Lewis Summer Challenge 2013 - check-in post

Jul 01, 2013 13:10

Hello everyone!

5th August 2013 is fast approaching and with it the posting of Summer Challenge 2013 creations. We thought it was an appropriate time to check in with our participants to see how everyone is doing and to provide some preliminary info about posting.

First, a quick check-in.

Did you sign up to the Summer Challenge 2013

If yes, then please comment and answer the following:

• Are you still on board?
• Do you predict being finished with your creations by 5th of August?
• Would you prefer we extend the deadline and start posting later than the planned 5th of August?


As you know we planned to start posting from 5th of August onwards. We are prepared to move the start date back a week to 12th of August, if people require more time so please make sure you answer that question in the comments.

Instead of assigning posting dates for people, this year we will again be letting people pick their own posting date with a maximum of two people per day posting. The sign-up post with the dates will go up by the end of the week. Please try to pick a date you know you can post on but if that's impossible, we can post the fanwork for you using the lewismod account if needed.

If you have several fanworks to post, please consider linking to several in a single post rather than doing 10 separate posts. This avoids overwhelming the comm and people's f'lists.

Beta services:

Finally, We would like this opportunity to remind everyone about the Beta Post. We would urge all creators to get your work betaed before posting. And please also consider signing up as a Beta Reader/Viewer/Commenter if you think you're able to help out fellow fans.

admin: check-in, challenge: summer 2013

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