Reinstating the Draft is a Riot

Sep 02, 2011 09:08

On another forum (Guns and Patriots) there is an article by Cork Graham (his own interesting history here) about a speech by journalist Joe Galloway. Galloway suggested that the US reinstate the draft in a speech in 2008:

Joe Galloway commented on how much better it would be for all if they brought back the draft and required every President of the ( Read more... )

media bias, military, politics

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Comments 13

melvin_udall September 2 2011, 17:53:14 UTC
It seems to me that the left hopes for riots again, and that this will somehow end the need for the military.

Well done.

As to the usefulness of the military, Leftists don't consider the usefulness of something until it is eliminated or regulated into counterproductivity, and then they blame someone else for it falling apart. Mugabe and farms would be an example. Democrats and the mortgage industry is another.


level_head September 2 2011, 21:55:30 UTC
Thank you.

Overregulation leads to disfunction, which is then pointed to as if it were a problem with the underlying principles just as you suggest.

The banking industry is a classic example; the forced bad loans from the FMs are being blamed on Wall Street rather than Washington.

===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle


melvin_udall September 2 2011, 22:43:49 UTC
The banking industry is a classic example; the forced bad loans from the FMs are being blamed on Wall Street rather than Washington.
Precisely. Washington even protected the whole bubble knowing it must collapse!


torakiyoshi September 2 2011, 20:11:36 UTC
A worthy compliment to your article is the comparison to Obama's own apparent desire to bow down in obeisance to those in the Middle East who are idiologically opposed to Western freedom and capitalism, and his personal opposition to American hegemony, in favor of one held by the EU.


level_head September 2 2011, 21:57:38 UTC
You are part of the academic environment - you see close up what I have been learning more about with a sense of grim horror.

That environment, that prizes Marxists and shudders at American freedom, produced President Obama and many of his team. It is certainly troubling.

===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle


torakiyoshi September 2 2011, 22:07:32 UTC
Interestingly, the only conservatives I've encountered in education are nearly all history teachers. Even there, though, they are remarkably few and far between.


level_head September 2 2011, 22:23:26 UTC
And senior. Younger conservatives in academia are being eliminated, mostly by never being hired in the first place.

One brilliant Chinese man with an impeccable record was being interviewed to teach Asian history. They loved him, until they found out that he supported the idea of school vouchers. End of interview.

===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle


deckardcanine September 2 2011, 20:26:47 UTC
It's kind of ironic: Liberals notoriously reign in Hollywood, yet they don't buy the necessity of combat as depicted in much of cinema and TV. Or is it simply a matter of scale, with personal battles OK but national battles not?

I think you need to edit your post a little. The second long quotation seems to extend three paragraphs further than the indentation. Also, put "has" before "been a leftist."


level_head September 2 2011, 21:58:49 UTC
Thanks. I think it's fixed now.

To many, it's not that we shouldn't fight, but that we should lose.

Those people are teaching our students.

===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle


deckardcanine September 2 2011, 23:23:12 UTC
That's a curious way to put it. Sounds like Tyler Durden's Fight Club homework assignment: start a fight with a stranger and then throw it. (I'm not one of those naive viewers who thought Durden brilliant; he was the sort of maniac only desperate, directionless losers trusted. You know, a bin Laden.)


level_head September 2 2011, 23:51:23 UTC
It is indeed a curious, unpleasant, treasonous way to put it. I wish it were only my own hyperbole.

It is what we teach in universities. Let me quote, for example, Professor Michael Schwartz (State University of NY at Stony Brook) on the war in Iraq in November 2004:"We as Americans have to hope America will lose. If we win, we have to expect more wars, more destruction. Iran is next, Syria is next, and this is only the beginning."
You might remember Professor Nicholas deGenova - I wrote about him here years ago - hoping for "a million Mogadishus" and the deaths of millions of US soldiers.

I wish they were rare. They are not.

===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle


Competitive Sports anonymous September 3 2011, 11:38:57 UTC
We love competition. They love competition. Sometimes some really wierd folks from another planet do something We and They don't like and it's US against all these extraterrestial Other guys (Pearl Harbor, 9/11, etc.). We are the ones who think like our side. They are the ones who think like their side. And Us is we and they against the common enemy. Americans love to fight and it really dosen't matter who we fight as long as it's good and dirty and always escallating. Fortunately, the extraterristials show up every so often and we get back together for a little while. You know, if we hadn't had the old USSR, I think we would have killed each other long ago.

PS: I think the PRC is worse than the old Soviet Union ever was, want to get together and kick some more Commie ass?

Pascvaks ;-)


polaris93 September 4 2011, 09:01:01 UTC
Level_Head - Reinstating the Draft is a Riot

Considering all the dirty deeds done dirt cheap committed by people like Robert MacNamara when we sill had the draft, we really don't need it. It's too easy for it to turn into convenient, terminal solutions to troublesome problems. No, thank you.

On, and the Left doesn't have a clue about the difference between our militaries and so many others -- our soldiers, sailors, and other Americans under arms are sworn to defend our country's Constitution as well as the citizenry "from all enemies, foreign and domestic." That is not the case with many other militaries, who ae sworn to defend and carry out the orders of their superior officers or a dictator for life. You can use the latter poltically, but the former will hate you if you try to get them to violate their oath.


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