked them off. Against him, Ianto felt Jessica relax just a little.

"Jessica, your safe, you're okay, there gone.. " Ianto murmured to her.

"They're never gone. They are real," she said in response.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked as he ventured closer to her.

"The light, its painful and it burns. Like fire and ice all at once. They called it the Void. And it screams the most horrible of sounds as battle rages. It was like it was here but not, for eternity and beyond, " She whispered, like a secret to terrible to speak out loud, "It took me and it brought me back. And I think it brought the Cybermen with me. And there was a voice in the darkness telling me to find Torchwood. It said Torchwood would fix me. Fix everything. It said tell Captain Jack I am sorry, so so sorry. It said you would understand someday." She ended.. She closed her eyes and buried her head under Ianto’s chin, taking comfort in his hold.

"What, what did she say?" Gwen demanded to know as Toshiko headed back to her work station. The three men exchanged a look.

"Nightmare," Owen said quickly covering, "Don't you ever get them?"

"No." replied Gwen. She just about stopped herself from adding I cause them.

"That's cos you have your perfect life," Owen sneered, "back home to lover boy."

"Fuck you Owen, " Gwen responded as she stalked away scowling. Tosh tried to hide a giggle.

"That was no nightmare was it?" Owen quietly asked Jack . "The Void?"

"No, " Ianto confirmed.

"The Doctor said they call it Hell. He sent the Cybermen and Daleks to Hell through the Void. And it was. I don't ever want to go back there, " Jessica whimpered, "before I die I am putting myself in a
freezer, cryogenics. The point between living and death, proper Farscape style." She declared.

"That could be arranged," Ianto said.

"Yeah. Just be another one in Torchwoods collection," Owen said sarcastically.

"For real?" Jessica asked. She seemed so hopeful at that, it was
almost heartbreaking. Three pairs of eyes turned to look at Jack.

"Well, yes," Jack admitted, "If you really wanted to, ex Torchwood
employees sometimes are. It could be discussed at a much later date."

He did not commit to it but Jessica seemed comforted by that.

"And no milk there. Or chocolate," Jessica said, trying to focus on the small pleasures of being alive.

"We have both. Come on," Ianto said as he helped her down of the
table. He offered her his arm and she took it, laying her head on his arm
as they walked.

"She's been through the bloody Rift hasn't she?" Owen asked.

"No. The Void is different from the Rift," Jack said "just as bad if not worse. No up or down, no time, just emptiness between universes. And generally no way out. "

"She's our responsibility now I take it" Owen stated.

Jack merely nodded as he started making mental arrangements concerning how
best to help her.

Hour three.
They were officially bored. The back up generator had failed so now not only was there no lights but also no laptop. The staff of Torchwood three plus one where gathered around the couch area, a couple of candles and a torch providing enough light to just about see one another by. If it was not for the circumstances, it would almost be cosy. However, it was not cosy, it was awkward. Toshiko and Gwen were sharing the resident blanket trying to ignore the fact that it was getting colder in the Hub. Ianto had managed to get the blanket of Jacks bed which he somehow ended up sharing with Owen. And what seemed odd to everyone else Jessica had chosen Ianto's spare coat. Not like Ianto had given Jessica a choice in the matter as he had fastened it around her. Nor had she elaborated when she had declared " At least I am used to the coat!" Although everyone accepted that, she did somehow seem comforted by it as she huddled inside it.

"So what happens now?" Jessica had asked.

"We wait," Jack replied.

That got a collective groan from Owen and Gwen.

"If we cannot get out that means nothing can get in right?" Jessica asked.

"Right, " Owen confirmed for her. He yanked the blanket from Ianto. It did not go unnoticed by everyone else. Jessica raised an eyebrow at Ianto who raised it back. Jessica made a gesture and Ianto give a smirk and a gesture back. Jack laughed at that.

"What?" Gwen asked.

Jessica made another gesture in response and Jack clasped his hands over hers. "No Torchwood one code please" He said kindly. "Although I have to agree."

"How do you know the code?" Jessica asked.

"Oh that's a story involving a cute blonde and a bottle of wine," Jack replied, "Strictly professional off course."

"Right," Jessica replied. She rolled her eyes as she said it.

Ianto yanked the blanket back.

"Or that," Jack added.

Jessica shrugged. "Sorry, forgot that three didn't do psychic training."

"You mean you got taught to read minds?" Gwen asked.

"Every Torchwood one employee received at least level one psychic
training," Ianto explained.

"Just so happened some of us were at higher levels," Jessica added.

"So what you're saying is you can read minds." Gwen asked again.

