Lewis Summer Challenge 2014 - Sign-ups - NOW CLOSED

May 18, 2014 22:28

The sun is shining outside (well it was earlier), and because it’s that time of the year  we are organising our annual open ‘create whatever you wish’ challenge for the summer.

We wished to keep the challenge open for all types of fanworks and to keep the minimum contributions low in order to encourage people to sign-up.

Minimum Output: Signing up to the Lewis Summer Challenge 2014 would mean that you agree to produce at least one of the following:

·        Longer fics - 1,000 words

·        Ficlets - 2 ficlets (ficlet = anything between 100 and 999 words)

·        Drabble series - 3 drabbles (drabble = 100 words)

·        Icon set - 6 icons

·        Larger graphics (headers, banners, wallpapers) - 1 graphic

·        Fanmix - 10 songs

·        Videos - 1 minute

·        Other forms of fannish creativity are welcome, let us know what you’re planning.

Time Limits

·        Sign-Ups: 18th of May 2014 - 31st May 2014

·        Posting Starts: 4th of August 2014

·        Posting Ends: when we've run out of things to post

Other Things:

·       Prompt post We have set up one for people to post prompts or fannish wishes to provide inspiration. Furthermore, those people who preferred an exchange where you would create something for a specific recipient, can do that by picking up someone’s prompt. No formal ‘prompt claiming’ is in place, simply use the post as a source of inspiration and a convenient place to dump your unwanted plot bunnies.

·       Beta post the existing beta post always accepts more people offering or requesting beta services, please feel free to use it.

And finally, HOW TO SIGN UP:
To sign-up for the Lewis Summer Challenge 2014, please comment with the following information.

·        Name:

·        Contact email: We’ll only use this if you disappear and don’t comment on the ‘check-in’ posts closer to deadline

·        Creative output: i.e. What are you planning on doing: We would like at least some idea of what you're planning on. This could be as vague or as detailed as you'd like, e.g. 'fic, at least ficlets but may turn into an epic' or 'painting a nude portrait of Hathaway in oil colours' or 'interactive multimedia project about Oxford as a character in Lewis.

That's it. Easy as anything. Do consider signing-up and please pimp the challenge (feel free to snag the banner to do so)!

admin: sign-ups, challenge: summer 2014

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