Chapter fourteen of Best Souvernir. (Whistler never existed. Buffy and Angel meet after the End of Days is over. Future fic, alternate reality.)
A/N: Sorry about the wait. Thanks so much for your patience and anyone who is still interested. Hopefully more will come soon. Big thanks to
Chapter 14 )
Comments 41
I Love Love LOVE this story and it feels like we've been waiting forever for an update - but you can't rush genius!!!!!
Well worth the wait!
all the best
Look for an e-mail related to this either tonight (or more likely) tomorrow.
How are you sweetiekins?
Aaron is off looking at colleges in Boston right at this moment. How is this possible? A week ago, he had a sleep over and he and his friends played with Legos all night. (And I'm not being metaphorical. That actually happened.)
I'm alternating being being manically busy and slothfully lazy.
I still love Leggos; I don't blame him. But boy, college. *wipes tear for you*
One little typo I spotted:
and Buffy stop short of on the corner to assess the situation.
And someone who knows NYC better than me may be able to confirm this, but I don't think there would be a shop with ducks hanging in the window a la Chinatown around Bleecker Street- which (if memory serves and it may not) is more Greenwich Village-ish.
I cannot WAIT to go back and read this story from start to finish.
Typo--fixed! Thank you so much for pointing that out.
a2zmom is beta'ing this story, and she's from NY. She suggested the dead ducks! For atmospheric flavor. Bleecker comes down right to the edge of Soho, but I'll double check with her. It's murder writing a story set in a city I've only ever been in for 3 days. I always think I get the local stuff right and then it turns out I'm wrong.
Thanks, as always, for your support.
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