"No, " Jessica replied, "Demonstration?"

"Yeah, " Gwen and Toshiko replied in unison.

Owen yanked the blanket back again. Jessica sighed. The blanket floated out of Owens grasp and wrapped itself around Ianto. Jessica grinned.

"This is going to end in tears." Jack commented grinning but he did not do anything to stop her.

Jessica indicated to Ianto.

"I did not move the blanket, " he confirmed.

"Prove it," Owen demanded.

Ianto placed the blanket on the floor and sat back down.

"Nobody is in touching distance of the blanket right?" Jessica asked.

Everyone agreed. The blanket hovered up in the air and back over to
Owen and Ianto.

"That is pretty cool," Gwen said, " That would be useful to have that
training." She added.

"Not really," Jessica said.

"Not everyone survived the training," Ianto supplied.

"Heads going all explody not pretty," Jessica elaborated.

"Really?" Gwen asked aghast.

"Yes," They replied.

"So you can do that to?" Gwen turned and stared at Ianto.

"No, " Ianto confirmed.

"Why not?" Owen said, " was your head about to explode?" He asked

"No, they stopped teaching that part before Ianto started. " Jessica
explained. "Too many accidents," her hand snaked out as she started
playing with one of the buttons on Jacks coat, a nervous gesture. She had a weird look on her face, like she was lost in a memory.

"So what else did Torchwood one do?" Gwen asked, "There are obvious
differences." There was no malice in her question, just genuine curiosity.

Both former Torchwood one employees shared a look.

"I mean special code, psychic training, obvious differences, " Gwen blundered on, not noticing the look.

"Gwen...." Toshiko said in warning, sensing it was a bad topic.

"And obviously the location was different, " Gwen went on ignoring Toshiko, "Did you have a Rift? We have a Rift."

"Yeah, you have Weevils and gloves, we had Cybermen and Daleks and invasions every Christmas, you have a Rift , we had a dimension tear you have five people we had over eight hundred, of which twenty survived. You have Retcon, we had to kill any witnesses or put them in mental institutes. Oh, you would have lasted two seconds with us. Why? Because the first thing you realised is that you don't ask fucking stupid questions or you were dead!" Jessica replied angrily before getting up, Ianto’s coat swishing about her feet as she walked away.

"Good one Gwen," Owen commented as Ianto stormed of towards the vaults.

Jack went after Ianto shouting that someone had better find where Jessica had gone..

"Right , that would be me then," Owen commented.

"I'll go with you, " Toshiko said leaving a seemingly shocked Gwen on
the sofa.

Glancing around to make sure nobody could see Gwen sighed and smiled to herself. They are making this too easy she thought. Then she give a clearing of the throat which realised the ball of alien energy inside her. Giving a little wave the energy went off in search of its target.

Walking along full of anger, confusion and sadness , Jessica did not hear Owen yelling. She paused slightly as she felt a sharp pain. It felt like an inset was trying to feast on her head, she brushed it aside with a flick of her hand and the pain went away. She continued on even though Owen caught up with her. It was lucky for her he had as he was able to catch her as she fainted. If the cameras and servers had been working, they would have noticed that briefly a glowing golden thread around Jessica. However they were not, nor did Owen notice as he hurried to check on her.

Jack found Ianto in the vaults. Before making the coffee, Jack and Ianto had secured the Weevils in the cell and had fed them so Jack was not concerned about them. However, it was passed the Weevils and the Glomp that Ianto had ventured, to an empty section in the lower levels.

"You okay?" Jack asked the emotional young man. He could see that Ianto was visibly shaking but trying to get control.

"Yes sir," Ianto replied. There was something bothering him. Jack was not surprised, after the days events that was to be expected. "why am I still here?" Ianto asked suddenly.

"Because we are in lock down," came Jacks immediate reply.

"That's not what I meant."

"I know. You've punished yourself enough. Because you made a mistake, anyone could have made. Because ," Jack sighed, "they're someone I loved, a long time ago whom I would have maybe done the same thing for. And despite what you may think I'm not a monster." Jack replied.

"I don't really think your a monster.. I'm sorry I said that." Ianto replied.

"I know. I forgive you." Jack replied, as he give Ianto a sad smile.

He offered Ianto a hug which to both men's surprise Ianto accepted. As Jack pulled Ianto closer to him, he could feel Ianto relax. Jacks familiar scent and soothing stroking on his back helping to calm Ianto , helping to get his temper under control. If Ianto had shed a tear then Jack did not mention it. Neither of them were sure how long they stood like that when Toshiko entered.

