corpseslicers and such

Dec 21, 2011 14:02

I did it into the Anthropology Master! YATTA! :D ( Read more... )

vaffanculo!, my pantheon is collapsing, due palle

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Comments 11

little_firestar December 21 2011, 13:22:27 UTC
driving lesson? you funally decided to take your license? (I think you mentioned me not having one around the time I giggled without shame about the fact that I did mange to get my own.....)
glad for the anthropology thing! I, personally, loved it, it was the course I choose during my second year in university... didn't have nayhting to do with what I was studyong, but it was between the possiblities, and it rocked.
I'm sorry for whatver is going on between you and your family or with your family. feel free to harass me on the subject, I'm so crazy right now with family issues that, I guarante,, I'll rpovide a good enough shoulder to cry on....
and besides, happy holidays!


levy December 21 2011, 18:52:25 UTC
happy holidays you too!!!

well, my family is doing pretty good at not being unsufferable but they are facing hard times of late and me being living elsewhere is not helping. :/ Anyway I have to keep a positive attitude since the alternative won't bring any good in any case. YEAH I REMEMBER hope one day I'll giggle too about the miracle of having a DL XDDD


el_defe December 21 2011, 15:31:01 UTC
*festeggia il master com'è giusto che sia* \O/


levy December 21 2011, 18:47:59 UTC

Tu come stai? =)


snoozy December 21 2011, 16:01:27 UTC
you got a master? goddammit, that's awesome, congrats; and you gonna be taking your driver license too? well, someone did have a full productive years, compared to us lazyass mutants. /also, lol with the last tag, i do know a bit of italian..well, the curse words.


levy December 21 2011, 18:47:25 UTC
ahahaahahah if our civilization will be erased from earth one day, VAFFANCULO will remain to prove there once were italians! X°°°D

I actually only got admitted into the master course. Lesson start at the end of January but I am superexcited PLUS...! I moved out and gonna be living in a new town for a while because of that and at my age is ...well, you need it and you realize it fully only when you go for real.

I SUCK MONKEY TITS AT DRIVING ;A;!!! but yeah, hopefully, I'll get my DL soon <3


snoozy December 21 2011, 23:07:55 UTC
as 'malakas' for greece; then again, I suppose greece will always be quite famous for other certain things that promoted through the years.

well, still that's really cool and neat; oh come on, you are like what, 5 yrs older than me? are you implying that I should feel old in 5 years? THAT'S NOT RIGHT

well, good luck, practice makes perfect do not forget.


judedeluca December 21 2011, 19:36:21 UTC
Depressed mom and brother. God do I know what that is like.

Well, you know I'm here if you need to talk about anything else. Kay?


levy December 21 2011, 20:46:00 UTC
ah, don't worry about that! I just need to get used for real at the idea of distance and find a new way to stay close to them in the long run. As for my grandma, we'll work on it. =)


shu_maat December 21 2011, 22:20:50 UTC
(omamma, cos'è 'sta nuova interfaccia di LJ??)

EVVIVAAAAAAAAAAAAA PER IL MASTER!!!! Anche se l'avevo intuito quando mi avevi detto degli orari ^^ Come si chiama di preciso il master? Me non ha mai fatto nulla di antropologia, tranne qualche chiacchiera sulle mascelle prognate dei Neanderthal, tipo! XD
E coraggio per la famiglia... so cosa vuol dire, anche se non so invece come dev'essere gestirla da lontano. Sai che la devi fare e dunque ce la farai... io credo fermamente nella Levy. *abbraccia* In qualsiasi cosa possa essere utile, son sempre qua. <3
(e appoggio anche le incursioni nella mitologiaaaa! L'ho sempre detto che greci e romani erano i primi fanartist del mondo, non facevano che produrre fanart e fanfiction! XD)


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