Below is one of my main trains of thoughts that often start while i'm in the shower and progress through the day. Too often I don't get a chance to write them down, but I managed to with this one. These are not facts (aside from the ones pertaining to my own life), but truths I've observed from other's lives as well as my own. You don't have to
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Comments 3
But ultimatley its the person who is lieing and stealing truth from thier loved one who is the stupid one becuase they are selling thier soul off peicemeal to avoid the very things that could make the relationship stronger, namely dealing with conflict.
Nothing grows without stress. Plants grow up fighting against gravity. a broken bone has to have stress to know to send calcium to the fracture point. In Zero g humans atrophy without constant exceirsise to take the place of gravity. You know my old saying,if nobody is fighting somebody is lying.
Intresting veiwpoints, Thanks.
My dog is licking my Birkenstock. Wait. No, he's now licking my ankle.
I must say.. I can't tell you how much I appreciate that.. not because someone reads what I write.. but because the tidbit about your dog made me laugh. I need to laugh right now. Thanks. ^_^
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