
Sep 01, 2010 19:48



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Comments 10

j'ai pas tout compris.. niea999 September 2 2010, 03:53:23 UTC
mais en meme temps, je vois un cadenas alors.. j'ai pas acces au post entier peut-etre.. ?
whatever ! suis a la boure pour bosser, pour poupee, j'ai une migraine depuis 3 jours, une chatte qui miaule quasi non-stop tellement elle n'en peut plus d'etre a l'interieur de la maison et.. une Reine a voir ce WE sur Toyko ! youhou !


Re: j'ai pas tout compris.. lesyeuxjaunes September 2 2010, 17:58:32 UTC
ben c'est juste que Luna Sea vient en concert en allemagne en novembre... je suis méga-tentée !! ^^


Re: j'ai pas tout compris.. niea999 September 2 2010, 18:25:30 UTC
AH ok ! :D
bon.. vas-y mais portes une culotte chaude hein ! et puis evites le Pauline Croze dans le lecteur mp3 pour le trajet, ca risque d'etre.. perturbant.. comme transition musicale XD


Re: j'ai pas tout compris.. lesyeuxjaunes September 2 2010, 19:03:11 UTC
xD oooh, on peut trouver des ressemblances... petite, brune .. ^^

he, en passant, écoute Yougetsu le dernier single de Papi Atsushi... c'est chaud bouillant !! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGIHYQRPNPY

tu vas la voir ce week-end la Quouine des Watermelons ??


blazingeternity September 2 2010, 13:52:39 UTC
How funny is this? When I got the notification mail I thought "Ah, Rizu might probably go!" ... *smiles*

I'm not going though o.o I have to say I'm not really a fan of LUNA SEA and... I had Gackt already... do I need any more!? No! ^-^ *laughs*


lesyeuxjaunes September 2 2010, 18:03:29 UTC
xD lolz well, if I manage to get me a ticket I'm going indeed ! ooow, not seeing you... well, maybe for next Kagrra, stop in Koln ? :)

I'm not the biggest fan either, except of some of their oldest stuff, but I need to experiment the thrill of hearing "Rosier" and "Déjà Vu" live ! that being said, it might be a compensation for not having fulfilled the dirty dream of seeing His Almighty Gackt... ;3


blazingeternity September 4 2010, 10:45:58 UTC
Oooh~ I see ^^ I thought you've probably went to see His Almightyness. Too bad, it was worth-while :/

So then, go see LUNA SEA and have your dose of epic ;D I bet it's going to be... gigantic, if you know what I mean O_o

Yes, yes... next Kagrra, show is a must-go date!! (^-^)v


messiah_noire September 3 2010, 17:56:22 UTC
I've seen people on facebook going crazy about it too. XD
So, you're going? ^^


lesyeuxjaunes September 17 2010, 07:11:50 UTC
yep yep, definitely going ! I managed to understand enough German to get myself a ticket, so the only thing left is some-any- train ticket and some-any- room to stay in after the show ^^

but when I realize that all the last times I went to Germany was to gaze at some sweet Japanese singing guys... I wonder if I shouldn't consider the option of starting a therapy.. ;D


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