Because Merlin BBC is Arthurian crack.
Welcome to...
Nah. It's only a model CGI creation. Hardly an early Medieval castle, but who cares. BBC obviously doesn't.
Here we have Merlin, a young wizard, played by Colin Morgan, who also appeared in the fourth series of Doctor Who as that emo-ish kid in "Midnight". Alas, Mr Morgan cannot act to save his life, but he is kinda adorable. Just look at those ears!
Merlin has a secret. He is a warlock, although King Uther has decreed all use of magic illegal in the kingdom.
Merlin likes to pick his own magic mushrooms. Or play Snowhite in the woods, it's a bit hard to tell.
Merlin is also a servant, or more precisely, a manservant to prince Arthur. Occasionally his job entails wearing the official ceremonial robes of Camelot.
Merlin acquired his job as a thank you from the king after he saved prince Arthur's life. Neither Merlin or Arthur were happy about Merlin's new position.
You see, prince Arthur is a prat - a royal one.
Arthur is played by Bradley James. He can act. Partly thanks to James, Arthur comes off as a more complex character than one might expect. He is not someone who is easy to perceive as the noble hero who will one day unite the land. However, neither is Arthur simply the annoying bully he first appears to be.
The poor boy grew up without a mummy. *pets*
The acting. Just look at his pained little face! *pets*
Yes. I'm a little bit in love with Arthur (and Mr Bradley James).
After a somewhat rocky start, Merlin and Arthur soon become fast fiends and aren't afraid to show this in front of the whole court.
Merlin even lets Arthur touch his snake. (It's a dead, enchanted snake, but who cares about the details anyway.)
Arthur has a difficult relationship with his Watcher father, the king. For one, daddy does not approve of the prince's love for his manservant and locks him in jail and refuses to deliver the flower Arthur had picked for Merlin. No, really.
One might think the biggest problem between Arthur and Merlin is the fact that Merlin is hiding his being a sorcerer. However, I think the main obstacle is Merlin being a slob. Below Arthur tries to explain Merlin what is a 'cupboard' and how it can be used.
Merlin isn't the best manservant, but Arthur doesn't seem to mind.
Gaius, the court physician and Merlin's guardian at Camelot, does not quite know what to think of all this.
Thus, he merely guides Merlin in his studies into sorcery and is happier for it.
And no, it's not the Excalibur.
In addition to the boys, there are of course the ladies of Camelot.
Morgana is King Uther's ward. Often portrayed as Arthur's half sister, we don't yet know what her lineage is like in this version. She does have an Irish accent, though. (I think.)
It's a shame Katie McGrath isn't a better actress because she sure is lovely.
It seems Morgana, too, has a secret. She has nightmares which appear to be visions. Morgana better be a sorceress in this adaptation...
And, of course, we have Guinevere - that is, Gwen, the blacksmith' s daughter. She is Morgana's chambermaid and very, very pretty.
Yes. Like Merlin and Arthur, also Gwen and Morgana are close friends. Gwen even picks flowers for her lady.
Gwen is also friends with Merlin, both belonging to the proletarian forces of Camelot.
Gwen may have had some feelings for Merlin at first, but this was forgotten as soon as Lancelot rode into town.
Gwen, Merlin and Arthur all think Lancelot is a hottie.
Naturally the show also has villains. They are pretty, too. Some of them look a lot like Torchwood team members.
The main baddie, however, appears to be Nimueh, a sorceress whose past is linked with that of King Uther and possibly also with Arthur's. Are you my mummy?
All we know is she appears to buy her enchanted water basins at the same IKEA as Galadriel.
Ooooh, blood. (Why does this cap make me think of Twilight?)
Behold! It is Grail shaped!
And finally, there's the dragon who is the first to tell Merlin his destiny lies with Arthur, whether he likes it or not, because: "The half cannot truly hate that which makes it whole". Aww.
Even King Uther is amused.
I suppose I'm officially watching this show now.