Chinese Laundering 1994
was a watershed yearThe American people had "had it to here"
With economy woes and "big taxes" resumption
It gave William Clinton electile dysfunction
He needed big money, and needed it fastAnd he cast fishing lines to acquaintances past
But these didn't quite pan out; the Democrats lost.
Mr. Clinton resolved that he'd pay any cost
Because his turn was coming soon, in '96
And he needed some cash to get his image fixed
(There's a fortunate part from Newt Gingrich and co.
Whose Contract with America helped us to grow.)
Clinton needed the cash; China needed a spy
To get technical stuff so their missiles would fly
Right to their US targets with minimal “losses”
So these folks struck a deal -- Bill and Communist bosses.
Clinton moved missile tech to "Commerce" from "Defense"(That 'mistake' would be rectified several years hence)
Then he worked with Loral, big-time Democrat donors
To make the delivery, and bear the onus If this scheme was ever found out (which it was)
CEO Bernie Schwartz would say he was the cause.
After "Long March III" failed,
Bernie knew what to do:
So the money changed hands, and the circuitry too.
But the Congress caught wind of the deal and they hollered
And Bill Clinton and
Kerry thought they would be collared
Feds pursued Loral Satellite, tried to learn all
This was when Jamie Gorelick put up that "Wall".
This new protocol kept folks chasing Loral
Overseas from cross-matching with Bill Clinton's pals
In the US, for Jamie said "Investigations
Can't include 'in-US' and outside situations."
(The 911 Commission much later would say
that the Wall helped allow the attacks of that day.)
Once Bill Clinton had crime-chasers' cross-checking stopped
Then he needed to get the Loral pursuit stopped.
Well, now, what do you know? Here it's Spring 1996
And Loral's CEO's getting chased with big sticks
By the Feds - but he called up the White House that day
Made a Clinton donation - the Feds went away. Yes, this money to Bill's re-election campaign
Was the largest in history: In Bernie's name
Was a half-million dollars, and then millions on top
And somehow, the Loral pursuit came to a stop.
Well, what else did the Communist dealings include?
A free pass to inspect all our bases ensued
For the Communist generals, scientists, pols
Carried letters from Clinton to authorize calls
On our armed forces' bases and launch sites and such
With that letter in hand, we showed them way too much.
And, aside from "good friends", what did Clinton get back?
Chinese money -- fresh laundered -- came in by the sack.
And he hired a Chinese spy working for them
Gave him clearances, secrets, and filled to the brim
With the stuff from our National Security Intelligence meetings
To the Chinese Embassy the spy would bring greetings
This fellow attended a hundred-plus times
These top secret meetings: these are espionage crimes.
Eighty times to the White House according to logs
Johnny Huang had the FBI on him like dogs
So when he'd go to embassies right down the street
Mr. Huang had been followed. And thus, indiscreet,
He'd pass on the documents he would obtain
Using Chinese-sourced money to Clinton's campaign
And of course Al Gore said "
Didn't meet with the pup!
Those Republican bad guys -- they made it all up!"
Mr. Gore, later on, would be proven quite wrong
And had spent quite some time with the infamous Huang.
(It's against US law to raise funds in the office
Or use taxpayer's dollars to fill campaign coffers
And this was what Clinton and Gore and John Kerry
Were caught at quite frequently. Illegal? Very.)
And the fundraising done at the White House includes
Many meetings, called "coffees," with infamous dudes
Chinese arms dealer Wang Jun was brought in by TrieDrug- and crime-lord types
wandered in effortlessly.
In the end, though the Congress raised one mighty stink
This affair didn't end quite the way you would think
As impeachment for Chinagate started to build
The US got distracted,
and media filled
With the Monica tales and the "Bimbo Eruptions"
And, distracted away from election corruptions,
The impeachment was on "peccadilloes" instead.
(Though it seemed a slam-dunk, Senators killed it dead.)
And China,
though guile and corruption and force
Has continued to build their Tienanmen horse
That opens our doors through donations of cash
While they build up their forces -- one day soon we will clash.
Thanks, my friends, for wading though all these rhymes
As I've tried to describe here the ChinaGate crimes
This will give you some background to watch Mrs. Bill:
The other Hsu's falling - ChinaGate goes on still.
(Note: The links are not my sources of information; I've known about and looked into this topic over the course of several years. The links were turned up quickly by Google and seemed to get the important bits right, and there are now sites such as "
The Idiot's Guide to Chinagate". I've tried to keep true to the story while telling it in rhyme; there's a lot more to it than this indicates. -- LH)
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