Title: The Chuck Writes Story: Afterword 5
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: gen. Chuck, Becky
Rating: PG-13 for themes
Length: Total fic: 30,000. This part: 2,000
Summary: Castiel is the new BNF in town. Lettered is amused.
A/N: Please see notes
Previous parts: The Chuck Writes Story
part 1 and
part 2 |
Afterword |
Afterword 2 |
Afterword 3
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Comments 82
The little details are so good - chuck_writes to c_w to CW, "Books with Snark," all of it. I really appreciate the time it took you to do this - thanks for sharing!!
chuck_writes to c_w to CW
I didn't actually realize chuck_writes shortened to CW until I got tired of coding for the lj user name. Then I realized and kinda went HOLY SHIT.
Okay, I grinned all the way through, but LOL fandom, never change. made me LOL, nay, howl out loud. I scared the cat.
Hahahah boy howdy do I know that feeling.
my god, where do you START in this fandom? And that's just for consuming, let alone posting/making.I used to always start by making, because way back when I didn't know fandom existed, and had to satisfy myself somehow. But now I've been in fandom so long, I know I can just get instant gratification if I Google: "Canon + desired ship + recs", so more and more I read first. But SPN is interesting because I've done a lot more "making" right off the bat than usual. Part of it is I don't even know how to search for the things I want, and part of it is that the searches I've done haven't turned up the stuff I want ( ... )
No, actually. That paragraph captured the tone of the fic: what is this weird, weird obsessive compulsion we have to do this stuff? To tell the stories and make the art and read them and look at them and get so invested? I don't know what it is. I just know that sometimes I'm afraid of it and sometimes I feel guilty about it and sometimes it makes me look at the world in ways I never have before, and then I'm so, so glad. So there's my cool story, bro.
the "gospel" started coming through even after Chuck had vanished?
my_daroga is owed credit for that idea. I was just going to have a new prophet be "chosen" by God, but she said, "what if it turned out everyone was a filtered, hazy, sort of prophet? Since you keep talking about the uber!SPN." And it went from there.
Basically the following goes round and round in my head: It's a fanfic about meta and fandom about meta in fandom about...I don't even know. (More or less. There have been several different versions of this all day.)
I am so in love with how you've crafted this (because, wow, it must have been kind of confusing and fourth wall breaky, yeah?) amazing universe within an universe kind of thing. Also amazing? You've created a brillaint story using only two side character's voices (awesome side characters that should be in fic more often, but I digress). How great is that? Answer: fabulous!
Anyway, I don't really comment on fanfic much so I am so sorry if this comment is crazy and makes no sense. I just wanted to let you know that I think that this and you are both brilliant beyond measure. Thank you for sharing. ♥
it must have been kind of confusing and fourth wall breaky, yeah?
OMG, so much yes. My head was doing that same thing you head was doing, with the round and round, and it kind of hurt after a while!
You've created a brillaint story using only two side character's voices
Hey, I didn't even really think about that. Cool. To me Chuck and Becky became just so instantly integral to what the show was about, that I didn't think of it that way, but now I feel kinda proud.
I am so sorry if this comment is crazy and makes no sense.
This comment is crazy awesome and makes the best kind of sense! Thanks!
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