Challenge #2 - Closed/Challenge #3 - Fives

Aug 14, 2011 23:17

Challenge #2 - Jealousy is now closed.

Thank you very much to the authors who responded, Jendavis and LMX. Their work (plus my piece) can be found here:

Challenge #2 - Jealousy
Working Man (Het, Eliot/other, Parker/Hardison, PG) - jendavis 
"I Hate You" (Angst, Eliot/Alec, PG) - lmx_v3point3 
Not-Jealousy (Het, Parker/Hardison, PG-13) - emily64cooper


Our third challenge, inspired by the lack of fives in the register at work yesterday, is Fives.

Doesn't everything in Nate's life seem to happen in fives? Write about that. Maybe it's hard for Eliot to see his friends pair off and leave him being the fifth wheel. Perhaps Parker prefers fives to any other denomination of money, and you want to tell us why. Or maybe one of the team has five minutes left to live. What are their thoughts, feelings, etc? Anything you can think of, go for it!

To respond, simply post your entry to the community. You do not need to post every week to stay a member.

This challenge will close the night of Sunday, August 21st (meaning you have until midnight your time to post a reply). Our next challenge will begin Monday, August 22nd.

If this prompt doesn't interest you, feel free to respond to any of the open challenges listed here.

Be sure to check our our rules before posting. Here's some basics:

1. Aim for 500 words. More or less is okay, but 500 is your goal.
2. Although you may use tags if you choose, we will be adding them for you.
3*. Your subject line should read: Challenge # - Challenge Prompt: Fic Title         
(Example: Challenge #5 - Iris: Three Shades of Gray)
4. Please include a header with at least the following information:    
Title: Author: Rating: Characters/Pairing: Genre: Summary: Prompt: Notes/Warnings: (if applicable)

*Please Note: This has been changed from previous challenges to make it easier for you.

Thanks! Have fun! :D Have any questions? Post them here. Any suggestions for future challenges? Send 'em here.

challenge #3 - fives, challenge #2 - jealousy

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