Guau. De primeras pensé que los cupcakes los habías hecho tú y te iba a decir, que qué pasada, para ser la primera vez te habían salido genial XDDDD ¿No es demasiado empalogoso el adorno? Yo no los he comido nunca, la verdad es que con lo dulcera que soy y no me han llamado nunca la atención. ¿Merece la pena?
¿Yo haciendo dulces? Y empiezan a llover anguilas eléctricas... ;D El bollito en sí llena como un muffin, pero los adornos están de rechupete. Bueno, yo me comí la mitad del de la izquierda y una cucharada del de la derecha, porque no podía más, y menos con el chocolate a la menta que tenía al lado. Merece mucho la pena, y te pilla relativamente cerca, así que prueba. ; ) Podemos hacer una escapada a la tienda un día, si quieres.
Es que me encanta el impresionismo. Ya de niña sabía que iba a terminar miope perdida. :D
Me encantaría, pero cuando pase un tiempo, ya que ahora estoy centrada en la dieta (sólo me la he saltado a la torera el día que quedamos en tu casa). Pero sí tenemos que quedar para darte tu regalo de cumple, que igual hasta ya lo tienes y te juntas con dos (se pasó el tiempo de las devoluciones/cambios XDDD) y tomarnos un té o una ensalada por ahí.
All the materials are apparently imported directly from the US. But there are import stores which sell them. I hope you can find them over there! I'd rather buy them done, am lazy like that. ^^''
At this rate, my reader is going to be full of gay sailors, gay cowboys, gay tennis players, gay wizards, gay gundam pilots, gay florists-at-day-assassins-at night, et gay al. And possibly Jane Austen.
The "Jane Austen" quip made me laugh so hard. *tries hard not to think about Jane Austen slash*
*spoils self with False Colours* I can totally see why you imagine Russell Crowe. I'm afraid the movie Master and Commander has hijacked my brain, too!
Ugh, I wish I could read some good gay fiction. I've read good gay short stories, but with novels I have a bit of a hard time. Not to mention gay books here in the Philippines = extremely rare, banned, or just plain smutty. I can't even find a copy of Maurice, damnit. :(
I like the Monty Python-esque twist at the end. ; )
I haven't even watched it, and John is not even supposed to look like Russell, but it is the mix of character in several movies and the looks and the age of sail and Paul Bettany's mischivousness (as seen in "A Knight's Tale", for instance).
I want good gay stories too. OK, m/m romance to be exact, which is not the same. Gay novels must be just novel-length PWP stories.
Comments 20
Qué bonita la foto miope de las flores :D
Es que me encanta el impresionismo. Ya de niña sabía que iba a terminar miope perdida. :D
They looook so delicious! I wanna make similar ones NAO! _._
The "Jane Austen" quip made me laugh so hard. *tries hard not to think about Jane Austen slash*
*spoils self with False Colours* I can totally see why you imagine Russell Crowe. I'm afraid the movie Master and Commander has hijacked my brain, too!
Ugh, I wish I could read some good gay fiction. I've read good gay short stories, but with novels I have a bit of a hard time. Not to mention gay books here in the Philippines = extremely rare, banned, or just plain smutty. I can't even find a copy of Maurice, damnit. :(
I haven't even watched it, and John is not even supposed to look like Russell, but it is the mix of character in several movies and the looks and the age of sail and Paul Bettany's mischivousness (as seen in "A Knight's Tale", for instance).
I want good gay stories too. OK, m/m romance to be exact, which is not the same. Gay novels must be just novel-length PWP stories.
You can't? : (
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