Series: War Stories
Title: Throwing Down The Gauntlet (1/1)
Length: 9,700 words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: violence.
Summary: Angel takes over.
A/N: part of the
“War Stories” universe. The first story is
Raising The Banner. Thanks to everybody who encouraged. Cuz I'm spazzy.
Throwing Down The Gauntlet )
Comments 40
Otherwise, I thought this was really engaging. The dialogue between Angel and Spike was perfection, and the pacing was much faster than the last fic. You kept me riveted right to the end.
Yeah, I think it could go either way, in the short term. Long-term, I think it would breed discontent and eventual revolt, especially knowing that Angel is "one of them." But then you'd just have more to write about, so it's all good. ;)
I am LOVING the Angel/Spike interaction in this. Please make more! :D
Spike and Angel press each other's buttons and get on each other's nerves but in the end they are family and will back each other up right to the death.
Angel's entire conversation with Lawrence about family and what you do to protect your son killed me. I could feel Angel being ripped apart. And the fact that Lawrence looks so much like Angel's father is a brilliant touch considering all of Angel's unresolved issues with his own father.
I know Germaine was saying she's not sure that Angel would have done what he did at the end, but the thing is I don't think he would have if it had been anybody else. The Reiley's don't know it but they are Angel's family also in a personal way and Angel would kill for them in order that Connor and the people he loves don't suffer.
Me too! I'm glad you saw it that way. But of course you did because it's your brain too, huh. ;o)
I could feel Angel being ripped apart.
I'm glad. I stayed out of Angel's head mostly on this one, because I thought the events and dialogue spoke for themselves, but sometimes I worry about everyone getting the same thing from it that I do.
I know Germaine was saying she's not sure that Angel would have done what he did at the end, but the thing is I don't think he would have if it had been anybody else. The Reiley's don't know it but they are Angel's family also in a personal way and Angel would kill for them in order that Connor and the people he loves don't suffer.I'm not sure. To me, the end actually wasn't about Angel being a father, but being a leader. Angel realizes that if he's going to make the mall a safe place for Connor and the Reilly's to live, he can't be try to be the man Connor loves and respects, can't try to set the example for the kinda man he'd want Connor to be. ( ... )
Thanks for reading this!
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