Another torchwood fanfic indeedy

Nov 02, 2011 00:59

Title: A Letter of Truth

Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Jack, Ianto, Estelle
Spoilers and Warnings: None if you have seen Torchwood Season 1.
Summary: A letter reveals that Estelle was not as in the dark as Jack once thought.
Author Notes: wrote using the prompt Estelle. She sees right through Jack's lies - yes, all of them as given to me by
queenfanfiction for the Torchwood femfic fest Go read the rest as they are awesome.

Ianto Jones had a dilemma. NOT of the ‘Which coffee blend would best suit Jack’s current foul mood kind either, although he was currently mulling that over in his mind. No, it was of a much more delicate matter than that. And like most of Ianto’s dilemmas of late, it was Jack-related.

The source of his current dilemma was the envelope he currently held in his hand. Or rather, it was the contents of the envelope. According to Torchwood One’s policy, it should be documented, filed and locked away with the rest of Estelle Cole’s personal possession; she was the latest person to be classified as a Torchwood victim. However, he was not at Torchwood One anymore. Torchwood Three had a different set of unspoken rules, a fact which only made Ianto's dilemma worse.

Finally, after a great deal of soul-searching, he reached a decision in his mind. He just hoped he would not regret it later.


Captain Jack Harkness had a dilemma. Ianto Jones, for it had to be him, had left him in lying in bed in his drunken state. Which, given Jack’s mood, had been the best decision for all concerned. He had also left him with a bottle of water, two aspirins, a flask of coffee and an envelope. Jack decided to forgo the aspirin, though he was touched by the gesture. He did drink some of the coffee, though, which woke him up fully as he contemplated the envelope. (Start new paragraph here)

Pouring himself another cup of coffee, he turned the envelope over. He gasped, having recognised the hand-writing immediately, and he examined it for any clue to the contents. Finding it to be just an ordinary envelope, he opened it carefully and removed the neatly folded pieces of paper. He started to read.

My dearest Jack,

If you are reading this, then I am no longer with you, my love.

I am writing this because I believe you should know the truth. You see me now not as the young woman who you were set to marry, but as the aged lady she grew up to be. I still see you as my handsome Captain. I know somehow, although it seems impossible, that you are my Jack, and not his son, as you claim to be. You must have had your reasons for pretending, and I know it cannot have been easy for you. You would have denied it if I had told you, I know you would, but the fairies have taught me that impossible things do happen.

I remember seeing you die once. You were in hospital, wounded from the war, shellshock they said. You did not respond to anyone. You died, but as I visited you one last time in the morgue, you resurrected, completely alive again, but you hit your head and knocked yourself clean out. I managed to get you out before anyone else could see, but then you disappeared while I was asleep. You always had that habit, Jack. Why is that, I wonder?

I know about Torchwood too. I know that over the past many years, they have kept track of me and my talks about the fairies. I have met many of the agents during those years. A kindly lady by the name of Suzie visited me most recently; she had discovered me in the files, she said, and wanted to profile me. I suspect she knew of your secret, but I never told a single soul, Jack. I kept your secret safely in my heart. I suspect you never wanted anyone to know.

I saw through all your lies, even the ones that came in the heat of passion, when you would declare that you loved me. I think you thought you did at the time, but I know that you do not give your heart so easily. Whoever wins it in the end is going to be one very lucky person. But it is okay, Jack, it really is.

Although you never aged, I was fortunate enough to grow old with you in my life. And it has been a good one. Yet I fear it grows short. The fairies are not so playful anymore and that scares me. But I don't think they mean me any real harm; they are still my friends.

I hope life is kind to you and that you get the answers that you seek, and that one day, you meet your right kind of Doctor.

Do not mourn me, my love.

Forever yours,

Jack finished reading the letter with a sad smile upon his face. He carefully folded it and placed it back into the envelope. Swallowing the remains of his coffee, he wiped away a tear. Sighing, he climbed up the ladder and opened his desk drawer. Pulling out the battered metal tin full of so many precious memories, he carefully placed the letter in it.

Drawing a deep breath, he composed himself and went down the stairs to the main Hub floor. The time to morn would be later; right now, his team needed their leader.

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