Queeestion!!! im 16/f/ny..senior in HS- I'm really thinking of applying to bing...what is it like/the dorms, teachers/class size, the ruralness, food, etc.? Is it really big? What do u like/not? Tell me whatever u think thanx
Wow thank u soooooooooooooooooooo much! I'm glad that was long...cuz I got more info :D That really gave a lotta insight into Bing...I'm gonna save it. I'm gonna take the tour probably on October 11th
hmm sounds like a good idea. that's a monday, so classes will be in session, you'll see people buzzing around, it'll probably be pretty crowded... even though its columbus day ... WE DONT HAVE OFF... blah. check out the lecture halls and res halls. and have fun! -andrea
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and have fun!
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