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Comments 32
Contact email: me_0621 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Over 18? You bet'cha.
I prefer to receive:
Genre (gen, het, m/m, f/f): M/M.
Characters/pairings: Nate/Eliot
Ratings: Anything you like.
_______ is to you like money is to Parker: A happy ending. (Angst is awesome so long as it ends well)
I absolutely do not like: Cheating.
Any die-hard squicks: Partner abuse. Even "in the heat of the moment".
List around 5 prompts for consideration:
1. One of them (pref. Eliot) getting injured on a job.
2. The team finding out about their relationship.
3. Stormy weather.
4. Home cooking.
5. Scars.
I can give: Fic
Genre: Gen, Het (if I have to), M/M, F/F. (most comfortable with M/M; I can also do multiples of M/M/M or M/M/F or so on)
What can you do? Any pairings you want. Nate/Eliot, Hardison/Parker, Hardison/Nate/Eliot, Sophie/a piece of art. I'm open to trying anything.
What can you definitely not do? A Nate/Sophie that ends happily. I'm just not a huge fan.
Yay! Bring on the fic!
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