Being sick downs: -I'm hungry but can't eat -Dry Heaving -Feeling like crap -Missing work which means less money
Being sick ups: -Tony surprises me with flowers and a little balloon on his lunch break. -Staying home from work and going to Baxters with mom and Tony -Coming home to watch movies -Not going to school -4 Day weekend
Mom's gone partying with friends at the metro and realities. Won't be home until like 5 AM. Went truckin with Tony. Then to steveo's with some apple smirnoff YUM<333
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So I have a valentine for valentines day! I get to pick where we go to eat at and what not. I've never had a valentine before. That conversation rocked. It made my night. Ideas anyone? Ah... <3Rochelle.
Tony taught me how to drive a stick shift. I had 3 apple smirnoffs in me, and it was great. Me and Nicole were the main bitches haha. Tony kept tickling me and I kept 'accidently' hitting his wounded hand. Went up a hill in his truck. This weekend was so much fun. Next weekend is going to be even better. Boys are great. Hmm... <3Rochelle.
This weekend has been great. Far too many details. Hmm.. Drove Tj's car to the mall. Had fun with him Emily Joe and Jesse Chassed kids out of my woods. Tj bit my ear. Jesse fell in Emily's truck. Went to wal*mart. TWICE. Charley is really hot. I Damn 15 year olds. My life is awesome. Oh yeah, I'm getting $4300 for my car. The End.