j'ai pas tout compris..niea999September 2 2010, 03:53:23 UTC
mais en meme temps, je vois un cadenas alors.. j'ai pas acces au post entier peut-etre.. ? whatever ! suis a la boure pour bosser, pour poupee, j'ai une migraine depuis 3 jours, une chatte qui miaule quasi non-stop tellement elle n'en peut plus d'etre a l'interieur de la maison et.. une Reine a voir ce WE sur Toyko ! youhou !
Re: j'ai pas tout compris..niea999September 2 2010, 18:25:30 UTC
AH ok ! :D bon.. vas-y mais portes une culotte chaude hein ! et puis evites le Pauline Croze dans le lecteur mp3 pour le trajet, ca risque d'etre.. perturbant.. comme transition musicale XD
xD lolz well, if I manage to get me a ticket I'm going indeed ! ooow, not seeing you... well, maybe for next Kagrra, stop in Koln ? :)
I'm not the biggest fan either, except of some of their oldest stuff, but I need to experiment the thrill of hearing "Rosier" and "Déjà Vu" live ! that being said, it might be a compensation for not having fulfilled the dirty dream of seeing His Almighty Gackt... ;3
yep yep, definitely going ! I managed to understand enough German to get myself a ticket, so the only thing left is some-any- train ticket and some-any- room to stay in after the show ^^
but when I realize that all the last times I went to Germany was to gaze at some sweet Japanese singing guys... I wonder if I shouldn't consider the option of starting a therapy.. ;D
Comments 10
whatever ! suis a la boure pour bosser, pour poupee, j'ai une migraine depuis 3 jours, une chatte qui miaule quasi non-stop tellement elle n'en peut plus d'etre a l'interieur de la maison et.. une Reine a voir ce WE sur Toyko ! youhou !
bon.. vas-y mais portes une culotte chaude hein ! et puis evites le Pauline Croze dans le lecteur mp3 pour le trajet, ca risque d'etre.. perturbant.. comme transition musicale XD
he, en passant, écoute Yougetsu le dernier single de Papi Atsushi... c'est chaud bouillant !! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGIHYQRPNPY
tu vas la voir ce week-end la Quouine des Watermelons ??
How funny is this? When I got the notification mail I thought "Ah, Rizu might probably go!" ... *smiles*
I'm not going though o.o I have to say I'm not really a fan of LUNA SEA and... I had Gackt already... do I need any more!? No! ^-^ *laughs*
I'm not the biggest fan either, except of some of their oldest stuff, but I need to experiment the thrill of hearing "Rosier" and "Déjà Vu" live ! that being said, it might be a compensation for not having fulfilled the dirty dream of seeing His Almighty Gackt... ;3
So then, go see LUNA SEA and have your dose of epic ;D I bet it's going to be... gigantic, if you know what I mean O_o
Yes, yes... next Kagrra, show is a must-go date!! (^-^)v
So, you're going? ^^
but when I realize that all the last times I went to Germany was to gaze at some sweet Japanese singing guys... I wonder if I shouldn't consider the option of starting a therapy.. ;D
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