HIATUS FEST REDUX -- Comment Fic Free For All!!!

Mar 27, 2011 19:06

Okay so I am staring at two fics (one wip, one new) and for some reason losing a little momentum working in a vacuum this weekend.  So I decided to throw open the doors and get myself writing the best way I know how.  By writing more (It's a thing.  It works, I don't try to understand it).
And then I thought, we're all on another Hiatus we need more fic, so why should I be the only one to play?  So I'm calling on all my awesome leslie_ben peeps (I'm probably dating myself through the use of that word), to help prompt and respond.

So here's how it goes. (Kind of like Rules)

1) Post a comment in response to this entry with a prompt you would like to see (if there is a rating preference, post that too)

2) Please post one prompt per comment (have more than one prompt?  That's great, just use more comments.  If you'd like to second a prompt to encourage someone to write it, just respond to the original prompt comment.

3) Respond to the prompt by replying to the comment (either by posting your fic there or by posting the link if it doesn't all fit) (This is really important this time, because you want the requesting person to know their request was fulfilled)

4) Someone already fulfilled a prompt you're writing for?  Fantastic.  Post yours too.  We always like more fic and if there's anything the first Fest has shown us, this community is terribly creative and different in how we respond to a similar challenge

5) It is highly encouraged (though not required if you're really not a writer) that you post at least one response for every prompt you post so that we don't have too many people with unanswered prompts.  These don't have to be long.  A lot can be done in 500 words.  The point is just to get in and have fun.

fanwork: fic, community: hiatus fest, fandom: contest

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