Government Shutdown: Soulmates - Odd Couples Crackfic Challenge

Jun 29, 2012 22:29

(banner by spunkyar)

In honor of the illustrious occasion of Leslie and Tom going on a date in Soulmates, this week's creative activity is a crackfic challenge! Hooray!

What that means is essentially this: Make the crackiest couples happen.
  • Let's pull out a list of characters and speculate wildly! Ben and Marlene, Leslie and Donna, Chris and Andy, Ann and Ron, April and Tom and Jean-Ralphio, ... If you can think it and you can write it, it can happen. All couple constellations work, from the ones you want to see happening to the somewhat improbable to the downright insane, but obviously none of them should be canon.
  • At a minimum, the characters you pick should somehow, perhaps even accidentally, perhaps against their will, end up on a date or in a date-like situation (much like Leslie and Tom in Soulmates), or at least in a situation where other people assume they are dating. They have to be linked romantically somehow in someone's perception. If you just want to copy the online dating + exploratory lunch date scenario from Soulmates and write it with different characters, that's fine, too.
  • But, of course, if you'd rather write smut or if you want to make Jerry and Jen Barkley or Ann and April fall madly in love with each other, you can. You are free to do so. Because you are a free member of this comm. If you're like me and you ship a really weird couple, this is your chance to convince everyone that they are in fact meant to be together. Go for it. What you write can be hilarious, awkward, angsty, tragic, sad, fluffy or just plain weird-your call.
  • Length-wise, anything from a short drabble to a novel is just fine.
  • Basically, go crazy and have fun!
If there are enough entries with diverse couples, I'm also going to post a poll on Tuesday to determine which was the freakiest romantic constellation. (Note: If that happens, it will not be a poll to determine who wrote the "best" fic, because this is not a writing competition. It'd just be a poll to determine which we thought was the most mind-bending couple. Cool?)

Also, to say this challenge could steer the community off topic would be an understatement. Unless you somehow work some Leslie/Ben into your fic-a way to do that could be to write their POV on another couple, for example-please just comment here with your drabble or with a link to your drabble/fic instead of making a new post. Everything will also be included in the round-up on Wednesday.

And if you're not a writer but you'd just like to prompt a weird couple you want to see written, go right ahead!

Any questions? Shoot!

And finally, a mini-picspam to get us in the mood:

Here's the now slightly revised schedule:
This week's schedule
Thursday: Intro/prompt/fic rec post + Thursday night discussion of Camping, Eagleton and The Fight
Friday: Soulmates - Odd couples crackfic challenge
Tuesday: Depending on challenge - Odd couples poll
Wednesday: Weekly round-up

fanwork: fic, community: government shutdown

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