"Jack, we have a situation." she said simply.

When Toshiko lead Jack back up to the main area, he found Gwen floating
in mid air. Really high in mid air. Owen was trying to regain control of the situation that
was happening and Jessica was sobbing. Really Sobbing.

"Someone get me down" Gwen was shouting. She was scared. Or at least appeared to be. Gwen would have been scared if it was indeed Gwen.

"Is this your fault?" Owen was asking Jessica who was getting hysterical.

The more she sobbed the higher Gwen floated.

"Gwen can you get hold of anything ?" Jack asked.

"No." Gwen shrieked. Myfanwy swooped passed Gwen and this give Toshiko an idea.

"Can you get hold of Myfanwy?" She asked.

"Are you insane?" Gwen replied. She floated higher again.

Jack walked over to Jessica who was terrified as she clutched her head. Jack figured that too get Gwen down he needed to calm Jessica down.

"I can't stop it" Jessica sobbed, "hurts."

"Its okay." Jack responded as he got hold of her. Jack looked very fatherly at that moment.

Jessica clutched hold of Jack, like he was a security blanket. He cradled her like she was a
child and rocked with her as she sobbed.

"A giant net, " Jack could hear Owen suggest as Owen and Toshiko tried to think of how to get Gwen down.

"Didn't we pick up a jet pack from the Scullen wreckage?" Toshiko added.

"My head hurts," Jessica whimpered, "Theirs something in my head." She said only the words did not come out. She tried again only to be rewarded, or perhaps punished with an agonising pain in her head. She trembled and clung closer to Jack.

Ianto emerged from the vaults looking visibly calmer. He was holding a bar of dark chocolate. He noticed the situation and broke the bar in half. He threw half to Jack and then waved the other half in the air. Jack broke a bit of and offered it to Jessica. She sniffled and looked up at him confused. Gwen floated down a bit lower. Myfanwy squawked as she sensed chocolate about. As she, swooped passed Gwen stopped the urge to giggle as she went flying up.

"Help." Gwen said.

"I can't get her down." Jessica cried as she clutched onto Jack. Ianto crossed over to them.

"I have an idea. Can you float her along?" Ianto asked.

"I, I don't know." Jessica replied. "Why?"

"I can get Myfanwy distracted so you can land Gwen into the nest. She can climb down from there."

"Your dino has a nest?" Jessica asked. Jack give her another piece of chocolate. "I never tried to move a person before. Hell I didn't even know if I could. It wasn't intentional."

"The Rift is probably enhancing your ability." Jack said kindly.

"And the effects" Ianto added. Ianto waved the chocolate again causing Myfanwy to brush passed Gwen. Gwen felt the urge to laugh again and she floated higher. Jack put his hand over Jessica's ears.

"Gwen try to stay calm. You’re doing great,, just try to stay quiet. The more you panic the worst it will get. " He yelled up to her, "everyone stay quiet" he added.

"Is anyone able to guide me to where I am aiming?" Jessica sobbed.

"Ianto, distract, Owen, Toshiko, help Ianto, " Jack ordered.

The three of them moved away to the centre of the Hub.

"Okay here it goes," Jack telepathically told Jessica, "Can you aim her left?"

Gwen went right and higher up. Myfanwy hovered watching the sceptical confused.

"Other left," Jack told her. He pointed to emphasised the direction.

Ianto waved the chocolate about and Gwen quietly shrieked. Eventually Jessica managed to get Gwen to go left. Myfanwy decided that she did want the chocolate and gracefully landed. It was obvious the telepathy was causing Jessica a lot of pain as Gwen continued shrieking. Jack held her closer trying to offer Jessica some comfort. Owen watched in amazement as Ianto fed Myfanwy the chocolate. Toshiko was trying to watch everything at once.

"Okay Gwen brace yourself" Jack shouted as eventually she floated above the ledge.

"Just drop her down" Jack informed Jessica.

Jessica did and Gwen landed with a thud. Myfanwy sensing a new threat in her territory went up to, explore. She gave a shriek of displeasure when she discovered what was wrong in her nest. She poked at Gwen in warning who tried to stare her down. Myfanwy screeched again as she landed next to Jessica and Jack. She gave Jessica a gentle nuzzle with her beak. Jessica tentatively held the chocolate out and Myfanwy took it. Jessica attempted to stand up and Myfanwy ate the chocolate. This intruder seemed different to her but not as frightening as the one in her nest.

Myfanwy made her mind up. The one in her nest was wrong. The one in her nest should be covered in that nice tasting source. Then she could eat her.

fanfic, twbb, revsandrecs, torchwood

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