Title: Best Souvenir
Rating: PG for now
Warnings: None for now
Pairings: just B/A for now
Summary: Whistler never existed. Buffy and Angel meet after the End of Days is over. Future fic, alternate reality.
A/N: Much thanks to
a2zmom, as always, for finding out was wrong with that one part!
Previous chapters can be found
Chapter 15 )
Comments 39
I think Buffy's capacity for reflection really depend on her state of mind. When she's on her game, she's go go go. But, for instance, in S6, I think she spends a lot of time reflecting on her dislike of herself, her difficulty with moving on.
Yup, I agree with that, at least for the type of novel most fanfic writers are attempting. And this is totally my problem, too (which is why I pounced on it): How do fanficcers deseminate complex character info without sounding like an argument on Metafandom? You had it nailed for Angel -- all his character stuff interacted really organically with the plot, dialogue, etc. I think for Buffy it was a matter of quantity. One too many paragraphs in a row of, "As you know, Bob, the Doomsday Device has but one weakness..." and how much of it did we need to know urgently?
This is sophisticated stuff. How much of it changes depending on whether you're writing fanfic or pro-fic would be a good discussion question.
I'll be in a cold shower.
And I love this: Then she knocked him to the ground in an alley and changed everything. Existence was worthwhile, because of her. He believed the world could be a better place, because of her. He could never atone, but maybe he could help-because of her. Because you're still reminding us that while things are so different in this AU, so much would still be the same between them.
And Angel ...I think many of his emotions about Buffy would be the same no matter when he saw her. Glad that worked for you too! Thanks so much for reading.
THen you'll *really* like the next chapter. Hahaha.
A2zmom's really good at looking at it from canon perspective and this fic's perspective and . . . merging. I'm glad it makes sense to you.
Thanks so much, K...it means a lot that you read this ;o)
and hi again!
And I g-mailed you, btw.
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